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Amayirot Akago

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Everything posted by Amayirot Akago

  1. This is a problem that's been bugging me for quite some time now, and I'd really like to get it fixed. Several sites on the internet give me problems, in that when I go to visit them, at first they load normally, but after browsing around for a bit the site suddenly stops working and won't properly load anymore no matter how many times I refresh. After waiting a few minutes however, the site then starts working again, only to temporarily go down again. The other PC's in the house don't seem to have this problem as far a I know, and I don't have any firewall or adblocker or whatever that could possibly be a problem. Among the sites that give me problems are Abandonia, Furaffinity, and Viddler. Anybody have any idea what might be causing this?
  2. Wait, someone around here actually noticed I exist? And yeah, I love Spoony. Period. Getting him to review that game was a dream come true.
  3. Well, I opened up the case and hooked the drive up to see if it still worked... and it didn't. Goodbye, 250 GB's of data. Oh well. I was planning on getting a 1 TB drive soon anyway.
  4. I'm not certain that's a possibility, given the warranty seals all over the thing. Doesn't look like something I should be tampering with.
  5. I think my TrekStor 250GB external USB HD died on me. When I turn it on it does nothing except blink the light on the front on and off and make soft clicking noises, over and over. The USB ports on the front still work, however. Windows doesn't see the HD anymore. Normally jiggling the power cable a little would eventually get it up and running again, but nothing I've tried (including replacing the power cable) seems to work. Is there any hope left to get it running again, or is my data lost for good?
  6. Good golly, I think he just tore a hole in the Space-Rhyme Continuum.
  7. Kuniaki Haishima - Angel Hand From the Monster OST.
  8. Ugh, forget what I said, it's back... I've also figured out the problem isn't with Flash, since DEP pops up whenever I visit a Youtube page whether Flash is installed or not. Guess I should try reinstalling IE altogether. EDIT: Reinstalling IE and Flash had no effect, but disabling every add-on save for Flash and Java seems to have done the trick. Guess I'll have to surmise exactly which one was causing the problem. EDIT2: It still happens once every time I re-open IE, but doesn't happen anymore after that one time until I close IE. Argh.
  9. Well, I reinstalled Flash last night, but it didn't immediately solve the problem. Turning on my computer again today, the problem hasn't occurred anymore. Weird...
  10. Hey gang, I'm having an odd problem and I'm not sure what the deal is. Every time I go to watch a vid on Youtube, a window pops up saying that Data Execution Prevention has to shut down Explorer.exe, followed by an error message, after which Explorer shuts down and restarts again. What's the deal here? I've done a scan for spyware/malware/etc. earlier but it didn't fix anything.
  11. Teen Agent? Wow, I haven't played that game for years (or even finished it, beyond the shareware version). Should be interesting to see what comes out of this.
  12. Since I've had this song stuck in my head all day after watching an LP on Youtube, I figured the best remedy was a remix request. Here's the song: http://www.vgmpf.com/Music/ADDHeroesOfTheLance-NES/02%20-%20Section%201.ogg As always, indulge yourself in whatever style you see fit.
  13. A Polish friend of mine introduced me to him, and I will forever be grateful for it. I absolutely love him; he's a good critic, and an even better comedian, and he knows a lot of awesomely bad obscure stuff, especially for PC. His Let's Play of Phantasmagoria 2 is by far one of the funniest damn things I have ever seen. I even donated my copy of the Terror TRAX FMV game to him in the hopes that he would review it (and he will! ).
  14. I remember seeing red souls of Darwinians whenever I closed my eyes after a lengthy session of Darwinia.
  15. It's me again, with my latest musical obsession. Having recently watched a Let's Play of this game on Youtube (and having played the original version on DVD), I went on a search for an SPC of this game's music and by golly, I even found one. http://snesmusic.org/v2/profile.php?profile=set&selected=2456 The file is in RSN format, which can be renamed to RAR to get at the individual SPC files within. The songs I'm referring to are sace-02.spn and sace-03.spn. Listening to the music, you'll probably agree it sounds very flat and MIDI-ish, which is where you remixers come in. I'd love to hear a rearrangement of these two songs together to make it sound closer to the arcade original. Of course, as always, feel free to try something different in whatever style you see fit.
  16. Shoji Meguro - Burn my Dread -Last Battle-
  17. The Legendary Theme from Gitaroo Man on Youtube.
  18. I heard the original way back when I got it off VGMix, and man, this rendition definitely takes it up to 11. Good stuff.
  19. RevoLucian - Bale Out (Extended Mix)
  20. Ennio Morricone - Humanity (Part 2) John Carpenter's The Thing OST.
  21. Coraline soundtrack. Saw the movie tonight, it was absolutely fantastic. The music plays a big part in that
  22. Well, as far as I can tell there's no way to set one device in either program to be recorded seperately; they simply record from whatever devices are selected in Windows' volume control. Sound Forge is the sound editing/recording program I use.
  23. I want to record commentary in Sound Forge while playing a game and recording it with Fraps. Problem is, if I set my sound input to both Stereo Mix and Microphone, both my commentary and the game's sound are included in the Fraps video, as well as in Sound Forge. Is there any way of recording the two seperately?
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