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Amayirot Akago

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Everything posted by Amayirot Akago

  1. Brutus, stop playing with that knife; you're gonna hurt someone.
  2. If Dan or Sakura don't come back in this one, the game will instantly be ruined for me. At least we got Dhalsim back, so that's a good sign. But why the hell is this gonna take place between II and III when it's IV? Oh well, wouldn't be the first time Capcom did something like this (RE3).
  3. Where's Mudkip?
  4. I can totally hear the thread title being said by a generic creepy movie trailer voice.
  5. This is most definitely a terrible loss; not only for the remixing community, but for his family and friends as well. Reuben may have been taken from us, but his music and our memories of him will live on forever.
  6. Might as well post some of my PC favs: The Neverhood Desire Legacy of Kain series All of Sierra's adventure games Dune And several others I prolly forgot
  7. I would give my first, second and thirdborn to the one who would pull this off.Which also reminds me, never did finish GK3...
  8. Question: do you have to get all 120 stars before you go to fight Bowser for the last time, or can you get the stars afterwards and fight Bowser again to get the other ending?
  9. Had a listen just now, I love it. Now I want to read the book.
  10. Meanwhile, Super Mario Galaxy's awesomeness continues. The last few boss battles were fecking EPIC. That said however, the game's difficulty could've been cranked up a notch, because as epic as those battles were, they were also ridiculously simple. Still, the game's fun value is undeniable.
  11. I've been interested into finally getting into the Street Fighter series for some time now, so I was hoping you guys here could tell me which game I definitely should check out, preferably on an emulator (since the only console I own is a Wii).
  12. My modchip is my friend
  13. I've picked up Super Mario Galaxy recently, and so far it's been nothing short of utter brilliance. The graphics are the best I've seen on the Wii so far, the level design is pure artistic genius, and the gameplay is classic 3D Mario goodness, with emphasis on 3D; this game is seriously gonna mess with your head. Of course, it does take a bit of getting used to, as I learned as I constantly kept falling into the same black hole over and over again, but once you get the hang of it it's fun fun fun.
  14. What with me being a longtime Flashback fan, this mix was instant win for me. Wonders what a Flashback movie would be like
  15. Lawl, Donkey Kong's kicking Koopa ass and taking names. Pretty sweet video, except why the heck would Bowser steal his bananas? On the other hand, why would several characters from different Nintendo franchises fight each other? The world may never know.
  16. Or you could just give up, seeing how nobody ever responds to a request around here. Believe me, I've tried.
  17. Happy birthday, you sig-making machine, you.
  18. Too bad it couldn't have been his own game. As awesome as this update is however, I'm hoping some other Sonic characters will appear as well. I always preferred Knuckles anyways. EDIT: And still not a single word about Captain Falcon either.
  19. This is madness! And pretty damnn awesome as well. Final Smash is prolly gonna be Super Sonic transformation. EDIT: Watched the vid just now, that was pretty kickass And yeah, seems I was right.
  20. Neat update, I like the tank. But tomorrow better be Captain Falcon or I'm gonna kill myself.
  21. _________________
  22. No doubt of that, seeing how Nintendo loves their classics.
  23. Double Assist Trophy update! Pixelized Excitebike and Lakitu EDIT: Darn it, you guys beat me to it.
  24. Could be, but most of the pictures on the site have manipulated camera angles though.
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