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Posts posted by Powerlord

  1. So, I installed the Spray Tracer addon. I'm not sure which admins have access to it, though. I haven't checked the admin flags.

    I did tweak its settings a bit, though... it only tells admins when sprays are being traced now.

    There is one strange issue, though: Admins apparently see a purple and black checkerboard overlaid on certain textures, such as the one through the window in Red's first base in cp_dustbowl.

    Trace Spray commands appear in the Server Commands part of the Admin menu.

  2. Funny how you're all only noticing this NOW. I complained about him sticky spawn camping months ago and nobody did anything about it then except to tell me to "stop whining."

    Even funnier: last time I checked, I'm still an admin, but I'm looking for consensus on this before I act on my impulses to hop on there (for once) and ban a regular.

    Hmm, I'd go for that.

    The MOTD does say, "No pornographic sprays"

    and yes admins have a way of finding out who sprayed them...i banned someone recently for using a porn spray.

    Out of curiosity, is that what the Identify command in the admin menu does? I've been wondering what that was for for a while.

  3. Spies are the other contentious point on HLStats, but the flipside about spies is you're a lot more likely to die than a defensive engineer, even if you are a really good spy. Between spy-checking and just plain bad luck, there's a good chance you'll be discovered and get reamed. Yes, the best spies don't often have this problem, but not everyone who plays Spy is good at it. Point spamming that way is rougher than doing it as an Engineer, who I might add, get points every time they destroy one of your Sappers.

    That being said, odds are you'll make a profit as a Spy over your deaths, but the Spy is such a high-risk class that them getting more points makes some sense to me. A tweak or two wouldn't be bad, per se, but I think the Spy issue's a lot less ridiculous than the Engineer one.

    Exactly. I know that as a Spy, I get killed a lot by bad luck... usually because I tend to duck around corners when I'm about to decloak, and if there's someone there...

    That's not even counting dying from rockets or bombs someone was throwing at my teammates while I'm cloaked.

  4. The most frustrating thing in all of TF2 is when you get teleported and immediately die. eg. Someone was about to blow up the exit, or an uber heavy was coming through. Crits might piss me off if I've repeatedly gotten one-hit KOed by them (happened yesterday) but nothing is worse than the teleport kill.

    On the other hand, it always frustrates me when I'm playing a heavy and I can't kill a Heavy or Pyro faster than they can kill me (particularly Heavy since Pyro is partly my fault for letting them get so close).

    Seriously, having seen a Heavy who has no medic survive four direct rockets is just insane. Particularly in a game where a knife in the back or bullet to the head is an instant kill.

    Not to mention that, as a soldier, shooting someone at close range with a rocket does more damage to you than it does to them.

  5. Just got off the server...

    ...'cause I couldn't hear myself think. I'm not sure anyone else was on that frequents the forums (Presh was, but does he show up here?), but it was probably the loudest I think it's ever gotten in there.

    At any given moment, there were at least 3 people talking and another mic spamming. I'm not making this up. It was bad.

    I'm not sure why the server's had Alltalk on so often lately. I can see it for arena mode because Brushfire likes to act as announcer. However, during a normal game with, say, teams of 5 or more, it gets annoying. You have no idea if it's your team talking when saying things like "Spy is pyro." It also negates using chat for planning strategy (like "lets uber two heavies and go through the tunnel to take out their snipers" (think Dustbowl)) because then the enemy will be waiting for you with their own ubers.

    You could use it for misdirection, but you're just as likely to misdirect your own team because of it.

    Earlier today on Turbine, there was enough chatter that you couldn't even hear the tell-tale beeping of sentry guns when you got near them. As Scout, I killed myself at least once dropping into an intel room that had sentries I didn't know were there because I couldn't hear them. This incidentally is the time Sensai is talking about.

  6. I'm downloading it, but Rapidshare purposely slows down downloads on free accounts... and they won't let me pull it directly to the server, so I have to turn around and upload it again after that.

    Oh well, it'll probably be done sometime later today.

    Replying to myself is bad, but I've finished downloading it to my machine, compressed it to a .bz2 file and am uploading that to the download mirror. From there, I'll uncompress it again (keeping the compressed version too) and upload it to the game server.

  7. Im uploading cp_cyberpunk to rapidshare, posting the link as soon as its done.

    edit: http://rapidshare.com/files/147213522/cp_cyberpunk.bsp.html

    I'm downloading it, but Rapidshare purposely slows down downloads on free accounts... and they won't let me pull it directly to the server, so I have to turn around and upload it again after that.

    Oh well, it'll probably be done sometime later today.

  8. Removing crits doesn't mess up Soldiers. There are plenty of no crit servers that I play and they're all perfectly fine; all the classes act like they're supposed to and you never feel completely robbed of a good kill.

    Also, in competitive play, there are no crits. There are usually 2 soldiers per team.

    If you're only keeping crits in to 'save' soldiers, that's silly. If you're keeping them in to make the game less predictable, that's fine...you just have to keep in mind that people will complain about them, myself included.

    There's not much point in playing Soldier instead of Heavy if crits are off because Heavies then do more damage than Soldiers in the same amount of time... the only purpose a soldier has then is distance damage... and Snipers beat the living shit out of them for that.

    Blah blah blah. Crits are a random chance, blah blah blah.

    Except that they better you're doing, the higher percent chance that you get crits. I'm pretty sure Valve even says this in the developer commentary (choose Developer Commentary from the TF2 main menu; they talk a lot about how the game is designed).

  9. I've noticed in the past month or so that the server performance seemed a bit questionable, in terms of lagging issues. I've noticed at one time Darke jumping when spectating him while dead, so I had a strong suspicion that Gameservers.com's bandwidth is being strained (Darke uses FiOS). presh commented to me recently about something in particular being a problem, I forget what, but recommended that we should change the server asap to something with no such hiccups in performance. So after trying out Powerlord's vgmusic box, we went back to Gameservers for now, although I switched to their Atlanta location in hopes that the better ping I've gotten from there makes the problem better, although it doesn't seem like that's the case.

    I am still open to any suggestions for server hosting options in order to fix any problems if they currently exist.

    I had some issues with rubber-banding last night. I'm not sure if it was local to my machine or not, though.

  10. Where exactly should I nobuild so engies still have a purpose, but don't completely dominate?

    Whoops, forgot to reply to this earlier.

    My suggestions would be to make the ledge the briefcases are on nobuild, but have the areas above and below buildable. Not all maps have nobuild around intel, but in this case, it's fairly hard to see the area the intel is in until you actually drop down to it.

    Also, I recommend shrinking the capture area so the ledges around the edge aren't part of the capture area, then making the area that is the new capture point nobuild... in other words, allow engineers to build around that ledge, possibly making the ledges a little wider so it's easier to place sentries on it.

    As a general rule, a capture point's area (which doubles as the area directly around intel in a normal CTF map) is nobuild.

    As for Scouts, smaller window height is a good idea. Just make sure the windows are still large enough to shoot from, including for sentry gun rockets.

    Also, as much as I hate to say this, right now as a scout, if there's no defense (sentries?) set up, you can grab the intel, run out the lower center door, along the path, up the ramp, then double-jump to the ledge around the point area without any turns.

    Lack of turns is an advantage to Scouts because of their speed... to be exact, it gives them an advantage over Soldiers, Pyros, Demomen, and Engineers (Sentries); all of these rely to some extent on surprise. There's also an advantage over Spies, but to a lesser extent, as it's near impossible to backstab a moving Scout as a Spy.

    I almost forgot, there is one other bug I saw in this map: When Sudden Death starts, the control point does not reset to neutral.

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