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Posts posted by Powerlord

  1. I tend to follow my patient even into death. It's not losing, it's DEDICATION!

    Pyro - For when you're tired of being stabbed in the back. Spy BBQ :<

    It's not just BBQ, Pyros run just as fast as Spies do. Last time I just ended up pulling my gun and shooting a Pyro to death after chasing them for a good 15 seconds with my knife (they only had partial health).

    The mark of a good medic, right here.

    If I do that, does it mean you'll forgive me for ubering at the wrong time? :P

  2. haha So the price lured you in too huh? From what I have read, it's a fun and unique game. I'm going to give it a go once I make enough room on my HDD.

    For anyone interested, here's some information about it: http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/932682.asp?q=the%20ship

    I've only done the single player stuff so far, but if multiplayer is the same, the game could get to be quite long, as the single player map is really large.

  3. TF2 update today! From the notes:

    Added rate limit for several client commands to prevent server spamming

    Added consistency checking for particle systems

    Updated r_particle_timescale ConVar so it can only be changed if the server has sv_cheats set to 1

    Updated loading/disconnect dialogs so they're easier to read

    Updated Dustbowl, Granary, and Badwater Basin with several exploit fixes

    Updated Granary to remove the setup time and gates

    The server should now be updated as well (I ran the Steam Update command from the server's website). It also appears to be up and running; I did not do a lot of testing on it... just logged in and made sure the round started correctly.

    Valve's servers are apparently being hammered, as the Linux server updates are taking much longer than normal for the small number of files that have been updated.

  4. I've been tempted to spruce up the MOTD lately, using some techniques from specialattack.net:

    How-To: Create a TF2 chalkboard style MOTD with HTML

    and possibly some additional ideas from How-To: Put live server stats on your chalkboard MOTD.

    I found out that TF2 stores its fonts on your system and you can copy them to your Windows fonts directory... and can thus use them in images for the MOTD.

  5. No preference here (other than being busy Wednesday nights).

    Also, I've noticed lately that the server population tends to drop heavily whenever the two custom maps in our rotation come up.

    Since we're currently having problems getting enough players for games, I propose that these be removed from the map cycle, at least temporarily.

    I know that even last week, among our regulars, pl_cave_b6 often gets enough rtvs to vote away from it as soon as it came up.

    Last night, when pl_dustbowl_b4 came up, we dropped down to 8 players. I want to say we had double that at the end of the previous map, cp_steel.

  6. I just finished uploading ctp_epsilon_a3,





    Hopefully we can try it out on the server sometime.

    Let me know what you think if you try it.

    a3 has now been uploaded to the server and file mirror. a2 has been removed.

    On a side note, I'm surprised that a3 is smaller than a2.

  7. I would say a slower stab or for every miss it takes away xx% of your cloak.

    At first I was thinking of like a 20-50% damage reduction for non-backstabs but, stabbing people head on is pretty stupid to begin with.

    Slower stab? Only if the long backstab animation is removed on the regular knife in the process. It's sad that it's faster to stab while moving towards someone and still get a backstab kill than if I actually try to backstab them.

  8. Problem is how can you improve the scout's arsenal?

    Also the slingshot sapper is an awesome idea now that I think about it. It would make engineers need to rethink their positions of sentries.

    Well, if it didn't remove their disguise, it'd make it much easier to sap things even in a small space like 2Fort's intel room. Right now, the wrench is the Engie's best defense against Spies... other than having other players (Pyros!) around.

    Also Engie's should get an upgrade that replaces a Dispenser with an anti-spy radar. It won't show exact positions, would just beep faster as a spy approached.

    That'd be great. I do wonder what they could replace the teleporters with, though... maybe a special teleporter exit that you could give to someone else to place... but you couldn't capture points or intel while carrying it.

    Maybe a two-way teleporter that takes longer than normal to recharge... However, since all the building upgrades would be unlocked via the same achievement, either they'd all change at once, or have only one of them change.

    Actually, I think they should just switch a wrench upgrade for a second building upgrade.

  9. I've been having fun with the new pyro glitch I discovered yesterday, so far I've discovered that it has: unlimited ammo, can shoot through walls, can fire underwater, and shoot bubbles. Sadly, it doesn't do any damage in any of these instances, but it's fun anyways... BUBBLE ATTACK!

    Haha, I think I was on your team when you found out it could do bubbles... I remember you commenting on that after it let you do fire underwater.

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