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RimFrost the Tourianist

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Everything posted by RimFrost the Tourianist

  1. Dracula in Simon's Quest just kidding.
  2. Yea , Hugh and Drac were pretty tough on low level Fighter and Shooter modes ..mainly because you had to make do without DSS magic. But Thief mode is the best challenge IMO. Low stats.
  3. I hated the bosses from the old NES game Trojan ,so fuckingly frustrating ones.. Here they are ,all of them.
  4. It is by far Prophecy's best remix, and one i got hooked with once i heard it. Though it strays pretty far from the original tune in the game by use of the trance style, it never fails to captivate. I had it on repeat like 10 times at least and it became ever better for each listen. Solid gold stuff. A keeper for sure
  5. I had this amazing metal piece on repeat like 10 times or so before i broke free of the wonder spell There were times during the solos that i stopped and thought "Jimi Hendrix, you had much to learn!" i mean i rarely hear solos like these even these days. Otherwise it's a somewhat solitary, dissonant and utterly brilliant masterpiece metal song . Go and download it
  6. Now this is a metal song made with much detail and incredible variation ,and it sure rocks I love the way this song starts and ends the same. Be sure to keep a keen eye on BrainCells ! Way cool !!
  7. MMMmmm this is Gradius goodness (i wonder how i missed this one..?) stupid lazyness of mine Thanks djp , for restoring my faith in the Vic Viper ! ..Now if i could only find the Gradius V soundtrack somewhere ,that should be a blast.
  8. Same thing here ...maybe the whole site is under maintenance now ? ..or some file transfer overload..
  9. As an old Metroid fan, i'm very pleased to see more and more remixes of previous games flowing into the site ..and i'm impressed by this one . Catchy, funky and generally very listenable track. Good job BGC
  10. MMmmmm nice tunage ! Being the Castevania remix that it is ,i must emphrasize the meaning of this song by three understandable words : Harmony Of Dissonance Good Work Shnabubula !
  11. WOW ! SS's best remix sofar i think. An excellent techno/trance track as well as making me wanna go and finally beat the blasted game hehe Go Salzman !
  12. As that which has been said, the sample quality IS great,and an effort has been made to have it sound huge and inventive. But i did however come to expect something more epic and original from GL ,because Frog's Theme had such great potential for a massive and dramatic masterpiece
  13. Really? I've always had great trouble with beating Kintaro however , the precursor fight to Shao Kahn in MK 2.
  14. Cool thing Darkesword went for ice ,and not fire ! A remix of Magmoor would perhaps upset the already ruined Chozo ghosts. Phendrana Drifts is IMO a wise decision for the first MP remix Nice solid bassline, good instruments and has a decent techno feel to it. It delivers sound to the ears that is set for Prime listeners
  15. I actually still have the Killer Cuts soundtrack CD somewhere around, and remember this song quite well from KI..while this piano clanking attempts to revitalise the tune ,it sadly doesn't translate too well to my demanding ears (i do like some solo piano remixes posted on ocr though, so its not a thing as simple as hating pianos..)
  16. i truly enjoy the songs on tefnek's site, and with zircon collaborating it's a guaranteed success. Funny and funky as well as synthy and spunky . A nice tribute to the hippy green pizza-guzzling sewage turds we/I grew up with
  17. Loved this remix Now all we need is a few bottles of rum !
  18. Since i haven't played the game i can't know the original tune it's based from , but most Squaresoft games made in the mid-90's had excellent music in them. And i like this effort really , the drums remind me alot of Super Metroid's tunes (the ones that had this sort of drums in them). Good job here ,Shnabubula
  19. Very movie-music inspired, and professionally engineered indeed. i liked it after only 5 seconds had played..and it stays great until the end. Definitly a keeper
  20. I have difficulty believing this remix whould have been rejected in the first place if the quality was similar to this. There are far worse submissions on OCR that landed and stayed over the years..too many for me list here. Anyway, it's a nice Zangief jazzy effort in my book
  21. Very catchy towards the end of the track , and a good use of instruments as well. I always enjoy a good trance remix ,no matter from what game . Nice Work
  22. If you love it so much, why don't you marry it? I love Maria from SH2 (forbidden love hurts so much) i tried sending her an email but she won't respond
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