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Posts posted by Powerlord

  1. The slot-free reserved slot system has been updated and is working again.

    Servers have been restarted.

    I spent some time yesterday disabling the CPU detection routine that TF2 now uses. It appears to misdetect the CPU speed sometimes, which causes our server to have time move at something like 10 times normal speed.

    Now that it's disabled, we're back to just our normal lag.

  2. The reserved slot plugin we use is completely hosed in this update, as the server class it hooked has undergone significant revision.

    I'll be installing the old reserved slots plugin, but that also means that we'll have one more slot on the server than we do people, breaking auto-join.

  3. RED was only supposed to be passworded temporarily, but apparently I forgot to clear it from the config file. It's open now.

    Also, I changed the time on the new map back to its standard... people kinda got tired of playing it for that long at once.

    Hopefully we'll have a new version of SourceMod tomorrow to fix the crashing issue.

  4. Probably a good idea. I'll admit, I'm kind of dumb. How many drops do you get per week?

    6-8 usually.

    I doubt they'll do another Double Drop week, though.

    Also, they appear to have introduced the new crafting system to the final game. I see the GUI files for it downloading one by one in the server update console.

  5. Btw, new players start out with a Basic account.

    Basic accounts have limits:

    Only 50 backpack slots

    No hat drops.

    Can't trade items to people, but can receive items from others.

    Can't craft all recipes.

    They have to buy any item from the Mann Co. store to upgrade to a "Premium" account which is what everyone who already owned the game before today's update has.

    Oh, and free hat for all of us who already owned the game.

    Edit: The restrictions on free accounts are split between those to make it inconvenient to continue that way forever and those to make it so you can't create free accounts to farm for items.

  6. It looks like the update is being pushed out. I'm trying to update the servers, but I keep getting "Command aborted" from the Steam servers.

    Edit: Yup, this is appearing in the server console:


    Your server will be restarted on map change

  7. Day 4 is posted with a new Medic set:

    The Clinical Trial

    Name: The Quick Fix

    Slot: Secondary

    Type: Medigun Prototype

    Ubercharge increases healing by 300% and grants immunity to movement impairing effects

    +40% heal rate

    +25% Ubercharge rate

    Move at the speed of any faster heal target

    Can't Overheal

    Name: The Solemn Vow

    Slot: Melee?

    Type: Bust of Hippocrates

    Allows the wielder to see enemy health

    Name: The Overdose

    Slot: Primary

    Type: Syringe Gun

    Movement speed bonus based on Ubercharge percentage - to a maximum of +10%

    -10% damage

    Currently no hidden links, but the dove on the right looks suspicious.

  8. People will still be able to find servers the old-fashioned way, right? If so, I don't really see the benefit of being forced to get rid of certain features just for the sake of being a part of a goofy matchmaking system.

    Yes, but it also means the majority of our traffic will happen on RED instead because that server WILL appear in QuickPlay (once Pregame Mayhem ends).

    At least my understanding is that Pregame Mayhem will cause it to temporarily not be listed.

  9. We're preparing to release a mandatory Team Fortress 2 update this afternoon. This update includes a new matchmaking system for clients. To learn how you can use this to drive traffic to your server(s) follow this link:


    So, I guess if we want BLU listed in this system, we have to both reenable crits and damage spread, and disable the Pre-game Mayhem plugin.

    The question now is: should we?

  10. I've made a slight change to the server today:

    pl_barnblitz will now last 120 minutes.

    This is so I don't have to keep extending the map time when we inevitably play it today.

    I was thinking about replacing OCR RED with OCR EVENT set up to play Barn Blitz 24/7 for the next day or two, as well... but I'm not so sure that's a good idea.

  11. I may disable the melee only plugin... while I don't think it'll make a difference, even when melee only is disabled, it'll still running a hook every game frame. Which, as I understand it is many times per second (66 if this is the same as the server's tickrate, 450ish if this is the same as the server's fps)

  12. I'm enjoying the weapons so far, but did they really need to give 2 new sets to a class that has way too many weapons as it is? I haven't kept track of which has more, but the soldier and demo get way too much love from Valve.

    Yes, and Engineer and Medic have the least.

    I'm assuming Medic will get something this time around, but we'll see if they screw the Engineer again or not.

  13. Uber Update Day 3: World War Wednesday has gone up.

    Two new Soldier sets. No hidden links yet.

    Stats will be posted soon.

    The General's Formals

    Name: The Mantreads

    Slot: Secondary

    Type: Boots

    -75% reduction in push force taken from damage

    Deals 3x falling damage to the player you land on

    Name: The Disciplinary Action

    Slot: Melee

    Type: Riding Crop

    On hit ally: boosts both players' speed for several seconds

    -25% damage

    Airborne Armaments

    Name: The Liberty Launcher

    Slot: Primary

    Type: Rocket Launcher

    +40% projectile speed

    -25% clip size

    Name: The Reserve Shooter

    Slot: Secondary

    Type: Shotgun

    +15% faster weapon switch speed

    Mini-crits airborne targets for 3 seconds after switch

    -50% clip size

    Name: The Market Gardener

    Slot: Melee

    Type: Shovel

    Deals crits while the wielder is rocket jumping

    No random critical hits

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