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Posts posted by Powerlord

  1. Hm, glad to see you back bonzai. Hopefully, this means we'll have someone who plays medic, meaning some random idiot who only heals the heavy won't have to.

    Gah. Some medics are just fuckin' stupid.

    The complaining about medics is why I generally don't play medic anymore. There's no way you can make everyone happy; why bother trying? You're just going to get the blame if your team loses anyway. I don't need to deal with that sort of shit, kthx.

  2. I agree with Bleck here: it seems silly to remove map choices, especially popular ones like 2fort, Goldrush, etc simply because they're 'older.'

    That being said, I would like to see some newer ones in the RTV menu. Or at least let us nominate them.

    I find it weird that the nominate command doesn't appear to work in game.

    Edit: Also, since I've had the game before the Gold Rush update, calling Gold Rush old seems... weird.

  3. Y'know, I hear this every once in a while and I'm completely unsure how people came to this conclusion. Unless it's something that I just didn't read somewhere along the way...

    Valve's employees mention it in the Developer's Commentary. You should go listen to it sometime.


    Oh, I almost forgot. My copy of TF2 was wigging out tonight. When I went to switch weapons, nearly 1/3 of the time, it would immediately switch back to the weapon I just had. Same with switching disguises as Spy.

    Has anyone else run into this, and if so, how did you fix it? Maybe it's just lost packets between me and the server, although that should be reflected in the ping time.

    Edit 2:

    I've deleted my local TF2 files and am reinstalling from Steam.

  4. It's been one day and I'm already sick of Arena (not that it's that bad, it's just that the server was on arena maps ALL THE TIME). I manually switched the map to gold rush, steel and badwater a few times but still, I'd say go with two arena maps in the rotation at most. I was actually yearning for dustbowl at the end, and that's saying something. :P

    Switching to an arena map switches server configurations (to config_arena.cfg), which unfortunately has a different default mapcycle (all arena maps). No idea why Valve thought this was a good idea...

    P.S. Is it just me or are attack/defense maps like Dustbowl, Gravel Pit, Gold Rush, and Badwater Basin restricted to one team switch now?

  5. The stats are saying that total time per player averaged up in a percentage that the engineer is used a lot. But yes, as an engineer you spend more time as it cause you have to, yes.

    What the stats mean is that, on the official Valve maps, averaged across all players, Engineers were being played 16.1% of the time in the past week.

    They're taking a while to update it today... hopefully it's the new game mode and arenas (by the use of the word "arenas" perhaps a suggestion of a deathmatch style mode?).

    The wording arena could also mean a multi-part map, like how Dustbowl, Gold Rush, and others are done.

  6. This does not necessarily show that there are more engineers than any other class. You have to take into consideration the fact than engineers often stay alive for a loooong time, such as when they are turtling behind a sentry.

    If this was time played per life, your argument would make sense.

    However, this is Total Time Played per Class for the last week (expressed as a percent) across all official Valve maps.

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