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Posts posted by Powerlord

  1. Hey, does anyone know if HLStatsX points go down over time? For whatever reason, my rank on the server is going up even when I'm not on... I was ranked 7 after the last time I played, and it has risen to 5 since then.

    Edit: I also added some new maps to the server. If you've played on the Zora's Domain server, these maps will seem very familiar.

    I also added the compressed version of arena_starship to the mirror... according to my logs, only the uncompressed version was there.

    As another side note, if you want to download maps from outside the game, all maps hosted on the mirror can be found here.

  2. Yeah, I'd agree that it's a pretty fair assessment of it. Considering the Campaign Mode is meant to be the main attraction for a group of friends, I agree with him that the replay value's probably not as good as Team Fortress 2.

    Though personally, I like the co-op experience more than the versus humans aspect of TF2, so there you go.

    *backstabs Triad Orion*

  3. What happened to your car?

    A windshield is something folks definitely need, especially with winter coming soon. Unless your an Aussie.

    It developed a huge crack along the bottom of it. My insurance covers all but a $100 deductible.

    Speaking of Aussies, does anyone know what happened to Presh?

    That wanker went off to join another server.

    That reminds me, time to bug Bahamut to clean up the admins list and also remind him to remove people who haven't paid their reserve slot fees lately.

    As for me, my reserve slot is paid up for some time, considering that I've paid almost enough for 11 months.

  4. Since we don't see a lot of normal games on the server, I've changed the configuration to default Alltalk to on.

    Also, it doesn't take much to get people playing on normal evenings... I was actually on to teach two of my friends who just got the game (Kurtis and testdummy88) on Friday, and we eventually got up to 16 players.

    The problem with having a password locked game is that you limit your potential audience... we had all of 10 people at our highest county today.

    Granted, it does keep out any trouble makers and clans that team stack (BB was doing that Friday).

    Speaking of BB, I forgot to tell Dr. Tiddlywink why I did a Team Scramble on Granary during Friday... it was to separate the BBers. By that point, the teams they were on had dominated two maps in a row.

  5. My new map is ready for a field test, I designed it to be a lot less complicated than my last one, it's an alpine style 2 round cp map. The first round has 1 cp and the teams fight to control the cp until time runs out. As each team caps the cp the timer is reset at a slightly lower amount until one team wins by defending until time is up.

    In the second round it's a standard attack/defend cp map.

    I honestly don't know how this will be to play, but I'd really like to give it a go. If anyone plays it and has suggestions let me know!

    Added to server.

  6. After compiling the list of standard maps in TFC, I wonder why TF2 doesn't have any reverse CTF maps or CTF variants like Rock 2.

    For instance, Rock 2's description is:

    The Rock - Capture The Flag Variant

    Objective: Steal the Keycard from the enemy Warden's office. Take it across to the other side of the enemy Base and hit the switch to release the Gas. Don't bring the Keycard back to your own Base.

    Scoring: 15 points for each Gas Release.

    Other Notes: To survive the Gas, get a protective suit from behind the marked doors, or hide under the water.

    Epicenter's description is:

    Epicenter - Reverse CTF

    Objective: Take your team's flag from the spawnroom to your APC at the other end of the map. The enemy is trying to do the same. The game resets when one team scores. Dropped flags sit for 30 seconds before returning to base.

    Scoring: 10 points per capture.

    I suppose part of the problem is that TF2's flags are always intelligence briefcases.

  7. Please sacrifice 1 day of the week from L4D for the unfortunate few left in the dust... :puppyeyes:.


    Nice password by the way,

    Also, since we've been adding a lot of custom maps lately (and some of them are actually quite good, egypt anyone?) I'd like to petition for cp_avante_b2, it's a remake of a TFC map for TF2, so it was obviously good, it has multiple rounds, and its style and layout reminds me of dustbowl (but different) and EVERYBODY loves dustbowl.


    It'd be great if we could have it up for tonight, but everything is up to you guys.

    Ah, I see what threw me off before... I added avanti_b1 to the server a while back... it's a remake of the TFC Avanti "invade and defend" map.

    ...which I'm assuming cp_avante_b2 is also a remake of. Why they used a different name, no idea.

    P.S. I take it everyone's been out playing L4D lately... usually when I'm not on TF2 for a bit, my position drops like a stone.

    P.P.S. "invade and defend" turned into Control Point Assault game type in TF2.

    P.P.P.S. The standard TFC maps are (ctf) 2Fort, (cp assault) Avanti, (ctf) Badlands, (ctf) Casbah, (ctf) Crossover 2, (control ctf) Canalzone 2, (cp assault) Dustbowl, (reverse ctf) Epicenter, (reverse control ctf) Flag Run, (escort) Hunted, (football) Push, (reverse ctf) Ravelin, (ctf variant) Rock 2, (cp symmetric) Warpath, and (ctf) Well.

  8. What's happening with downtown? I really liked that map.

    Insomniac/Tiddlywink was apparently on last night with the name "Lost Name" (I think). I could pull the server logs and search a bit, but I'm fairly sure he said something along the lines of "They won't get an updated version from me."

    I'd be up for changing it to 3-4 rounds completed. Although how does it handle 2fort? I don't want 2-hour-long stalemates...

    That's a good question... I'd hope that there's also some timer involved with ctf and symmetric control point maps.

  9. Everyone is playing L4D, it'll be hard to get a TF2 game going for a bit. Sadly, as much as I love it, I doubt I'll be purchasing L4D, so please come back soon everyone.

    It's only a matter of time before 4-player Co-Op gets old. It got old for me in roughly 1994, after Doom 2.

    The server screwups are also going to screw over the game. Private servers? What are those?!

    Passwords? HA! Not if the matchmaking service is used!

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