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Everything posted by shikigami

  1. i would tell you to buy a bunch of books on php, html (in all its forms), sql, javascript, css, and all that, but why when you have ruby on rails? ruby on rails is a web framework in which you write very little code and the rest is done by the framework. Agile Web Development with Rails and Rails Recipes are good, but you may want to get a book on Ruby first. Ruby is not a web-specific language, its actually an object oriented scripting language. dont worry, most of the complicated stuff that Ruby provides will not be needed. Rails writes the code for you basically.
  2. chances are you need a reinstall. you probably shhutdown during an important read/write to the disk and now shits f*ed.
  3. try just responding with "hands" and see what happens.
  4. as one of those said sequence breakers/speed runners, metroid prime works just as well. consider this: the 2 fastest 100% runs for each game was :58 (SM) and 1:36 (MP). MP's is not much longer, especially for a more complex 3D game with a huge world. it shows how in-depth SM was for its time. what i liked about SM was that exploration took a bigger role than in MP. it was more about explore/find, while prime seemed a bit more lock/key and fetch quest-ish. even without the hint system, the path was a little more apparent thanks to a fully detailed map with color coded doors. im not saying prime was a bad game, its just, super metroid is superior.
  5. hands +10chars.
  6. (retracting what i said here because it might get me in trouble)
  7. i tried a 22% run. its difficult without boost ball.
  8. no. super metroid did the backtracking thing perfectly. it seemed like they didnt even try in echoes. it was almost like the item placement came before the level design. the dual-word thing was also bad, and made it seem like metroid isnt really the type of game that it belongs in.
  9. mp2 sucked, in a big way. if youve played the original metroid prime, everything good about its level design went away in 2. prepare yourself for ridiculous trans-entire-map fetch quests.
  10. diddy kong... w t f
  11. but i hear its also more linear, which, if youre a metroid fan, might disappoint.
  12. less mmo more starcraft/diablo.
  13. if you have a wii, why wouldnt you get corruption? its gotten great reviews but from what i hear its more like halo and less like metroid, but it seems like a fps with a solid control scheme for the wii, which i have been waiting for.
  14. well, winSCP is SSH rather than FTP, so its possible that the SSH daemon on the server crapped. do you have anything (cygwin, secureCRT) to manually SSH in and see whats going on? if so you can maybe do a tcpdump to see if youre packets are even arriving there. if they are you can see what, if anything, is being sent back. are you using IP addresses or domains? a domain will always point to the correct IP address, since it registers with DNS, even if the IP changed. if you are using IPs, are you using private IPs while on a different network? i dunno just throwing things out. i would need more information.
  15. your sig isnt cool unless it has a lens flare ...my sig isnt cool
  16. YOOOOOOO DODONPACHI IS A SICK GAME. if you like that shooter try shikigami (where i get my name from) or mars matrix.
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