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Everything posted by AMT

  1. This had a Tenacious D feel to it and it made me laugh in a good way. Good job
  2. My thoughts as I listened: Some of your synths are pretty dry / uninteresting, particularly that thing that sounds like someone knocking on wood that's constantly going. Put some modulation on it and give it some life. The lead melody is way too far in the background because it's drenched in reverb and doesn't have any bite to it; bring it towards the front! When you switch to the chords / pads, there wasn't really a good transition and it sounds a bit muddy. I like the synth that comes in after that, though, and that whole next part sounds really good. It starts to get a little repetitive after a while, though. Try panning some stuff left and right, too, it sounds like everything is dead center. Decent effort, keep at it!
  3. Pulled it back so it wasn't quite as squashed. I think this is it; any last comments before I submit?
  4. And it's done! I don't think I'm ever touching this again. Time to submit! ...to OLR. Xenon, do I really have to make 5 posts and all that crap?
  5. This is a really cool concept. I'm not super familiar with the source, but what you have definitely isn't bad at all! I'd like to hear more The plucked viola(?) at the very end reminded me of Treetop Tumble from DKC. Very nice.
  6. I wish I could give some critique, but this is pretty badass as is. I love the bass synth you guys have going there. Good luck on the panel!
  7. FINISHED: Ok, I'll admit right off the bat, 99% of the reason I even did this was so I could scream "GOTTA FOLLOW MY RAINBOW." This will probably never get finished and I'm aware of how fugly it is, but I figured I'd share and let other people see the horror I've created. Maybe I'll submit this to OLR if I finish it. EDIT: Source for those who don't know: Cyril - I suppose you're right, I'm just terrible with genre classifications =P
  8. Thanks a ton for your input, halc! I think I'm almost done with it now based on your critiques. I totally revamped that climax and I love how it came out. How is this sounding?
  9. Took all of the suggestions into account, the dynamics of the song flow way better I think and the mixing should be better. Take a listen!
  10. Whoops, sorry about that, I didn't realize those were up there. My bad
  11. NEW: OLD: http://tindeck.com/listen/ymeu http://tindeck.com/listen/cgpz http://tindeck.com/listen/fwkr So this is my funky / whatever take on Hot Head Bop from DKC2. There's a lot of the source I haven't incorporated yet that I plan on, but this should give an idea of where I'm going with it. Tell me what you think, thanks for listening! EDIT: Updated, added a lot more of the source. Check it, yo! EDIT 2: Took all of the suggestions into account, the dynamics of the song flow way better I think and the mixing should be better. Take a listen! EDIT 3: Revamped the climax and mastering. Rawk! EDIT 4: Pulled it back so it wasn't quite as squashed. I think this is it; any last comments before I submit?
  12. Alright, I've got a lot of audio stuff for sale, so I figured I'd put it all in one post. Feel free to put these individually or just link to the post. Thanks! All prices include shipping in the US. The things I have for sale are: Fostex MR-8 digital multitrack recorder - $70 Works great, I just use my laptop for portable recording now so I have no use for it. It comes with a power supply and a 128mb compact flash card. M-Audio Studiopro 3 powered monitors - $45 Great budget starting pair when all you have are standard computer speakers. Hartke Bass Attack distortion / direct box - $40 Distortion, EQ, a wet/dry mix, and a direct box all in one. Metal casing, feels solid as a rock. Perfect for Muse style bass tones. Boss AC-2 acoustic simulator - $30 This works perfectly except the toggle switch doesn't stick anymore, so you have to hold the pedal down for it to be on. Shouldn't be too hard to fix, the effect itself has no problems at all. Drum Practice Pad - $10 http://img251.imageshack.us/i/dscn0469a.jpg/ USB Midiman midi interface - $25 http://img689.imageshack.us/i/dscn0466.jpg/ Great for hooking up an electric drumset or keyboard
  13. I've got an Axiom 25 and it's fantastic, but I think it's a bit much for what I need. I don't really use anything except the keys and the mod wheel, so I'm thinking an Oxygen would be better for my needs, particularly a 3rd revision. Is there anyone here with an Oxygen that's looking to upgrade that wants to trade for not much more than the cost of shipping?
  14. Yup, I should have one at home. Give me a PM later to remind me if I forget and I'll try to find it.
  15. Bitcrushing basically reduces the sample rate depth of the signal. If you had a 16bit signal and crushed it to 8, suddenly the number of discrete volume levels the signal can occupy go from 65,536 down to 256. Remember how old voice samples on the SNES / Genesis sounded? Kind of like that, but more extreme based on the settings.
  16. This is awesome, I love the change midway through when the lower bass kicks in
  17. This is awesome, I could totally hear this in a Sonic zone.
  18. How does one modify their remixer profile page? Like, add a photo, etc.
  19. The lyrics for both the spoken part and screamed part are I don't know what you want from me / Or why you try me constantly Just let me go, how do I show / You're nothing but a loss to me
  20. Alright, I'm going to try to give this a go tonight!
  21. Sorry about that! So yeah, my synths of choice are Triangle II, Synth1, and ReaSynth. The first two can be found free online and the last one comes with REAPER, which can also be used free. After that, I like using Voxengo Boogex (It's a guitar amp sim, but it sounds awesome on synths) and Bionic Delay on them, which are both also free. Other than that, just experiment and see what you can come up with!

  22. Thanks for all the feedback, guys! I appreciate it This WILL happen. I have no idea when, but I would absolutely love to do something like that.
  23. Oh hey, I forgot it recorded your time. Ignore my start / endpoints then, let's just use that. Good job!
  24. So I was looking around for some free 64bit VSTs today, and I came across this site: http://www.meldaproduction.com/freevstplugins/ Their free plugins are absolutely amazing, and I'm seriously considering buying some of their others. They have 32 bit versions too, try them out!
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