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Posts posted by Powerlord

  1. P.S. The Engineer had better get a set this time around. Of the 9 classes, 8 of them as of this moment have sets in game, and the 5 new sets that have been announced for this next update are all for classes other than the one that has yet to have a set.

    Also, I checked the Day 2 page for hidden links when they first posted it... the Scout page wasn't there then.

  2. Edit: Any thoughts on what a 3rd uber for the Medic might do? My only thought is the ability to heal multiple targets at once for a brief period of time, which would not be as useful as the other two...

    The Quick Fix, the one that's been in Beta for like a year, charges 40% faster, but heals both the medic and his target at like 300% speeds when you use its uber.

    It also speeds the Medic up if the person he's healing moves faster than him (so you can heal a Scout to get to the battlefield sooner).

  3. Personally I'm not too excited for the Detonator. It seems like the same vein of Direct Hit and Loch n Load; the fun of flare gun for me was the challenge and uniqueness of the weapon, but having one that accomplishes the same task with much less effort seems a bit dumb. This is assuming it can crit on burning enemies, not sure if it can.

    It does crit enemies that are on fire in Beta.

    However, one important thing to remember (as I recall): It does *not* detonate when it hits someone. You must right-click to explode it (and now it explodes when it hits a wall).

  4. True, but he'll also be able to charge a lot more, and cover more ground, as well as being flame and rocket resistant. Must be job for boolet then.

    I also think the name of the demo's update is pretty true. 1001 demoknights, indeed.

    To be honest, those two items are more overpowered with the Targe... the Targe has higher resistances and even with a 70% charge damage boost, the charge damage is still less than melee crits.

  5. So the Demo's items are basically "let's give him only buffs and make him ridiculous in melee range". Great.

    Not really, the shoes take away the Grenade Launcher, the shield takes away the Sticky Launcher, and the ammo thing can hurt if you have anything but a shield equipped as you can no longer gain ammo from ammo boxes.

  6. Day 2, Timbuk Tuesday has been posted, with a host of new items for Sniper and Demoman. I'll post the stats shortly.


    Name: The Bazaar Bargain

    Slot: Primary

    Type: Sniper Rifle

    Each consecutive headshot gives +10 charge per second

    A body shot reduces the bonus

    A missed shot clears the bonus

    Name: The Shahanshah

    Slot: Melee

    Type: Sword

    +25% increase in damage when health is less than 50% of max

    -25% decrease in damage when health is more than 50% of max


    Name: The Splendid Screen

    Slot: Primary (Secondary)

    Type: Shield

    +25% fire resistance on wearer

    +20% explosive damage resistance on wearer

    Can deal charge impact damage at any range

    +70% increase in charge impact damage

    Name: The Persian Persuader

    Slot: Melee

    Type: Sword

    +100% increase in charge recharge rate

    All ammo collected becomes health

    Ali Baba's Wee Booties

    Slot: Secondary (Primary)

    Type: Shoes

    +25% max health on wearer

    +100% turning control while charging

    So, yes, it is now possible to have a Demoman with no explosives.

    Also, where's the Sniper's third item...?

  7. I did save quite a bit, but I finally crafted some of it into metal the other night, since I was in the middle of rearranging my backpack, and things were getting cluttered. Silly me, I saved all the Medic stuff because I thought that's all we'd be getting. :D

    Pssh, you should watch the TF2 Beta stuff.

    Actually, I don't recall seeing Spy or Heavy stuff in the TF2 Beta, so today's new equipment is kind of a surprise.

    The ones currently in testing are Soldier (6), Sniper (1), Medic (3), and Pyro (1).

    Edit: Wait, my bad, I actually meant the translation stuff that was leaked a few weeks ago.

  8. Dead Ringer revolver spy is a common play style isn't it? Maybe that's what they intended it for.

    I tend to use the DR with L'Etranger or Ambassador. However, given that I tend to miss the head with the Ambassador, I'd likely swap to using the Enforcer with it instead.

  9. a silent minigun that revs up faster

    I fucking hate valve.

    Spinup is silent, shooting presumably isn't.

    I'm surprised Valve made a new revolver that makes you take longer to cloak. It's a straight upgrade for the Revolver for Dead Ringer spies, as the DR is unaffected by that.

  10. Well now. Guess I should have held off on a few of those crafts the other day.

    Yeah, I was warning everyone who was listening to hold on to one of each weapon because the only other time Valve has done double drop rate is when there are a lot of things required for crafting.

    Specifically, they did double drop rate during the Golden Wrench thing.

  11. Valve has posted The Über Update, Day One

    Today is Mobster Monday, introducing new weapon sets for the Heavy and Spy and a new Payload map: Barn Blitz.

    New weapons are:


    Name: Tomislav

    Slot: Primary

    Type: Minigun

    +75% faster, silent spinup time

    20% slower firing speed

    Name: The Family Business

    Slot: Secondary

    Type: Shotgun

    +40% clip size

    -15% damage done

    Name: The Eviction Notice

    Slot: Melee

    Type: Fists

    +50% firing speed

    -60% damage done


    Name: The Enforcer

    Slot: Secondary (Primary)

    Type: Revolver

    +20% damage done

    0.5 sec increase in time taken to cloak

    Name: The Big Earner

    Slot: Melee

    Type: Knife

    +30% cloak on kill

    -25 max health on wearer

    Name: The Made Man

    Slot: Misc?

    Type: Flower

    A gentleman always has a flower handy to drop on an opponent's grave.

    Also, this week is a week-long free-weekend.

    Meet the Medic has been confirmed.

    The update is scheduled to hit on Thursday, June 23rd or so it looks.

  12. Aha.

    ..I really gotta get on this beta sometime. Detonator still sounds generally like an upgrade from the Flaregun though.

    Except it doesn't explode on contact with people... only if you right-click or it hits a wall.

    Or so the description says.

  13. So... the Detonator and the Quick Fix was too powerful?

    I'm glad they're still wanting to get these passed. I really wanna see the Quick Fix get in the game.

    The Detonator got buffed, not nerfed. Before, the Pyro took extra damage from all explosives if he the Detonator equipped. Now, it's only extra damage from his own explosives. Also, it now explodes when it hits a wall.

    As for the Quick Fix, I'm not too surprised it got nerfed a bit. While not as powerful as the Medigun, it is close to it in power.

  14. Valve decided to have a required TF2 update during my work day today.

    Required updates for Team Fortress 2 are now available. The specific changes include:

    - Added a new command line option: -strictportbind

    - If you launch the game with this option it will quit with an error message if it can't bind to the default or specified port

    - Fixed a server crash caused by the replay system

    - Fixed a server crash caused by disguising spies

    - Fixed a server crash on startup caused by writing to the console

    - Fixed a server crash triggered during entity cleanup

    Servers are now updated. This update also supposedly added the ability for the birds found in maps to fly.

    Additionally, the TF2 Beta was updated:


    The Detonator:
    Flares now detonate on impact with the world, but with a greatly reduced radius (manually detonated radius unchanged)
    Replaced +20% increased blast damage with +20% increased self blast damage

    The Quick-Fix:
    Lowered heal and charge rates to 40% (from 50%)
    New sounds


    Main Menu changes:
    Added a "Start Playing" option which presents users with various game modes to choose from. Once selected, the game matches the player into the best available server for that mode.
    King of the Hill
    Attack / Defense
    Payload Race
    Control Points
    Capture the Flag
    Quick Play (finds best server based on ping, number of players, etc)
    Crafting interface reworked
    Item load-out interface reworked
    New training user interface
    Added "A,W,S,D" movement instruction to Soldier training
    Added ammo instruction to Engineer training
    Clarified many instructional strings
    New sounds

  15. I got that achievement years ago~!

    It's one of two I've been missing for Pyro for years. The other being the one you need a Spy to help you farm because no one ever does the disguise kit taunt ever, except when trying to get the Spy achievement for it.

    Incidentally, I have every achievement for Spy and Sniper; I'm down to one or two achievements for Pyro, Scout, and Heavy. I still have a ton of achievements for Engineer (at least one of which has been bugged for some time), Medic, Demoman, and Soldier.

    I remember when Goldrush was a good map

    ...wait let me try that again

    I remember when Goldrush wasn't entirely horrible

    Sadly, it's been entirely horrible every time I've played it recently.

  16. That ridiculous 14-stab round you had on Hightower the other night didn't hurt.

    Pssh, I had a 15-stab round on degroot just the other night.

    Seriously, though, I've been playing less Spy and more Pyro/Sniper/Engineer than usual, so I'm not surprised Paranoid has the backstabs award now.

    P.S. I must be near Pyromancer by now...

  17. Required updates for Team Fortress 2 are now available. The specific changes include:

    - Fixed some server replay publishing bugs

    - Added a new ConVar "replay_fileserver_offload_aborttime"

    - Any replay publishing thread that takes longer than replay_fileserver_offload_aborttime seconds will be killed

    This happened while I was playing Spiral Knights, so I didn't get to it right away.

  18. Speaking of which, I'm too lazy to read 17 pages... do we have an in-game guild?

    I actually played Spiral Knights a bit during Beta, but if I don't get anything from having a Beta account (knights got deleted in push to retail), I'm going to restart on Steam and go with that.

    Until I get bored of it that is.

  19. Seems the latest TF2 update crashes my computer.

    I had that problem the first time I launched TF2, but afterwards it appeared to work correctly.

    No clue about what else to do to fix it though, other than the usual "verify integrity of game cache" thing.

  20. Required updates for Team Fortress 2 are now available. The specific changes include:

    - Added the Spiral Knights promotional hat

    - Updated The Superfan, The Essential Accessories, and The Hero's Hachimaki so they can be painted

    - Updated The Conjurer's Cowl and The Maul so they can be crafted and traded

    Updating now.

    Also, Spiral Knights is a free game, so... free hat for everyone?

    Edit: Wait, isn't The Essential Accessories a Misc item? So there are paintable Misc items now?

    Edit 2: Servers are back now.

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