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RimFrost the Tourianist

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Everything posted by RimFrost the Tourianist

  1. Have had this one on repeat at least 10 times by now, i'm very impressed by the guitarwork. Great job with the piece overall
  2. Slow paced and quite moody. And a nice choice of instruments i think. Good stuff !
  3. Another quality Doom remix for that project that succeded quite well. The ambience is great throughout. And the break in pace at 2:20 was very neccessery as to one not losing interrest listening till the end. I liked every second of this. Also some quite nice little chimes mixed in. Solid work MN
  4. No worries. My review sucks worse cause im drinking some beer. As for the song itself ,do i need say more than : Nice Work !
  5. Nice little pub song. Makes me wanna open up a Guinness
  6. It sounds like a travel background theme for some playstation rpg ,with the ambience and calm pace flowing though from beginning till the end. But it's still original and nice to hear. Good choice of instruments also.
  7. Another great quality remix by McVaffe Extremely catchy.
  8. This is quite good. A bit repetivite techno, but solid overall. And i always enjoyed Megaman music anyway..
  9. The bottom line is : DON'T post any "My favorite FF game" type thread.
  10. Level 3 was always my own personal favorite level anyway. This jazzy version rocks my pants once again.
  11. 4th boss in Trojan wasn't too easy IMO.
  12. Ohh what a lounge song. I'll just sip this last shot of brandy listening to this exquisite piece of a remix.
  13. Very nice effort here Groovy and also quite zany.
  14. Wow. I'm frankly amazed about the mellowness of the Mario Kart remix at hand. Because i was expecting to hear something upbeat and technolike. But this ..this is sooo sweet and cool, I can't stop it playing. Also good use of instruments ,and excellent timing in the track. Thumbs Up !
  15. Yeah good ,another Ecco remix ..there sure is need for some more. This one Sadorf manages to pull off quite nicely in fact. With some of his usual techno/trance stylish beats. Although it may sound abit generic and dull on yer first listenthrough..the melody sticks after like 4-5 repeats ,it did with me. So in conclusion : Quite repetetive but still addictive and generic for the brain. But not in a bad way . (gosh i sound like i'm trying to review an old Amiga game tune). Give it a chance like i did
  16. It's very unlike a typical Super Metroid remix.. anyone would agree, but after around 2:15 or so it really picks up the pace and gets quite interresting. All in all ,good stuff if you need to space out for a few mins..
  17. Cool and catchy summertime rock song ,nice vocals at most times. Guitars are ok, although the drums are abit weak. Listen through this, a few repeats later it sticks to yer mind somewhat..(running to the fridge to grab another beer).
  18. A horror Doom remix ? Hey why not I loved it intensly i'll say. It reminds me of Friday the 13th ,whenever Jason approaches/chases his victims down right before the kill. And there's a lovely little finish punch to the song also Great job there, Daniel !
  19. Ohh Nice ! Doom metal remix made as a mix of 3 different early shareware level tunes. w00t ! This stuff absolutly ROCKS ..particulary the final 20 seconds of it.
  20. This remix had such great potential. Too bad it's wasted on great anticipation. It tries hard on building up a majestic mood by the robtic sounds and ..suddenly fails hard by the lack of further imagination.
  21. Oh not at all. It simply means that you're a true gamer like the rest of us
  22. An Enigma-inspired new-age elektronika remix ? Why the heck not..It sounds really great. I fell for the mellow flowing sounds directly. And then hooked for like 5 loops or more until i could press stop. Damn fine quality new-age here
  23. Hmmm only 9 reviews posted on a very competent remix such as this, in over 3 years !? Amazing..
  24. GL in a collab with pixietricks can't possibly go wrong ,and it didn't i'm glad to hear. Such great engineering in this song. Her vocals are enchanting to say the least. And the timing of the instruments fading in and out is perfect as well. Final Fintasy lives again ! +1 to this remix
  25. I haven't played the game ,so i can't compare the original. Although i think i will after hearing this R-Type Delta inspired low bass sound. It freaking rocks !! Shnabubula is well known for making weird and dissonant remixes, but i'm all for it. Let's face it..we've all heard much less thought out songs get into OCR ,right? This one reeks of strange quality
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