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Everything posted by AMT

  1. It's so funny to see other people spread this to other sites. Hockey Scores is a masterpiece.
  2. Take a look at an M-Audio Jamlab, or maybe a Fasttrack if you want XLR support too. I've used both and they both do their job excellently for the price.
  3. I didn't start playing any sort of instrument at all until my senior year of High School, and I don't really feel like that hindered me at all. Just pick an instrument and start learning, as long as you can give it some practice time in regular intervals you'll be fine.
  4. Alrighty, finished up my track! Took out an old DoD entry I had and redid the whole thing. Hopefully it sucks significantly less this time around. It's of the Intro and a bit of Kraid.
  5. No clue on using Audacity, but check out REAPER, you can use it for free with no limitations and it's a small download. It's actually a DAW, not just a small editor.
  6. Wow, this is really sad news. I'll definitely be praying for him.
  7. And it's finished! Same link, please listen and give feedback! EDIT vvv Read the first post, I put it here by mistake and no one has moved it yet.
  8. NEW: http://ftp.cableone.net/rebelart/Untitled_NIN.mp3 Updated, added vocals and a lot of mixing work!
  9. NEW: http://ftp.cableone.net/rebelart/StabArt.mp3 Alrighty, I'm using a different song to practice vocals on, but it's still the same general idea, so feedback is still appreciated!
  10. Awesome, thanks. I definitely want to try and get some vocals going here. Any particular suggestions for songs to listen to that do that? I acutally haven't heard THAT much NIN, so I'm not really familiar with a lot of it.
  11. That's not a bad idea, I'll definitey try that. I'm going to practice practice practice, so I'll update this when I think I've made some progress. Any other feedback or advice is greatly appreciated!
  12. NEW: http://ftp.cableone.net/rebelart/Untitled_NIN.mp3 http://ftp.cableone.net/rebelart/lol_NIN.mp3 Please listen, feedback is appreciated! EDIT: Updated, added vocals and general mixing work! EDIT: Crap, I meant to post this in WIP / Other. if a mod could move it, that'd be great.
  13. The one thing this needs to complete it is terrible, terrible boxart, even if it's just displayed on the WiiWare menu.
  14. I bought a boxed FF1 with map and everything off of a kid for $5. He just didn't really care, and wanted to get rid of it.
  15. Super Metroid and Metal Gear Solid 2. My personal record on SM is 0:41. I know both of those games way too well, and have spent way too much of my life playing them. I love them so.
  16. NEW: http://ftp.cableone.net/rebelart/StabArt.mp3 http://ftp.cableone.net/rebelart/Showbreadish.mp3 Well, this is my first try doing vocals in a song. I tried actually singing, and it came out atrocious, so I'm experimenting around with what I can pull off. Feedback on any aspect of the song is welcome, this is also my first try at actually mic-ing my amp cabinets instead of just using a direct line in. Thanks for taking the time to listen! EDIT: Alrighty, I'm using a different song to practice vocals on, but it's still the same general idea, so feedback is still appreciated!
  17. That sounds like a software issue to me. I know REAPER has settings for latency compensation with recording, so it automatically shifts the track back as far as it needs to. Have you tried recording in a different program like Audacity or REAPER?
  18. Well, I'm hardly a professional, but I picked up a used M-Audio FastTrack ($60) and a used ART Tube Preamp ($30) to use with my SM57, and it sounds absolutely amazing for pretty much everything I've tried with it (vocals, amp, misc sound effects, etc). I previously had the SM57 going through some generic preamp on a small mixer, and I cannot believe how much of a difference a better preamp makes. Definitely look into the ART Tube preamps, they have a bunch, some with integrated USB audio interfaces, so that might be a good place to start. As far as the mic itself, I don't know much there, so I can't really make any recommendations, as the SM57 is the only one I've really used. The FastTrack works great though, and it'd work as a replacement for your sound card, so you might want to look into that.
  19. I read that Metal Gear one when I was in the 6th grade and I loved it as a kid. I should find that again, it sounds like a good laugh.
  20. I found this at a pawn shop for about $200, so I snapped some pictures of it to remember, and now I'm having trouble finding exactly what bass it is and how much it goes for. I know I should have gotten better pictures / some sort of serial number, but if anyone here knows more about it, I'd really appreciate some help. Thanks! It's a Spector with active EMG pickups and a flat body. Here are the pictures: I don't think it was a through body neck, but I can't quite tell from the pictures.
  21. So I'm still confused as to how they can tell the difference between me buying a new CD and transferring it to my computer to put on my iPod and in Winamp and me downloading a rip of said CD. Two rips of the same CD in the same program at the same bitrate are going to be identical.
  22. Just gonna give more support to the Ibanez Soundgears. I got a 5 string Ibanez from the series they had before that for $125 used, and it's been an excellent bass to learn on. It was actually my second, I started on a 4 string P-Bass imitation, but yeah, highly recommended. Excellent basses for the price. Also, I'd recommend learning to play fingered first, regardless of what style you want to play, because it's a lot easier to learn picking later, and it's really nice to know how to do both.
  23. "I give this lockpick to you, Jill, the master of unlocking!" I think the best part about this was that in Dead Rising, there was a restaurant called "Jill's Sandwiches", and the description was something to the effect of "Come get a sandwich from Jill, the master of sandwich making!"
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