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Posts posted by Powerlord

  1. As an inscriptionist, Major Glyphs seem to be common, while Minor Glyphs are rare because you can only learn one at random every 20 hours. There appears to be 60 minor glyphs total, 6 per class.

    The other restriction seems to be that I can not learn any inscriptions that I do not yet have the ability to make. This means that I probably won't learn any DK minor inscriptions until my Inscription is at least 275.

    Having said that, I can currently make the following Minor Glyphs:

    Death Knight:

    None yet. See above as to why.


    Glyph of Unburdened Rebirth


    Glyph of Revive Pet

    Glyph of Scare Beast

    Glyph of Mend Pet


    Glyph of Fire Ward

    Glyph of Frost Armor


    Glyph of Blessing of Kings (new 12/30)

    Glyph of Blessing of Wisdom


    Glyph of Fading (new 12/26)


    Glyph of Blurred Speed

    Glyph of Pick Lock (new 12/28 )


    Glyph of Ghost Wolf (new 12/31)


    Glyph of Drain Soul

    Glyph of Kilrogg (new 12/27)

    Glyph of Unending Breath (new 12/25)


    None yet.

    If you need any of these, let me know.

    I can also do any Major Glyph requiring Inscription 140 or less. Ask me (Tillak) in-game and I can link you the list.

  2. So Atma linked me to this: http://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?t=74130&page=5

    Do you all think this would be a good addition? We have alltalk on all the time now, so it may not, but it is a nifty plugin.

    Sounds like a good idea, particularly since it's controlled by sv_alltalk.

    Oh, on an unrelated note, there's a new version of Metamod: Source out, but I haven't installed it. I don't think it's that critical, it's just an update to make it work with Left 4 Dead.

  3. yeah, we've been scheduling impromptu play times over #ocremix lately, working good so far, good rounds tonight everyone.

    Pssh, I rarely go to #ocremix. Mention them here, too! At least then I'd get a notice in my email because I subscribe to this topic.

    i'm pretty sure it's "team fortress classic," which if i'm not mistaken is the mod of the original half-life deathmatch? i wasn't into pc gaming back then so i might have it wrong :S

    Yeah... TFC is a port of TF1 to Half-Life's engine.

    Most versions of Half-Life shipped with it in the box... the same box that advertised the then-upcoming Team Fortress 2 on it.

  4. I vaguely remember playing the original TF (for Quake) and TFC, but found them really confusing.

    That was a along time ago, though.

    P.S. I swear I'm prone to running into stray rockets in TF2. :/

    P.P.S. Don't the later versions of TFC use Steam? It's on my games list because I have HL1 registered with Steam.

  5. Turns out there are Release Notes, they just weren't on the Update News thing in the Steam client.

    - Fixed overheal particle effect showing up incorrectly on disguised or cloaked spies

    - Changed the achievement tracker to only be available in Team Fortress 2

    - Added new teleporter sounds for upgrade levels 2 and 3

    - Fixed engineers being able to upgrade the bomb cart's dispenser found in Payload levels

    - Fixed bomb cart's dispenser being solid to players and projectiles

  6. There was a small update to TF2 since the last time I played it.

    I'm not sure what it's supposed to fix as Valve hasn't added new Update News since the major update, but according to my test server install, it adds/replaces the following files:

















    and it bumps 'Team Fortress 2 Content' from version 69 to version 70, 'Team Fortress 2 Materials' from version 21 to version 22, and 'Team Fortress 2 Linux Dedicated Server' from version 50 to version 52. I've updated our server because of this.

  7. Whoah! that came out of the blue, sweet! Sadly I can't help but believe that this will encourage a ton more turtling, what with the upgradable dispenser, but the upgraded tele will be nice, however it's just another thing to waste metal on I suppose. Will you have to upgrade both halves I wonder? I also wonder if the spy will be able to get ammo for cloak while he's cloaked, cuz if he can then you'll be able to pretty much make it anywhere without worrying about running out of cloak. It'll be really nice though that you won't need to wait in between ventures to the other teams side, as when you're on your side you can just recharge with ammo easily, also I assume you'll be able to use enemy dispensers to recharge cloak as well... how devious. Interesting that it isn't a class update either, so at least there won't be a huge spy/engie rush.

    I can already think of uses for a level 3 teleporter. BLU on GoldRush part 3, last point for example... I really hate it when we have one TP and it takes f'ing forever to run back to the cart.

    As for the cloak recharge... I'd like to know whether it works that way while you're disguised.

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