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RimFrost the Tourianist

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Everything posted by RimFrost the Tourianist

  1. Wow this IS a great effort indeed with the melodic metal track ..and the drums ..the DRUMS ! Awesome work Darangen We want more more more !!!
  2. This piece reminds me alot more of flashy Amiga games ,than of Sonic ones. Although it's a nice effort (especially the rock part towards the middle), it would take me some time to fully appriciate the wholeness of the tune itself. It's just almost too chaotic. But i'm probably delusional, since chaos is what Sonic games are all about Nice work there Jivemaster.
  3. Very funky for a Final Doom remix But i liked it all the same. It has it's moments indeed...
  4. Totally Crazy ,it's saved ! Thank you Mr.Mazedude
  5. Melodic ,yet dissonant and chaotic. An interresting remix if given some time to listen through..
  6. Starts out soft, and slowly builds some tension. A few quite dissonant parts in the middle, and a nice powerful (but far too short) ending. All in all a nice listen. Thumbs up, Nixdorux
  7. Dracula in Castlevania 2 - Simon's Quest. Hehe just kidding (takes 2 seconds w holy water.) Gaah ..I just perverted the thread. -------------------- Just remembered. Death in Lament of Innocence was pretty tough if you had very few healing items left. You always had to rely on jumping skills.
  8. Rockcrusher (level 5 boss) Evil on Hard
  9. Amazing work ..I fail to decribe this in even a few words !! And the warped intro was IMO the best part So spacey ,complex and totally cool !
  10. The final level of Xenon2-Megablast for Amiga acts kindof like a boss. It's a real pain to even get there because of the limited lives and continues. Plus the game is a murder on your trigger finger..
  11. I haven't heard a single Mute City remix before this ..DJP certainly hammers the nail down in this one Good stuff !
  12. An actionpacked SoM remix , i liked it alot. Interresting and innovative, it stands out from most other stuff sent in sofar.. Thumbs Up ,Ziwtra !
  13. Wow. This is a really annoying remix for sure . The drums..The Drums, they never stop banging I owned Green Beret for C64 a long time ago. It was actually a pretty fun (but hard) game.
  14. Very groovy house. Rythmic and sounds organized. I was playing that marble level in Sonic just an hour ago. Ahh memories of the good ol days.. +1 to you Mr.Morse
  15. She certainly has talent for the soft piano, and it shows well in this piece. Far better than the original version in my opinion. And it should have been in the game.. Excellent work BogusRed. Make more songs like this
  16. I always thought Dracula (both forms) from the original Castlevania was pretty hard to beat. To finish him without taking any damage requires great timing and patience.
  17. I liked it intensly ! Good job as always Mr.Pretzel
  18. Ahh Contra. Good remix to remind us about good old days..
  19. goat changes style it seems...It turns out well too. Amazing results ..Download NOW !
  20. I've had this amazing remix for a long time now..I love it to the max. But i never gave it a post before so i'll do that then... +1 to Mr. Baranowsky
  21. The japanese funk is good. I liked alot. This thing will stay on my playlist for a long while..
  22. Boost Guardian from MP2 was horrible to beat on Hard.
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