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Everything posted by AMT

  1. Alright, so if you want to track your time, let's do it like this: -The clock starts as soon as you select Gangplank Galleon -The clock ends as soon as K-Rool lands in the swamp if it's a straight playthrough. In a 102%, it's right when he lands in the altar. Go go go!
  2. Anyone else interested in joining? Let's get some people to try, record the video of it if you can! Just a straight playthrough, any percent.
  3. Ha, I'm in Socorro right now, which is a small town a few hours from Roswell. There's pretty much a college and that's it.

  4. Haha, it's not up on OCR yet, but you can get it here:


    I'm putting the finishing touches on an album of original stuff, too. I'll keep you updated!

  5. Oh man, I'd love to do a race like this, but it's been far too long since I've 102%ed it. Anyone up for a fastest straight playthrough competition?
  6. Indeed I did! I thought I'd mention it whenever we submit something, but I'm going to use this name for mixes / etc, so I figured I should change my username to match.
  7. Sounds like your intonation is off. It's pretty easy to get roughly in order by yourself, check it out: http://www.projectguitar.com/tut/intonate.htm It's a good thing to learn how to do yourself. If you don't have the time / tools or want it to be done perfectly, take it to a guitar shop and get a basic setup. That usually costs around $35 or so.
  8. I just got a metal remix of Departure / Neo Arcadia II from Megaman Zero 2 accepted, it should be posted sometime in the near future. Keep your eyes out for that one!
  9. I think my big gripe with this track is that the drums never got any bigger. The sounds you have now are perfect for an intro / buildup / etc, but after that first tremelo synth / guitar thing, I expected a huge Pendulum style drum beat to come in. Look for some rough drum samples, through a snare through a guitar amp or something and give it some huge beats. It's already pretty solid, but without a change there it doesn't have any sort of dynamics to it.
  10. Well, to begin with, being condescending and insulting to the people you're trying to debate with just makes you look bad. While SA wasn't a fantastic game, it was also the series' big jump to 3D, which, as with other franchises, was usually pretty shakey. For a first shot it wasn't bad at all. It didn't age well, but I definitely remember being impressed the first time I booted up my Dreamcast. The game was a good enough attempt that 12 year old me assumed SA2 would fix what was wrong with it and improve the idea all around. Instead, we got Sonic talking to the president. Yeah. Sonic is a game that just works better in 2D, and that's what we've wanted for a long time. EDIT: Mostly just because I'm bored at work.
  11. Notice that I said the last game I bought was SA2. There's a reason I haven't bought any of them since.
  12. I consider myself a Sonic fan, and the last game I bought was SA2. There are a lot of people who are fans of the old platformers that dislike where the series has gone now; hence them wanting Sega to make a game like the old platformers.
  13. See, this is the point you're missing. S3&K is exactly the kind of game Sonic fans have been asking for for years; A true platformer at heart with varied environments and fantastic music that rewards precise movement with speed. The "Hold Right to Win" syndrome didn't start until the Sonic Advance games. We want a real platformer, not "Let's watch Sonic go fast!", and part of platforming is jumping on platforms.
  14. I'm sorry, but if you didn't think S3&K was fun on your first playthrough then Sonic games just aren't for you. That sits right up there with DKC2 and Yoshi's Island as one of the best platformers ever made.
  15. But that's the whole point; the speed is a reward. Watch someone play Super Metroid for the first time, then watch the speed run beating it in about 30 minutes. The point is that the game rewards you for mastering control and learning the environments. An area that took 3 minutes of careful jumping the first time you got there might be passed in a few seconds with a carefully timed jump. The old Sonic games were fantastic at this. The problem the Advance games had is that they just made you go fast from the get-go. Then people ran into enemies and complained that it was unfair and not fun. Speed should come as a result of mastering the game, it's not what the player starts with. EDIT: Holy crap I missed 2 pages of replies
  16. Right, I've written / recorded / mixed the whole album. I don't want to do the mastering myself because I've heard everything on here over and over and I'm afraid it will skew my perspective on it. I'm definitely interested; it's a 10 track album at about 30 minutes. I'll PM you with information when it's ready, I've got final WAVs on about about 8 of the tracks, still polishing some stuff up on the last two.
  17. I just realized that since I changed my username it might make it a bit difficult for people to PM me. Can you just do a quick search / replace to change deathbyspoon to AMT? Thanks!
  18. Yup, I am, I just changed my username. And yeah, a lot of it looked off at first, but going back to the old ones, this is way closer to how it should be. It's the newer ones that messed that up.
  19. So I was watching this video again, and I noticed some things. Right at about 1:03, when Sonic is coming back down from the loop, it looks like his legs are spinning in a blur, almost Sonic CD style. Also, I really don't think the jump is as floaty as everyone makes it out to be. In pretty much every platformer ever, the longer you hold the jump button, the more air time you get. It looks to me like the player is just holding the jump button for way longer than they need to. It's already clear they really don't know what they're doing based on the rest of the gameplay, so that wouldn't be out of the question. I'd say it's only a hair floatier than Sonic 2, really. Also, check out this screen: http://www.tomsguide.com/us/slideshow/sonic4zonesleak,0101-239122-0----jpg-.html It looks like the thumbnail for splash hill shows a sunset, which looks to me like each act will have a pretty good amount of variety. I think this is going to be great.
  20. Someone's sarcasm detector is broken.
  21. They really should have just used Havoc and saved themselves the time.
  22. Hahaha, that's funny. I'm flattered someone would even want to claim it as their own. I'll take a look at the project later tonight and let you know what synths I used. I used REAPER and all free stuff, so it shouldn't be hard to find.

  23. Oh sweet, I found this on the WIP forums a while ago and never realized there was a finished version. Awesome job! The standup bass sounds excellent, and the brief chiptune breakdown brings a smile to my face.
  24. Now I really want a shirt of Death swing dancing.
  25. (Sorry if this is in the wrong place mods, feel free to move it!) So I'm recording an original album, and I'm getting close to the point where it needs to be mastered. I know a lot of people here do their own mastering for OCRs, but I'm curious as to what my options are. Do any of you offer mastering services, and if so, what are your usual rates? Any suggestions / things to consider? I've never done this before and I want it to come out right, so any advice is greatly appreciated. It's about a 30 minute album of punk / metal. Thanks!
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