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Everything posted by ILLiterate

  1. This is great, please submit this to http://remix.thasauce.net/ when you're done with it
  2. XL for me, if the price isn't high I'd probably get one
  3. NCT2, best be there, TEAM OCR (Me, You, Arek the Absolute)
  4. Hit him in the face with an ice creame cone
  5. ATTENTION CA SMASHERS NCT2 is going down on October 28th at San Jose State University, going to be a big big tourney for Melee and if possible I'd love to have a meet up there. Me, my friend and Arek the Absolute are probably going THREAD http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=70152 Anyone interested?
  6. Best mix ever, DJP needs to close down the site because nothing will top this in forever years
  7. You best be there October 28th for "NTC2 TEH BIG ONE"We will roll out
  8. My mains are Cpt. Falcon (Pink/White) & Dr. Mario But I also like to wave dash crazy with Luigi, makes me feel good
  9. OS|-|7 SUM1 T3|_|_ T3|-| PR35!|)3N7 !'|\/| GU|\||\|4 P\/\/N7 N0\/\/ P|-|334!1!1!!!1!
  10. Yep, that sucks. Not much else to say except what is currently there isn't worth paying for imo
  11. The Wizard just came out on DVD Yea, not buying the DVD because of lack of extras
  12. Yahar, great interest in Dream Shore (3), I'll try and get some kind of WIP done soon (school started BOO)
  13. I feel like the main drums need to be moving, like in the ending song for Saw http://ezp.icynipple.net/13%20Hello%20Zepp.m4a Something like those
  14. Because I really want it, and I couldn't find them, I have to request a Dudley (Street Fighter 3: Third Strike) advatar, and a Duck King (KoF 11 & Fatal Fury Real Bout) advatar if anyone can handel those EDIT: Also, I'm not finding any Dan Hibiki...
  15. I win BUT OH KNOES / HARK / OTHER CURSES!! It seems that Drum missed my meet up D: MGL Pre-EVO 2D Fighter Arcade Battle In Milpitas, CA on 8/4/06 P.S: Utah meetup? more like mormon meet up, am i rite?
  16. Out of all the guest stars that can come in, I have never seen anyone say Ryu or Ken. It would work out fine
  17. 68MB? GTFO JK, I'll listen soon
  18. LOL I remember you sent me a folder with some MP3s of this SUCH A LONG TIME AGO Yea it's awesome For an NES track you have to remix a track from Journey To Silius and if you do it good, I promise to pay for this album, even if it is $238472938472983747897249 and I explode from bankrupness
  19. HELL YES I AM OYAJI!!!!!!!!! Meh, well then I call the remaining Street Fighters, whoever they may be EDIT: Just so happens that they are Gen, Chun-Li, Guy, Sakura & Karin. I'll try and get all those done soon for you guys, mabye a week and a half tops
  20. I never really visited this thread before, but as soon as I saw the name Guile on the old list, I had to do him and instantly went to work Well, I wrote one for Guile...but it seems too late (with Polo having done his), mabye way too long. Might as well put it up for compairison (I like mine a bit better, more information) Guile Capcom 1991 Character Summary: Guile (full name William F. Guile in the live action Street Fighter film) is a very popular character among fans of Capcom's Street Fighter series. In the Street Fighter universe, Guile is a member of the U.S. Air Force with the rank of First Lieutenant in the Alpha(Zero) series. He was promoted to a Major in the Street Fighter II seriesIntroduced in Street Fighter II, Guile joined the second World Warriors tournament in order to defeat Bison/Vega, as Guile holds Bison/Vega responsible for the death of his best friend, Charlie. The death of Charlie impacted Guile very hard. He left the Air Force and his whole life to extract his revenge. While in the offical storyline Guile never fought Bison/Vega, once you reached his ending and defeated Bison/Vega, Guile threatened to end Bison's/Vega's existance. Guile's wife and daughter appeared and pleaded Guile to not kill Bison/Vega, claiming that such behavior could destroy him and he had to give up his life of revenge. Realizing they where correct, he left Bison/Vega and retired happily with his family Prior to these events in the Street Fighter series, Street Fighter Alpha(Zero) 3 explained exactly what happened to Charlie and Guile. Guile was charged with searching for his best friend Charlie after a secret investigation went awry. He investigated with this with Chun-Li and they eventually found the evil Shadoloo base in Japan where Charlie was being held. Bison/Vega attacked them, daring them to set inside his base. While Chun-Li investigated another area, Charlie and Guile set explosives around their mission objective: Bison's/Vega source of power (the Psycho Drive). Bison/Vega attacked them and while Charlie held Bison/Vega off, he convinced Guile to escape with Chun-Li right before the base exploded, killing Charlie and destroying Bison/Vega's body, at that time Guile was one of the original "back-charge" characters in Street Fighter II. An example of how this was used would be his ever famous "Sonic Boom" (a ring of light energy that Guile would use as a projectile). The way to do this move would be that you'd have to hold the away direction for a two second charge and then tap the toward direction and any punch button at the same time. This was a very useful style of play which is still used with many different characters today for it's denfensive properties. Guile also had a suplex grab with a very long reach, a backflip kick named "Somersault Kick" (which also used a ring of light energy) to name a few of his moves The look of Guile is though to be specifically engineered for American fans, because of his army uniform and American flag tattoos, and dog tags to name a few features Guile was the lead character in the live action version of Street Fighter, played by Jean-Claude Van Damme. This storyline is not cannon to the offical Street Fighter story Guile has appeared in many fighting games since his first appearance. Everything from the fast and furious Marvel Vs. Capcom 2, to the slower and more methodical Capcom Vs. SNK 2 Quotes: "Sonic BOOM!", "Go home and be a family man!" Sources: Wikipedia - Guile (SF) Appearances: (Arcade, Gameboy, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advanced, PS2[in Anniversary Collection], Xbox 360[Live Arcade]) Street Fighter II (All incarnations) (Arcade, PS1, PS2[in Alpha Anthology], PSP) Street Fighter Alpha(Zero) 3 (Select versions) (PS2) Street Fighter EX Series (Arcade, Dreamcast, PS2, Xbox) Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 (Arcade, PSone[1], PS2[2], Xbox[2], GC[2]) Capcom Vs. SNK 1-2 (Arcade, Xbox) SNK Vs. Capcom: Chaos (PS2) Capcom Fighting Jam (Evolution in America) (PS2) Onimusa 3 (Secret costume) (Dreamcast) Cannon Spike
  21. Nothing beats these old Fabio Frizzi synths The vibe is awesome, nice to groove to, and fun to listen to. My only problem is that it could of used more
  22. Nice to see one of your master chiptunes finally make the site
  23. Yar, I still need to get to Sephfire about what we're going to do to launch this track
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