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Posts posted by Powerlord

  1. Whoops, I was trying to install some mods that would allow the server to lie and say it had a max total of 25 people, and let reserved slot people log on when the server had 24 people.

    However, the server didn't like the mod to add 1 slot to the server's displayed count and isn't responding... not even to restart or stop requests.

    I'm going to see if I can file a ticket with Gameservers to get them to manually restart it.

  2. Also, if there are any others who've shown good judgment and who wants admins (especially for these OCR-only days), I'm willing to dole them out.

    This time make sure you download the admins file before changing it. When you removed Atmuh, you removed all the changes I'd made to use groups instead of individual permissions!

    Not that it was hard to fix (remove Atmuh on my local copy and re-upload).

  3. @ Bahamut, in response to your example: By the time BLU has pushed RED back that far (to the point of literally bombing the doors), they've already won. I honestly cannot think of a single time where they've been able to bomb the door and not won.

    Also, and this is dangerous I know, but I gotta agree with Atmuh here: sure, it's not technically a spawn door (and, TBH, there're other ways to get back to that point), but...it's still pretty dumb. So, it's not technically illegal, but still pissy. I'm not sure how you would ammend the rules to fix this (as, like Baha pointed out, it's not an uncommon scenario to have doors/areas like this), but...it probably needs to be fixed, or at least given some serious thought.

    Also, I'd like to propose that spawn camping of all kind (for an extended amount of time, mind you, not simply a Spy waiting for one kill at spawn) should be outlawed. Sure, there are plenty of ways to counter it (like I've stated before, I don't have a problem with sticky camping either), but...it seems like the general consensus is that it's not appreciated. The only people I see who are defending it are Bahamut and the rest of ZUZ.

    RED's spawn on Badwater has the following notable features:

    1. The lower spawn point is not used until point B is taken.

    2. The right door of the upper spawn room is locked until point B is taken.

    3. The stairs outside and to the right of the unlocked door of the upper spawn room are blocked with a huge arrow sign until point B is taken.

    4. The second stairs outside the unlocked entrance of the upper spawn room have a gate that is closed until point C is taken.

    5. The far door outside the unlocked entrance of the upper spawn room is a RED-only door that locks after point B is taken.

    Because of the above, for all intents and purposes, that far door is a second spawn door. Number 5 in that list is particularly relevant, as it shows that Valve considers it to be a spawn door.

    The problem with sticky camping in general is that you have no way of knowing if there are stickies behind a door until you open the door or they're set off. Combined with respawn waves, it's almost guaranteed to kill off everyone who respawned at the same time... at least the first time.

    Also, isn't it a bit extreme banning Atmuh from the server over the IRC thing?

  4. The easiest counter to a medic chain would be one air blast pyro on the team. One single pyro stops a medic chain full force. Not once, in the entire time we chained, did any pyro airblast us. Even though, there was more then one pyro coming after us.

    Another way, would be to have your own uber to prevent the charging. Harder but still pretty doable.

    tl;dr Why ban people for the easiest strategy to counter?

    Two things I feel I have to point out:

    1. Having used the Pyro air blast to push enemies before, it doesn't always work that well, particularly if we don't know where the enemy is going to be.

    Which is the case of spawn doors (notice I mentioned spawncamping in my earlier post), since pl_badwater's second Blue Team spawn, pl_badwater's Red Team spawns, and all spawns on cp_well have doors.

    In the case of pl_badwater, the Red Team's starting spawn only has one working spawn room door prior to point 2 being taken, the other is locked. Don't believe me? Go check.

    I was stuck behind that door as my teammates all tried to kill the medic-chain there. During that time, the cart moved from the tunnel before point 1 to nearly point 2... I barely got through the far door that locks when point 2 is taken (and then died immediately to the Heavy pushing the cart... I was playing Engineer at the time).

    It also doesn't work well even in non-spawncamp times when you have other teammates with you.

    2. As zircon has been already pointed out, we play for fun. Essentially, you're saying "Why don't you just change your play-style?" Simple: We're not a clan; we're a bunch of people playing to have fun. This includes complete strangers who connect to our server by finding it in the public servers list. We don't have some huge organization there where we say "You have to go do this."

    We can encourage it, but not force it. And yes, it's a serious problem when the server population drops by 12 people on one map in the middle of our normal peak playing time... the server population never completely recovered from the mass exodus last night. On this graph, the huge downslope that started in pl_badwater directly corresponds to when you started medic-chaining:


    If you want to practice clan techniques, I hear there's a great server for that at ("[ZUZ] Vanilla Server")

  5. Atmuh was nice enough to upload a screencap of one of the round scoreboards during a round they were spawncamping. I would post my level scoreboard image, but since I tabbed out to post my previous message during the round end, TF2 apparently just saved a blank image instead of the scoreboard (I have the option to autmatically save scoreboard images on level end turned on).

    He also had this to say:

    the point is not that they simply uberchained, its that they were really gay about it and continued to do it even though they had done a pretty good job already of proving that they could roll a team by doing it. they always play in fairly dumb manners that has more than one people from ocr that i know of playing LESS ON A SERVER FOR THE OCR COMMUNITY. yesterday on turbine zircon and me had to deal with plenty of gay stuff as well, and we couldnt do anything about it.
  6. I have a problem with ZUZ. Earlier today, three of them were using an Uber-Ubersaw chain to camp the enemy's spawn doors near the end of pl_badwater and at certain points during cp_well.

    Normally, I'd deal with this, but since they are members of the guild Bahamut is in, I thought it'd be a good idea to mention it here.

    I do wish I'd screenshotted it, though.

    The players in question were [ZUZ]SeldonAtreides*Recruiting, [ZUZ]Vahn_Paktu, and [ZUZ]pavlvs magnvs.

    P.S. Even if spawncamping weren't involved, it absolutely killed the server population: It dropped from 20 to 8 on cp_well during what is normally peak playing time.

  7. Does this mean that I can screw with gravity whenever we go to Cyberpunk? Because that would be AWESOME.

    Alas, right now, only Admins can start a gravity vote. I'm assuming Bahamut did this on purpose, because without the overrides present in the admin_overrides file, all reserved slot holders and admins would have already had the ability to start a gravity vote.

    On a side note, the default gravity vote starts with a list of choices from 200 (jumps really high) to 3200 (jump? What's that?!) with the normal gravity being 800.

  8. OK, I changed the permissions over to a group-based format. All admins (except Bahamut) should have the same permissions, including gravity vote.

    I don't recall seeing a list of Admins anywhere, so here's one for handy reference:














    I could list reserve slot holders as well, but I don't know if they want to be listed.

  9. Getting back to the badlands issue, last night's playtime graph shows a noticeable drop in players either during the latter half of pl_dustbowl_b4 or when cp_badlands came up.

    I've removed it (at least for the moment) and put in second GoldRush. People seem to like Goldrush, or so I assume from Valve's map stats... it's right behind Dustbowl in times played, but Dustbowl is the default map for a good number of hosts that don't let you change the starting map...

    Also, I'm going to fix the admin permissions sometime this weekend.

    The current mapcycle is:














  10. Speaking of this, are the lower admins gonna get Gravity votes ever Bahamut?

    For some reason, vote_gravity is restricted to admins that have a specific flag, and it appears somewhat random as to whom those are.

    Actually, there is a pattern... everyone above me in the admin configuration has it, myself and everyone below me doesn't.

    Incidentally, you're right below me in the file.

    P.S. Bahamut: The z flag gives you access to everything. I'm not sure why you haven't given yourself z. ;)

  11. Atmuh: when you get the chance can you please please PLEASE get rid of badlands on the rotation and replace it with something like hydro that we never play but is actually good


    Well, I'm not a big fan of Badlands, but it's still better than Hydro.

    Do non-rotation maps come up on RTV? If so, then take it out, we can always vote it in, if not, take it out anyway since there's enough admins around to put it in.

    Yes, non-rotation maps come up on RTV.

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