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Posts posted by Powerlord

  1. I was holding you back PL. You will soon reach your full potential and the circle will be complete.

    I don't want to say I hate [ZUZ] but I will say that Wes made me sad when he left the ranks of the prestigious [OCR] ranks. [ZUZ] keeps stealing all our good players. Them and bloody [bACON].

    I must have played a lot on Saturday... I got 5 HLStatsX awards: Backstab Kills (38 backstab kills), Spy Power (44 objects killed as spy), Best Sentryguns (56 kills with sentrygun), Knife Maniac (41 knifings), and Revenger (5 revenges).

    As a wild guess, Revenger was when I started out playing Scout and switched to Pyro.

  2. I do get frustrated at the ZUZ guys sometimes. But mainly cause they just seem to work too well together from the experience. But Id rather them be on there than the usual bout of clan people that show up and be a collective dick.

    Surprisingly, another clan had four people around tonight, and on at least one map, the regulars owned them (Badlands).

    Either that or my "always lose at badlands" curse has ended.

  3. To back up the assertions Sensai made, here are some charts from Valve's statistics for all TF2 games in the past week:

    Also, engineer is, somehow or another, the most played class in the game (beating out even Pyro, which does not make any sense to me at all). They've updated the lesser played classes...why would they jump to the top of the list?

    Engineer is the class that is played the most.


    The idea of an 'anti-spy' wrench made me laugh. Speaking as a spy, and I'm sure that most others will agree with me....that wrench already crits about 75% of the time and is at least 30 feet long. I mean, I'm not saying there won't be a new wrench that's like what you're saying, I'm just not seeing anyone using it over the already really powerful wrench.

    The wrench is the weapon that crits the most.


    Edit: The second graph says it's a percent, but it looks like they forgot to multiply by 100... either that or there are some really lousy snipers and spies out there to bring the Sniper rifle and Knife crit numbers down.

  4. Medic is a class that I can play, and play pretty well. I just hate dealing with people when I do play it.

    But I think I farmed most of mine on a server that actually modified the point range to where if you healed, it instant ubercharged you. Was on there less than 30 minutes and got the last 12 achievements I had to get I think.

    I was farming on my own server (the one we tried to switch to at one point, but it started crapping out after so many players) with two friends (Depo_007 and Oldarr). Got some of the more esoteric medic ones there.

    I earned the remaining ones I needed for my other medic weapons after that on the old OCR server while normal games.

  5. @Powerlord: Can you please switch "Goldrush" and "Steel" in the rotation? We previously discussed not like having Dustbowl and Goldrush maps next to each other because of their similarities. I know one is cp and one is pl, but what I mean is that they are played so much that everybody knows them to death.

    In addition, cave and steel have the same problem, but backwards. They are both similarly new and rare to play, so having both in a row really empties the server.

    Other than that, I'm OK with it.

    I've swapped Steel and Well, and upon reconsideration, removed the second cp_dustbowl... pl_dustbowl_b4 is still there, though.

    Map Cycle is now:














  6. [from the steam forums]

    Players of TF2,

    I present to you, today, a modest proposal.

    It may have occurred to some of you that this game is not balanced. Pyro is too easy to play and rewards the less skilled, the demoman is plain out too good, the sniper can only be beaten by another sniper, etcetera, etcetera. But I want you all to THINK. What could take it away? What could take away all of this unbalance; what could make scouts align with sentries, what could make heavies a fair match for snipers, what could make soldiers a fair match for pyros?

    The obvious answer is to take them all out. That's right, take them all out. The first 6 classes in the list need to go. The sniper as well. This leaves us with medic and spy.

    However, the blutsauger and the needle gun are unbalanced with eachother, as well as the bonesaw and the ubersaw; naturally, we have to take these out. So why bother even having a medic if all he does is just heal with nothing else to do?

    Cut the medic out. This leaves us with spy. However, shoddy netcode leads to backstabs not connecting every single time, even on a non-moving target while the spy is standing still as well. We should take the backstab out for this reason. The revolvers' range is too long, yet it is not as strong as the shotgun up close; remove the revolver as well.

    You think I'm done? Oh no, not quite. Disguises are quite easy to see through, so the disguise kit should be taken out. The cloak doesn't last long enough as well. You should make it last as long as the user wants. It's also quite underpowered as you can't move through enemies with it, and they can see you when you bump them. Remove these two aspects.

    This leaves the sapper and the cloak. Without engineers and without weapons, there is no unbalance. There CAN'T be unbalance. Think about it - a world without demomen, a world without underpowered spies, a place without scouts, a place without sentries, a place without snipers, a place without heavy medic combos...

    Only balance.






    Yes, a game without weapons would be balanced. Pointless, but balanced!

    On a more serious note, certain classes are designed to be easier to play than others. Valve even admits that in the developer commentary; the example they use is Heavy, not Pyro.

    Still, some classes are intended to counter each other. Spy counters Sniper, for example.

  7. Is there a way to disable "team scramble"? Especially since it crashes the server?

    I've disabled its plugin, although I haven't removed its item from the admin menu. Chances are the plugin will stay loaded until the next server restart, too... I'll probably restart the server tomorrow during one of the dead periods.

    From what I can tell from the plugin's thread, it has conflicts with Mani Admin and Beetlesmod, at least one of which we also have installed.

  8. Xerol, I must ask: you've tried rebooting, right?

    Every once in a while, I get an error about not having any of the maps (even though it's stuff like Dustbowl/etc) and a simple reboot fixes it right up.

    If that doesn't help, try verifying the TF2 game cache... from the Steam Games screen, click Team Fortress 2, click the Properties button (next to Launch at the bottom), click the Local Files tab, click "Verify integrity of game cache..."

    Oh, on a side note, if you have Vista, make sure the file mentioned above isn't in the %LOCALAPPDATA%\VirtualStore\Program Files heirarchy... it's set up like the Program Files directory, but it's where Vista redirects programs that don't have permission to write to Program Files... if you left UAC on, that is.

  9. The server won't let me on:



    Edit: Hmm, I can connect with no problems... I'm going to see if I can find the server's logs to see what it's complaining about.

    Edit 2: The full error is:

    L 10/01/2008 - 18:58:37: "[bACON]Xerol<1402><STEAM_0:1:19388936><Unassigned>" disconnected (reason "Pure server: client has loaded extra file [GAME]\materials/models\weapons\nades\duke1\w_grenade_conc_blu.vmt. File must be removed to play on this server.")

  10. It's nice to have it turn off every round only because sometimes there are no admins/slot holders to turn it off when the server picks up. I only really like it when we're fooling around or have less than 10 people like Sensai said, but I really like having it on in that case.

    Oh, and Brushfire, if you're lucky, maybe I'll show you how to get into the DJ room sometime... but I demand to at least hear some of this arena commentary that your famous for first.

    The other problem is that admins have to put it up for a vote just like reserved slot players... or at least I haven't figured out how to shut it off without using rcon (which I have no idea how to do; the whole point of having the admin menu is to avoid needing to do rcon commands).

  11. Maybe it's just because I haven't been able to play as much for the last little while, but I can't remember a time that I saw Hydro stalemate, and I've rarely seen one team blow the other away. I personally like Hydro, but if others want to see it go I wouldn't be too bothered, particularly if it keeps players on the server.

    Well, I was counting Sudden Death as a stalemate, even though it really isn't (unless the server is configured not to do Sudden Death).

  12. As a side note, I added pl_strider_b9 to the server a few days ago, after it was first mentioned. Whoops, I suppose I should have said something.

    As for Hydro... it either stalemates or one team tends to blow away the other, depending on how the team balance is. It actually bumped badlands as my least favorite map because of it. I would LOVE to see it go.

    I almost suggested replacing it with ctf_well, but then I remembered how much that ones sucks (cp_well is OK, though).

    Oh, and to the person who created epsilon: I commented before about how the control point didn't reset when sudden death started: It doesn't on any of the official maps either. For example, if sudden death occurs on cp_granary, if your team had four points out of five, you start out controlling four points out of five.

  13. As a side note, I added pl_strider_b9 to the server a few days ago, after it was first mentioned. Whoops, I suppose I should have said something.

    As for Hydro... it either stalemates or one team tends to blow away the other, depending on how the team balance is. It actually bumped badlands as my least favorite map because of it. I would LOVE to see it go.

    I almost suggested replacing it with ctf_well, but then I remembered how much that ones sucks (cp_well is OK, though).

  14. Hey, has anyone had trouble with the server not letting them connect because there's 24 people on? I noticed today on cp_granary that it wasn't kicking someone when the server had 24 people on it like it's supposed to.

    I'm going to look at the configuration and see what's going on and if I broke something when I installed SprayTracer.

    Edit: I think I fixed it now. It should reload the configuration on the next map change.

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