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RimFrost the Tourianist

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Everything posted by RimFrost the Tourianist

  1. Now this is one tune that definitly was in grave need of remixing ,the original on N64 was horrible as i remembered Nice job ,Bladiator
  2. Though i haven't played the game therefore never heard the original, i can tell Mazedude still shines with his usual high skills in bringing out the oldskool vibes in classic game tunes. Nice works as always. You're aMazeing, Dude
  3. Great new collab by TO and bladiator ! Brooding dark piano remix. I liked it Also very relaxing. Well done guys !
  4. True, but with the CTB at least you have the time to plan your moves right.
  5. I agree. FFX-2 wasn't THAT bad (though the pop-star thing is still a bit ridiculous). That, and Trema reminds me of Nemesis in FFX. Both great boss battles. And IMO some of the few truly challenging bosses in recent RPGs. I wish they had bosses like that in games like real time action RPGs. I think it's just the return to the Active Time Battle system that makes boss battles harder ,compared to FFX.
  6. High quality collaboration remix. So stylish and varied. The violin parts are definite highlights. Something to chillout to after a hard days work
  7. Very calm and relaxing. Loved the accustic guitar throughout. And best part is the "discovery" sound effect at the end. Brilliant work for a newcomer..Make more songs like this one in the future ,Tepid
  8. I second that And that which must also be said is that Lemmings was my all-time favorite puzzle game back when i was a kid.
  9. Zircon delivers his stuff in high-class as usual. Tal mountain range is one of the nicer Zelda tunes i can think of a remix to be made from anyway. The synth samples are somewhat similar in style to those used in some of the F-Zero GX race tracks, which i really liked. As others mentioned ,it's a pity about the far too abrupt ending. But generally the song goes around in repeat all the time so perhaps won't matter much. Good job, zircon !
  10. Exceptionally well-made remix of Hydrocity theme Congrats RTF.
  11. Whether or not one is to complain about the samples being used, this is a quite amazing arrangement anyhow. It's very clear sounding and pleasing to the ears. Although the ending needed to be expanded upon somewhat. Well done, DJP One of your finest work sofar.
  12. You don't mean Trojan for the NES, do you? They were wimps!! I am not a hardcore gamer mind you Even though i am somewhat old-skool.
  13. Finally another excellent bLiNd remix hits OCR Don't have much to comment about this one, other than ..GO AND LISTEN NOW !!
  14. Fiendishly well-made cuban track, but i didn't find too much referrence to Zelda music Anyways ,i loved it as it were
  15. I second that. And it really starts kicking at 2:00 Amazing submission indeed ! Hope we get to hear many more remixes from this one.
  16. Not quite as dissonant of a remix as you'd have expected from Shnabubula, as there's a fully coherent yet weird sounding melody flowing throughout most of the track. When the drums start at 2:30, you'll know where it takes you as a listener. This i think is his finest remix sofar. Excellent work as always, Shna
  17. German ravegroove thumps mixed in with one of the finest shooters ever to grace the old Amiga days, creates a brave new sound ..mayhaps too complex listening for some ,though maybe too simple for other sets of ears. Nevertheless a worthy yet quite obscure effort to force my nostalgic feelings to surface. Chris Huelsbeck should be very proud of this
  18. A little melancholy here and there is good for you. Some very powerful techno/trance beats follows a looong and sweet piano and string section. This old remix still stands up strong and brave today. +1 to that
  19. Just like watkinzez said, it needed some expanding.. But otherwise it's fun electronica ,and a good solid reminder of the 80's golden gaming era.
  20. I normally don't enjoy rap music, but this is something else. And with some very fond memories of the game at hand, it's nice to hear a quality remixer's efforts reach my ears. I liked the generic robotic voices in the background alot, and it's melody is in decent sync with teh rapping Good Work MN.
  21. I've said it way back before...but i'll say it again.. The Trojan bosses !!
  22. Quite trippy and spacey. Good bassline. It's kind of a mix between generic reggae music and the dark dimension music of Metroid Prime 2. And it does it's job well of relaxing the soul
  23. One would think Marble Zone had been remixed to death, and then comes something like this ! Happy days are back, when constructive brains work in unison somehow. This is one well-thoughtout song indeed. And for a first remix submitted from this guy at that !! Great timing with the instruments ,and an intense raving feel to it throughout the remainder of the song. It reminds me of Donkey Kong Country tunes. Go and listen to it many times over. Thanks for oozing quality from the very start ,DistantJ
  24. Dhsu does what he does best ,a piano solo. Excellent work man
  25. Charming and constructive little tune. I liked it alot. Something to hear while sipping down a glass of fine cognac in the evening
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