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Everything posted by AMT

  1. Sweet, I'll definitely pick this up! I loved Exodus.
  2. Someone else mentioned that to me and I never noticed the popup. Ah well, sorry guys.
  3. http://forum.cockos.com/showthread.php?t=69722 Anyone else try it yet? I've only had a quick chance to sit down with it, but the new GUI is slick. I can't wait until I have a chance to sit down and play with the new panning tool. I'll post screens when I'm back home, for now you should follow the link and give it a shot!
  4. You're behind the times, man. Sigs are all the rage nowadays, you're practically nobody without one.
  5. Another programmer / musician checking in! I do code / music / sound design and sometimes art, but usually I try to get outside help there. Check out the link in my sig for some of my work.
  6. I use Bluecat's Stero Chorus, which is excellent and free. You can get it here in pretty much every possible format: http://www.bluecataudio.com/Products/Product_StereoChorus/
  7. I've found that it helps me a ton to listen to an album next to my mixes to figure out how I want the song to sound. Anyone else do this? What albums do you use? For me, I've used The Mission Veo's self titled, MCR's The Black Parade, and Showbread's No Sir, Nihilism is Not Practical, among others.
  8. It's still called "Workshop Discussion" through the forums drop down menu at the top. That's what I see most often, so I forgot the name had changed.
  9. It'd be great if the Workshop Discussion board could get more exposure. Maybe have a board rotation on the front page that switches between Workshop / WIP / Competitions? I'm not sure how to go about it, but the board is really dead and it'd be great to get more people over there. I'm not sure many people even know it's there D:
  10. I've wanted to try out one of those Roland pickups for a while. It'd be awesome to be able to play my synths with my guitar as a controller, since I don't really have time to learn keyboard all that well. Any other guitarists try it? What'd you think?
  11. A lot of school networks limit torrent speeds or exclude them altogether. Maybe that's the issue?
  12. It is your birthday!
  13. I just finished Silent HIll 3. Holy crap, that game is intense o_o
  14. Starting right off, that bass sound makes it sound like this is just playing back on an actual DS. Actually, the whole song is like that, which usually doesn't fly for OCRs. Your drums sound like they're interesting, but they are really hard to hear over the synths. By 3:00 I feel like I've heard the same thing over and over; the song has no dynamics. It's just in your face pounding the whole time, and not in a good way. Your actual synths weren't too bad- you definitely have promise. Practice your drums / beats / percussion and this will come out a lot better. Definitely keep posting your material!
  15. It really, really is. A lot of people don't like it because they say it was just boss battles, but that's WHY I like it- the game is intense battle after intense battle. After playing it, all other Contra games just feel slow in comparison (With maybe the exception of Shattered Soldier). It's such a great game. Also, that Batman game looks amazing, I need to try this.
  16. Contra: Hard Corps still has my favorite Genesis soundtrack. Its use of synths is amazing and manages to drive some of the most intense action on the console. Check it out: (Yes, as in Belmont)
  17. Man, way to show what Addictive Drums can do when you actually know how to use it! This song is rockin', nice work!
  18. This is groovy and rad. Can't wait to hear it with live sax!
  19. My Megaman mix here doesn't have lyrics listed: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01993/ I posted them in the feedback, but to make it easier they're: I don't know what you want from me or why you try me constantly, Just let me go. How do I show you're nothing but a loss to me? LT: Fixed.
  20. http://soundfonts.darkesword.com/ Grab the SNES SPC soundfont from here. Unless I'm misunderstanding how the SNES worked, any sound SM used in its music should be in there.
  21. There's a free VSTi synth out there called Oatmeal that has a randomization function in it, which basically leads to near-infinite presets. It's got some decent sounds and I've used it to make Metroid-y synths to pretty good effect. Check it out, although I really would recommend learning some stuff about synthesis. 99% of the sounds you are trying to recreate weren't made with samples, but were synthesized from scratch, so you'll have better results learning how that was done.
  22. Not sure why that would happen, but REAPER can easily do this too. Might want to check that out.
  23. Wow, I really like this The sounds are a little vanilla, but the arrangement is excellent. Can't wait to hear more!
  24. REAPER does too and it's fantastic.
  25. The guitar isn't real, it's sampled / synthesized. No idea what specific samples they used, but you could probably get a decent start using something like the guitar sample in SNES SPC soundfont on Darkesword's site and running it through some effects. Check it out here: http://soundfonts.darkesword.com/
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