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    Vurez got a reaction from thebitterroost in Goonies   
    Thanks for the feedback. I ended up making some tweaks to it anyway and uploaded it to youtube.
  2. Like
    Vurez got a reaction from djpretzel in Goonies   
    I have changed my reverb techniques a bit, which I believe helps. I guess I'll go ahead and submit it. It's been a LONG time since I submitted anything.
  3. Like
    Vurez reacted to Souperion in Goonies   
    Never played Goonies, but now I'm wishing I did. Upbeat, cheerfully, and quirky. I actually like the synth flutes: they don't try to hide the synthiness (that is now a word), but embrace it in a way that compliments the rest of the instruments. Speaking of instruments, you've got a nice variety of sounds in here, and by spacing them out (not having them all playing at once), it keeps the texture of the whole thing flowing while keeping the same overall vibe. As far as I can tell, this is a pretty good, pretty fun piece. Nice work!
  4. Like
    Vurez reacted to djpretzel in Goonies   
    Definitely digging this, and as a fan of all things Goonies, I love the mix title.
    Wonderful space/reverb differentiating the parts; still plenty of clarity & crispness. Hope you submit!
  5. Like
    Vurez reacted to Gario in Goonies   
    Oh, this is a fun little arrangement. I agree - leaning into the artificial aspect of your instruments (like your flute-ish instrument) rather than trying to make them sound realistic gives the arrangement a more unique and pleasant flavor. The mixing of the guitar is too much to the front for essentially being the texture, but otherwise the production is pretty good, as well.
    Nice work, and I'm glad to see you makin' some music again. 
  6. Like
    Vurez got a reaction from djpretzel in Goonies   
    Thanks Gario. I suppose I could have toned down the guitar a bit, particularly when the leads are playing. 
  7. Like
    Vurez got a reaction from djpretzel in Goonies   
    GAME: Goonies (NES/FC)
    TRACK: Alternate Level Theme
    Well, I'm back after another long slumber. It's been a while since I've created any music, so I thought I'd post this Goonies arrangement here before I make a video for it to post on my youtube channel. I made this in two days which is unusually fast for me. I am wondering if I should trust my ears or not.
    I originally used the flute VST that I have used in past mixes, however, it wasn't sitting well in the mix so I swapped it out for a couple of synth flutes. Some people may not like it, but I think it gives it more of an 80s feel which I like.
    Let me know if you think I bass and drums are at a good level or not. The concern is that I have a new setup now with different speakers and I'm not used how things sound on them.
    The original track.
  8. Like
    Vurez reacted to k-wix in Hive Bomber - retro arcade game by Vurez   
    Looks pretty awesome. When can I try it ?
  9. Like
    Vurez reacted to Phonetic Hero in Hive Bomber - retro arcade game by Vurez   
    Agreed, this looks awesome! Great work on all fronts man
  10. Like
    Vurez reacted to Eino Keskitalo in Hive Bomber - retro arcade game by Vurez   
    Looks like my kind of a game! I'm hoping for a Linux version.
  11. Like
    Vurez reacted to DjjD in Hive Bomber - retro arcade game by Vurez   
    Dude, this looks sick! Feel free to send me a message whenever it's done, I'll pick up a copy.
  12. Like
    Vurez got a reaction from Thomas Neil in Hive Bomber - retro arcade game by Vurez   
    Hey guys. It's been a long time! I haven't submitted new remixes here in what feels like ages, however I've still been working on things. One of which I'd like to announce here. I've been developing a retro arcade game called Hive Bomber. It's a one-man project so it involved a lot more than music writing from me. It will be my 2nd released game (whether it makes it through Steam Greenlight or not) and I'm hoping it will appeal to the people who fondly remember the early 80s arcade games as I do.
    A brief description:
    The gameplay is simple. You control the Hive Bomber and assault enemy bee hives. Each hive has 4 randomly placed honey "cores". If you get all four, the hive self destructs. However, even numbered hives contain a randomly hidden queen which must be destroyed as well. Queens possess an impervious energy shield which is powered by the honey cores, so optimal gameplay will involve getting the honey before releasing the queen. Other bees work together to defend the hive from it's attacker. Workers repair the damaged hex cells. Defenders protect the hive and allies with their rechargeable bubble shield. Others fend off the Hive Bomber utilizing various attack behaviors.
    The Hive Bomber has a rainbow of forms it can take, each one represented as a powerup. You can have up to 2 forms that you can switch from at any one time. Each one has it's own weapon attributes and unique special ability. All forms can teleport to the opposite side of the hive if they have at least 1 teleport energy unit.
    The Steam Greenlight link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=742007760
    Checkout the trailer and screen shots, and if it looks like something you'd like to play, be sure to vote.
    The game's not 100% complete yet so any feedback/suggestions would be appreciated.
  13. Like
    Vurez got a reaction from Phonetic Hero in Hive Bomber - retro arcade game by Vurez   
    Hey guys. It's been a long time! I haven't submitted new remixes here in what feels like ages, however I've still been working on things. One of which I'd like to announce here. I've been developing a retro arcade game called Hive Bomber. It's a one-man project so it involved a lot more than music writing from me. It will be my 2nd released game (whether it makes it through Steam Greenlight or not) and I'm hoping it will appeal to the people who fondly remember the early 80s arcade games as I do.
    A brief description:
    The gameplay is simple. You control the Hive Bomber and assault enemy bee hives. Each hive has 4 randomly placed honey "cores". If you get all four, the hive self destructs. However, even numbered hives contain a randomly hidden queen which must be destroyed as well. Queens possess an impervious energy shield which is powered by the honey cores, so optimal gameplay will involve getting the honey before releasing the queen. Other bees work together to defend the hive from it's attacker. Workers repair the damaged hex cells. Defenders protect the hive and allies with their rechargeable bubble shield. Others fend off the Hive Bomber utilizing various attack behaviors.
    The Hive Bomber has a rainbow of forms it can take, each one represented as a powerup. You can have up to 2 forms that you can switch from at any one time. Each one has it's own weapon attributes and unique special ability. All forms can teleport to the opposite side of the hive if they have at least 1 teleport energy unit.
    The Steam Greenlight link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=742007760
    Checkout the trailer and screen shots, and if it looks like something you'd like to play, be sure to vote.
    The game's not 100% complete yet so any feedback/suggestions would be appreciated.
  14. Like
    Vurez got a reaction from Arrow in Hive Bomber - retro arcade game by Vurez   
    Hey guys. It's been a long time! I haven't submitted new remixes here in what feels like ages, however I've still been working on things. One of which I'd like to announce here. I've been developing a retro arcade game called Hive Bomber. It's a one-man project so it involved a lot more than music writing from me. It will be my 2nd released game (whether it makes it through Steam Greenlight or not) and I'm hoping it will appeal to the people who fondly remember the early 80s arcade games as I do.
    A brief description:
    The gameplay is simple. You control the Hive Bomber and assault enemy bee hives. Each hive has 4 randomly placed honey "cores". If you get all four, the hive self destructs. However, even numbered hives contain a randomly hidden queen which must be destroyed as well. Queens possess an impervious energy shield which is powered by the honey cores, so optimal gameplay will involve getting the honey before releasing the queen. Other bees work together to defend the hive from it's attacker. Workers repair the damaged hex cells. Defenders protect the hive and allies with their rechargeable bubble shield. Others fend off the Hive Bomber utilizing various attack behaviors.
    The Hive Bomber has a rainbow of forms it can take, each one represented as a powerup. You can have up to 2 forms that you can switch from at any one time. Each one has it's own weapon attributes and unique special ability. All forms can teleport to the opposite side of the hive if they have at least 1 teleport energy unit.
    The Steam Greenlight link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=742007760
    Checkout the trailer and screen shots, and if it looks like something you'd like to play, be sure to vote.
    The game's not 100% complete yet so any feedback/suggestions would be appreciated.
  15. Like
    Vurez got a reaction from djpretzel in Hive Bomber - retro arcade game by Vurez   
    Hey guys. It's been a long time! I haven't submitted new remixes here in what feels like ages, however I've still been working on things. One of which I'd like to announce here. I've been developing a retro arcade game called Hive Bomber. It's a one-man project so it involved a lot more than music writing from me. It will be my 2nd released game (whether it makes it through Steam Greenlight or not) and I'm hoping it will appeal to the people who fondly remember the early 80s arcade games as I do.
    A brief description:
    The gameplay is simple. You control the Hive Bomber and assault enemy bee hives. Each hive has 4 randomly placed honey "cores". If you get all four, the hive self destructs. However, even numbered hives contain a randomly hidden queen which must be destroyed as well. Queens possess an impervious energy shield which is powered by the honey cores, so optimal gameplay will involve getting the honey before releasing the queen. Other bees work together to defend the hive from it's attacker. Workers repair the damaged hex cells. Defenders protect the hive and allies with their rechargeable bubble shield. Others fend off the Hive Bomber utilizing various attack behaviors.
    The Hive Bomber has a rainbow of forms it can take, each one represented as a powerup. You can have up to 2 forms that you can switch from at any one time. Each one has it's own weapon attributes and unique special ability. All forms can teleport to the opposite side of the hive if they have at least 1 teleport energy unit.
    The Steam Greenlight link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=742007760
    Checkout the trailer and screen shots, and if it looks like something you'd like to play, be sure to vote.
    The game's not 100% complete yet so any feedback/suggestions would be appreciated.
  16. Like
    Vurez got a reaction from Kenogu Labz in Hive Bomber - retro arcade game by Vurez   
    Hey guys. It's been a long time! I haven't submitted new remixes here in what feels like ages, however I've still been working on things. One of which I'd like to announce here. I've been developing a retro arcade game called Hive Bomber. It's a one-man project so it involved a lot more than music writing from me. It will be my 2nd released game (whether it makes it through Steam Greenlight or not) and I'm hoping it will appeal to the people who fondly remember the early 80s arcade games as I do.
    A brief description:
    The gameplay is simple. You control the Hive Bomber and assault enemy bee hives. Each hive has 4 randomly placed honey "cores". If you get all four, the hive self destructs. However, even numbered hives contain a randomly hidden queen which must be destroyed as well. Queens possess an impervious energy shield which is powered by the honey cores, so optimal gameplay will involve getting the honey before releasing the queen. Other bees work together to defend the hive from it's attacker. Workers repair the damaged hex cells. Defenders protect the hive and allies with their rechargeable bubble shield. Others fend off the Hive Bomber utilizing various attack behaviors.
    The Hive Bomber has a rainbow of forms it can take, each one represented as a powerup. You can have up to 2 forms that you can switch from at any one time. Each one has it's own weapon attributes and unique special ability. All forms can teleport to the opposite side of the hive if they have at least 1 teleport energy unit.
    The Steam Greenlight link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=742007760
    Checkout the trailer and screen shots, and if it looks like something you'd like to play, be sure to vote.
    The game's not 100% complete yet so any feedback/suggestions would be appreciated.
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