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Amayirot Akago

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Everything posted by Amayirot Akago

  1. Yes, but only one of them isn't a medley.
  2. Alright, after all the obscure requests I made in the past, here's something a little more mainstream, especially since there's only 1 remix of this awesome song out there right now. Midi here: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/smwcstle.mid What I have in mind is a creepy, ambient gothic vibe, preferably with a piano tune. Show me what you got!
  3. http://mame32.classicgaming.gamespy.com/
  4. Why do I even bother with this anymore? Bump.
  5. I found a short clip of a song by randomly searching through some sound clips on MSN Messenger Plus, which I've uploaded here: http://media.putfile.com/Bio-vs If someone can tell me what it's from I'd appreciate it.
  6. But enough talk, have at you!
  7. Great track so far Has a bit of a Sierra/Leisure Suit Larry/Police Quest feel to it.
  8. Damn right, hence my need for an equally or even more epic remix.
  9. The title alone makes me want to contribute something, if it weren't for my total lack of musical talent.
  10. And yet another in a series of bumps.
  11. I've never played the first two games, but I'm looking change that even as we speak. The trailer looks decent. Loved Ron Perlman's voice too (Slade!).
  12. Thread OVER. And everyone here has impeccable taste, by the way. I salute you. But if you're looking for something really unique, try Princess Maker 2.
  13. Doubt it; the censored head explosion was in the Japanese GC version as well.
  14. I still feel the Boss Theme needs a remix too, though. Here's the MIDI: http://media.putfile.com/Spillmusikk-quiz And Boss Blow (short tune that plays when you beat a boss): http://media.putfile.com/Rise-of-the-Triad---Boss-Blow
  15. Glad to see someone agrees with me. While the plot was convoluted and hard to follow at times, it does make perfect sense IF YOU PAY ATTENTION. Plus the movie delivered on everything I expected it to: spectacle from start to finish, piratey humor and more Johnny Depp wackiness than you can shake a cutlass at. And I loved the bittersweet end.
  16. Great to finally see this great game subjected to a remix session, tho I would've preferred if you'd done the awesome boss theme instead. Nonetheless, can't wait to see what's gonna come outta this one!
  17. Picked up Mario Strikers Charged today as well. So far I've completed the training; the game's not half bad, but the controls take some getting used to. Now if only my dad would switch off his downloads so I could try out the online mode already...
  18. That was pretty damn bloody for a trailer. Looked pretty awesome too. I'm sorry to say I've never seen the other movies, but I might go and check this one out when the time comes.
  19. None. Get an emulator instead and save yourself the money.
  20. Weeee! Eledees (European name for Elebits) finally arrived today, and I'm loving it so far. The pinnacle of Asshole Physics
  21. Yeah, I always loved that game too. Really don't understand all the hate people tend to have for it.
  22. By sheer coincidence it seems someone added an avatar that goes perfectly with my sexy siggie. So naturally I picked that one.
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