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Everything posted by ILLiterate

  1. LOL Reason has some of the greatest drum samples I've ever heard. Go to the main site and look for the free kits. You should also be able to find MUCH better overall samples since Reason is very much good stuff quality
  2. It will use the Wii controler, but the director has said to keep your gamecube controllers, since you can use BOTH
  3. pwnt Not really, Luigi's epic wavedash can play some serious mind games, not to mention his very easy to his fair that does some very nice knock back and damage. A very floaty character that can mess up your timing, and use great trickeryAlso, this is Ken, easily one of the best Smashers in our entire continent
  4. Hmm, hells yes The strings are sexy, I love lo-fi synths, and the source material is so catchy/great that it makes it hard not to love this one, especially with the added original goodies that Snapple has provided Very solid EDIT: Snapple: What Snapple: ? Snapple: I did no such thing EazyPInc1: SnappleMan correct? Or am I going insane? Snapple: Yes Snapple: I've done no cave story EazyPInc1: ...what the funk... EazyPInc1: apparently EazyPInc1: you have EazyPInc1: *shows* SNK Freak: the fuck o_O So, Snappleman didn't do this one...still pretty hot OK Drum did it then, gg guy
  5. FUGGIN YES I found a GREAT ORANGE Gamecube controller Good times ahoy
  6. This man speaks the complete truth Anyways, I'm starting to think a little more highly of Solid Snake. That arching kick could be a really easy to hit and useful spike, and even though someone pointed out the "electricity" is on everything, Snakes hits look like they're giving out much more of a lag effect on other characters than other people. Not to mention he looks a bit floaty and VERY strong. Did anyone else notice how his 3 hit A combo, doesn't lead into a repeating spam move? Looks like there will actually be a use for those A combos now We'll have to see
  7. You can already do this, it's called Directional Influencing Which is basically a fancy way of saying "if you hold left while in midair you'll move left and if you crouch you won't fly as far." Moving in midair is Directional Influence and not moving when getting hit while holding down is Crouch Canceling. Get the terms right. You're still doing the same basic thing, pretty much, and the term doesn't matter as long as I do it
  8. OMG SONIC'S GONNA BE IN THAT'S AWESOME!11!!!1!!!!!1!11!!!!shift+one!1!!
  9. You can already do this, it's called Directional Influencing
  10. Oh noes it says "No such song" D: Submit to ReMix:Tha Sauce mabye? :3
  11. My name is EazyP on there. I've done that quite a few times, it's all about practice Melee Tourney in Fresno, CA on November 25th (Saturday), it's first come first serve in the Pacific West portion of Smashboards > Tournament Regions part. Anyone up for it?
  12. Don't hate him because he's beautiful. Although, one of my friends has suggested that the headband Marth wears is actually a tiara. I will hate him because of c-stick spammers
  13. I hate you right now. I will come if you drive your asses up to North Cal you bastard >(
  14. If by GC controller, yes
  15. No the first REAL online game was Unreal TournamentIf it isn't online, then...well...Wii just destroyed themselves
  16. I think the story went something like this: The maker of MGS and SSB know eachother quite well. Maker of MGS wanted to let them put Snake in Melee, but there wasn't enough time. Now that there is another SSB, Snake is going to be a character. I could be wrong though because I forgot where I heard this. Sorry I'm not good with remembering famous names of Japanese people. Maybe they're friends now, but the way I heard it, Kojima just called and asked him if he could put Snake in the next Smash, but he had to tell him they where too late in the process to put Snake in. Otherwise, it's the same
  17. The stage that is behind Link when he showed up looked more like a Fire Emblem stage than a Zelda stage
  18. From the looks of things, Snake looks like he has some bad moves. He's slow, but if Lag C's are still in, this won't be much of a problem. A little charging swift kick and some electric powers seem to help. Still looks D: Metaknight looks like the obvious bad ass with his crazy A combos. The game looks much more combo oriented as well, not to mention characters where making MAJOR use of short hops, proving that the things we love have a good chance of staying int he game. WARIO LOOKS EPIC. Everything from the run, to the attacks is great. He seems to have good knockback as well, which will make him a favorite of mine. Not to mention the expected fast falling of a fatty.
  19. Great album, here's hoping you get people
  20. Would probably end up being a Samus clone, and they're already Zero Suit Samus in there, so no don't think so
  21. Since PC Chris is coming from NY, Bob$ & The Germ are comming, S-Royal is comming from Japan and out of retirement... There's a good chance, but I haven't seen any exact forum posts that say he would
  22. Yahar, if this is the Patrick I think it is, gg for finally getting on OCR It's a smooth jam, but not my cup of tea. WHICH IS INSANELY WEIRD SINCE I AM MR.SMOOTHJAMS05 but wuteva
  23. I ment a video on just Falco, but whatever Also, anyone can learn mindgames from watching a good match
  24. Hows about a TRAINING video, for people who SUX and can't read
  25. let's all go to the tourney...
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