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Everything posted by AMT

  1. Where did you find that Contra song, by the way? I didn't know it was still hosted anywhere.

  2. Let's add: SALE: [gb/gba] Gameboy Advance Micro with 2 faceplates, protective sleeve and charger - $49 shipped [deathbyspoon]
  3. I actually just got a song approved by the judges, but it hasn't been posted on the front page yet. I really don't know what to say aside from practice, practice, practice! It takes time and you can't force it, but if you practice you'll be right on your way.

  4. Haha, wow, that's still around? I was thinking of redoing that sometime, I liked it but I could do much better now. I've got a Megaman Zero 2 song that was accepted and is now waiting to be posted, but other than that I don't have anything to share yet. I'll let you know when I do, though. Thanks!

  5. That's totally the Kirby dance at the end of a level, isn't it.
  6. I used to do professional graphic design, so I figured I'd whip something up really quick. I think this may be my best work yet.
  7. Being on Milkyway Wishes would be awesome, as would doing more songs.
  8. Can you remove Pokemon Emerald from the sell section, and add all of this to the audio section: Fostex MR8 Digital Multitrack Recorder, Red (Not MKII) - $80 shipped M-Audio StudioPro 3 Desktop Audio Monitors - $75 shipped Hartke VXL Bass Attack Pedal (Preamp / Overdrive / Direct Box) - $70 shipped (All shipping is US only) If anyone is interested, make an offer! Thanks.
  9. Alrighty, I sent my bass part off to Level99. I'm stoked to hear this come together!
  10. Another two takes on these songs: My Chemical Romance and The Used covering Under Pressure http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_TjYvn2AQhM Orgy covering Blue Monday Those two are more well known though, so how about an obscure one? Let's get a hard rock cover of NIN's Head Like a Hole by Showbread (Ignore the AMV, it's poor quality but you can hear it)
  11. I'm not sure how you can fix it, but it's lacking oomph right when the rhythm guitars come in. There should at least be a cymbal crash or something there, and they could probably be a bit louder, at least right at the beginning. That's all I've got, everything else sounds great, especially the new solo!
  12. Thanks for the feedback all! Where in the song are you guys still hearing clashing? I'm not seeing it. There's a change from a minor key to major, but I'm fairly certain everything in the Ridley section is still in tune.
  13. Sweet, as soon as I have real speakers I'll give this a listen and let you know how it sounds.
  14. Big update here, totally redid a lot of the mixing, mastered it differently, and added strings to the background to flesh out the whole mix. Download and let me know how it sounds!
  15. Oh man, I want to get in on this. So many tracks to choose from o_o
  16. It's true, but that's only because of how awesome the other tracks are, not because the Spore Spawn track is lame.
  17. Alright, DoD is over, so I figured I'd update this post with the newest version of the song. As always, listen and let me know what you think!
  18. This same guy did a super relaxing LP of Sonic 1 that's pretty much amazing. Check it out: http://www.viddler.com/explore/Docfuture/videos/28/
  19. Don't forget that the Parasite Queen battle song is a remix of Super Metroid's Mother Brain battle!
  20. Sounding awesome! Now just a tiny nitpick that I would fix if it were mine, otherwise it'll take more experienced ears than my own to tell you what to change. In the intro, right when the drums come in, change the tone of the guitar from the very intro part. Bring it forward, give it more edge and make it more prominent. That's your lead during that time and it kind of gets swallowed by everything else (which was probably a result of lowering the lows on it, but that's ok, leave it just like that before the drums come in!). Maybe give it some chorus, or even just make it louder, I'm not sure. If that lead comes more forward then I think that'll really give the beginning what it needs. Other than that, good job and I'll leave this alone for others to help with
  21. Alright, updated the song, fattened up the bass and generally upped production. Check it out!
  22. Much better on the rhythm guitars and bass. This is sounding a lot better, here are some minor nitpicks: -For the intro guitar, I'd cut off a lot of the low end. That way, you really get the punch when the drums and bass come in. Right now they're taking up a similar place frequency wise, so there's no real punch. You could probably boost it's highs a tiny bit, too. Also, you probably know this, but the drums in the real song come in a few beats earlier than yours does, which might also help the initial punch. -Rhythm guitars are sounding way better without reverb, but you still might want to give them a wide boost somewhere between 1500-2000. They're a bit muffled right now and don't really have any bite. This is especially noticable when they're playing alongside the double kick, which has a ton of high end to it (leave it that way, just boost the highs on the guitars to match). -Synth sounds pretty good, but you could try fattening it up with some chorus or the like. Play around with it, but you've got a good start there. -Lead guitar could just use a tiny bit more on the highs, but the solo works well and sounds good. Don't just increase the highs on the whole mix, though; the drums already have plenty, and the last thing you want to do is give them even more. Just bring out the highs in the guitars a bit so that they don't sound so muffled compared to everything else. Nice ending, too. Looking forward to hearing the next version!
  23. Ok, this is pretty dang awesome, cover art included. No real critiques given the nature of the work, but I thoroughly enjoyed listening to it!
  24. So I decided to try something totally outside of what I usually do, and this is the result. It's way more electronic than my usual stuff, and there are no live instruments, so that's a change. Anywho, it's the Metroid Prime menu again but this time I'm taking it in a different direction. Listen and tell me what you think! NEW: OLD: http://tindeck.com/listen/wrfc
  25. Alright, listening now, here are my critiques: Bass needs more dirt. Mix the dry signal with some slight overdrive and give it a narrow boost around 1000-1500 to bring out the attack. I think your guitars still have too much reverb on them, especially the rhythm guitars. They sound like they're being played underwater. The leads are probably ok, and changing the amount of reverb on the rhythm guitars will make them more distinct. Solo sounds great, no complaints there. The drums sound super dry while the guitars don't, so they sound like they're in different rooms. The timing sounds better, but still off a tiny bit. You've got a pretty decent track, good job!
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