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Posts posted by Powerlord

  1. OK, I can tell everyone right now that this server isn't going to work out:

    The system's hardware apparently isn't powerful enough to support a TF2 server even under half load. Right now, the single core server is operating at a load level of 1.59... This is the average number of processes waiting to be executed; the ideal number is 1 (or less) for a single core server.

    Now, it could be that the server doesn't have enough RAM (it's using >700MB of virtual memory, up from 0 prior to the TF2 server running) and this is causing the CPU to spend more time moving things in and out of real memory, but this server isn't exactly new either (P4 2.6Ghz with 1GB of RAM).

    Edit: I don't know how (or possibly don't have access to) the hlstatx configuration, or else I'd switch it back to the old server and turn the old server back on.

  2. Just finished a new release of my map, ctp_epsilon_a2, I did some simple texturing, not a lot of detail, but it's a start. I also fixed up some gameplay quirks and added a better HUD. Check it out if you get the chance, it's best played with a mostly full server as it's a large map. If you have any suggestions let me know. And if Bahamut could replace the previous a1 version with this one, that would be great thanks!

    download link + pictures; http://forums.tf2maps.net/downloads.php?do=file&id=632

    OK, I've replaced a1 with a2 on the server and download mirror.

    Edit: I'm not sure if the server has to change maps or be reloaded before it appears in the Admin selection list and rtv list, though.

  3. i played on a 9200 for a long time before i went to my hd 4870

    I played for a while on a Radeon 9800 Pro... unfortunately, said computer only had 1GB of RAM, which made the game kinda painful, as the load time for TF2 was somewhere over 5 minutes.

    P.S. I missed playing last night and I'll probably miss tonight as well thanks to college assignments. Writing raw SQL and/or Oracle stored procedures is so much fun!!!1111

  4. I think I use 1280x720. I used to use 1920x1200, but it would occasionally slow down if there were lots of explosions... and my monitor would complain about not having presets for display sizes between 1280x720 and 1920x1200.

    Things don't look as nice now, but at least I don't get slowdowns.

    P.S. I don't know if it's something with me or the game, but I find it easier to play Sniper at higher resolutions.

  5. I need to go back to feeling this way. I'm just starting to get so frustrated lately on overplayed maps when people know where the sentries are without seeing them first. I suppose I'd be less frustrated if I didn't play Engineer, but then, who would?

    Well, given that once you know where the points and chokepoints are, you expect sentries to be near them...

    Plus the beeping of the sentries make it clear when one is there.

  6. I paid Bahamut for this month's reservation on the TF2 server. This is a friendly reminder that you should do the same. Hooray honor!

    Well, I paid several months at once so I wouldn't have to remember every month. :)

    There are only three CTF maps in the rotation. I demand equal representation. ;)

    For official maps, the number of CP maps greatly outweigh the number of CTF maps. It's not surprising to see more CP maps because of it.

    Also, there's actually two types of cp maps: the free-for-all ones (well, granary, badlands, and fastlane) and the attack/defense ones (dustbowl, gravel pit, and steel). Territory Control (hydro) is a cross between the two styles (normally free-for-all, but switches to attack/defense for the last point).

  7. No, there's definitely no way to make everyone happy, and that's just simply unrealistic. That's not what I meant at all.

    The guys I'm referring to as 'dumb' are the ones who join a game and do NOTHING but heal heavies, thinking that's the best plan. That's just silly. If your heavy's sitting at 450 health and you got a lit-up scout right next to you, about to die...who would you heal?

    It depends on circumstances. For instance, if an uber is going on, I'd stay on the heavy. Or if I suspect the scout is a spy. Especially if it's a combination of the two.

    Here's a double standard I "love":

    1. People complain when, as a medic, I don't check for spies behind us.

    2. People complain when, as a medic, I stop healing them to shoot at suspected spies.

    3. People complain when, as a medic, I try to kill a spy.

    Note that 1 is mutually exclusive with 2 or 3.

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