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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. Or he could lock & delete the thread and sticky a new one since this one's already bigger than Taucer's mom.
  2. Hehe, I think you heard wrong. I cosplayed as Nausicaa, last year. Didn't cosplay at all this year. Sowwwwyyyyy... ^_~ Welcome, Claude! *recatches breath* I knew it was too good to be true.
  3. Suck it CBEK. Suck it long. Suck it hard.
  4. Off to a shaky start... but it's got just as much reason to succeed as any remix projects do. Best of luck.
  5. After seeing that picture I literally, out loud, while inhaling, said: "Holy Shi-" x1000. Without a doubt (correct me if I'm wrong) OCR's most organized piece of exposure to date. I mean published articles might compete with it and the like, but surely they can't compare to this many people in one room at one time.
  6. Heh heh, I didn't lose it to Rayza. I lost it to Pixie and Wingless. I'm going back and hearing the roots now too though.
  7. Yeah, I think VGDJ was my first time too. It's very special to me as well.
  8. I've never heard another podcast do that. And anyway, we wanted to build it up as a surprise, not have the show start out normally. Yep... just a regular ole' podcast. Nothing planned... Nothing special about this one at all... *innocent whistling*
  9. Once people have heard the podcast. Here was OLR's response.
  10. Good thing I still love you guys so much.
  11. Very sexy. I had this on my desktop for a good 4 or 5 days before actually getting around to listening to it... games I never heard of will do that to me sometimes. This is indeed a newish sort of branch for you Andy, the organ/harpsichord and eerie sine(?) lead are a great sound for you. The arrangement in general is a very great tribute to the theme... a theme which I wish I'd heard before. Pretty sure I hadn't heard of 'eternal champions' until the day this mix was posted. Then the pickup for the last 50 seconds does everything to satiate my desire for things un-cookie cutter. A killer rock tribute I've listened to something like 6 times in the last hour. I'd put it in my top 30.
  12. Something is really charming about this mix... there's nothing entirely that amazing about the arrangement or even the sound quality... there's just a bizarre hidden attention to detail I can't place. Things like the way the distortion touches just grazes the bass... or the bounce to the rhythms... All I can say is... I never have this mix in the background and space out. If it's on, it always gets my attention, and in a way, that's the best compliment anyone can get around here. Notable. Recommended.
  13. How completely retarded would someone have to be to do that? ... Heh heh... Yeah... You would have to be prit-ty retarded. Yup. Unrelatedly... um... this thread can end at any time.
  14. I've got a decent vinyl collection and had a record player in my set up before... if I was to seriously pursue scratching now I would want it to be non-synth. I was checking turntables out just the other day. Learned a lot.
  15. I can't figure it out for the life of me. I've got a lot of the stingers summarized and written out in a list... and I'm not seeing any trends that relate to just 3 atm.
  16. Harder drugs than that are required to explain it.
  17. One of those mixes where I just HAVE to post multiple times. This mix kicks my ass so well. The structure, the lasting appeal, the mood throughout, the precision with the cuts. If I had heard this song outside of OCR I would've still personally highlighted it and listened to it as one of my all time favourite tracks. The fact that it's ON OCR, covering a zelda track, and by a guy whom I can actually contact and talk to... well... that's just one of the many reasons why I'm never getting tired of OCR in a nutshell. Oh, heh, and the source tune as is SUCKS ASS! How can that not excite people about remixing's potential when we all come together like this.
  18. I've tried for months now to get midi control from my Yamaha P60 to my Soundblaster Live with no success. (I have a Live! 5.1 I can exchange it with, but that's all the soundcards I currently have at my disposal...) Running Windows 2000. The cable is brand new and should be working fine. I've been told that with Soundblaster I should have to configure channels or something but I'm not seeing where it is in any properties that I could do that. I have the latest (shitty) drivers. Anyone got any advice? Should I just buy a nice new soundcard or a usb adapter?
  19. ZOMG Dhsu's hitting on me. Is anyone ever NOT hitting on you luscious lips?
  20. In terms of arrangement options, a bit. It sucks for seeing the notes of multiple instruments at once. You'd have to bring up multiple piano rolls. It also sucks, but is not entirely limited for samples. I would be inclined to make orchestral in a midi program then import it in to FL to bring out and customize the samples. Don't bother, that was my plan... it's just too much of a commitment all at once. Do both, listen to from maybe last week and the current ones, then, if you've got the bandwidth/space for it DownTHEMall. Took me maybe 25 minutes to get every mp3 on the site... over 1.2 GB.
  21. Potentially unlimited. Depends on what you like and what sounds you want to use. It can do just about anything you wanna do with it though, sure.
  22. *cough-sputter-cough* You mean your neighbor is going to kindly buy you a copy? Of course that's what you mean. Yes and no. Easy to learn, difficult to master, and in many ways limited without external input. Basically you'll notice SOME musical theory involvement. There's knobs marked arpeggio which would require you to know what an arpeggio is. There are chord features which feature chord names. The piano roll displays a piano... but really, ultimately, it's as required for you as it is for anybody... which is as much as you choose to believe. Many rock and roll guitarists had wonderful, talented, and fulfilling careers without ever officially learning a single note. They trained by ear and by practice. Similarly, the more you learn about the nature/science of sound the better. What can it hurt right? Bottom line; you can get by fine putting random note blocks in random places until they sound good; but you may never know WHY they sound good.
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