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Everything posted by RoeTaKa

  1. It's been a long time since I've done any songs for myself so I thought I'd post it. It's emotional and sorta sad, orchestral strings with thick beats and piano melody. Hope you enjoy it! http://www.fileupyours.com/files/239088/Alex%20Roe%20-%20Forever.mp3
  2. lol "you like xenogears? Me too! Lets have sex!" -next chick- "You like bike riding too? I'm a passionate bike rider! Lets have sex!" -next chick- "Oh you're into pooing in a cup and eating it too...you're really hot yeah I dig that, done it loads of times, lets have sex!" woopee
  3. Pretty good stuff, though not what I was expecting, I liked it alot. Also if you hate RE4 then you play resident evil too much. It was awesome, it never got boring. It was freaking ENTERTAINMENT. I do consider it a survival horror game, cause you do have to survive against loads of terrors and its horrific in that...shit, a chainsaw guy is coming at you, and you'll freak your ass off once it connects with your neck. Now I'd be pretty scared facing a group of guys with guns, but facing a village of infected parasite people that instead of eating your flesh are hell bent on ripping your limbs off and cutting off your head, is pretty horrific. Also it upped the game on the resident evil story so it could branch in interesting ways, cause honestly umbrella was gonna go anyways and where would the T-Virus have gone then it would have just served no fun or scary purpose. Elevation of power is always a scary thing.
  4. When I use 5/4 I think of the 5th beat more as the dramatic beat, most people naturally count the 4/4 and the 5th abrupts the pacing so it seems more uncertain. Depends how it's used though, it can give something more bounce. When it comes to time signatures when they stand alone they do their thing as they do, but when you combine them into a composition their uses become pacing techniques. I always count everything beat for beat, 5/4 and 7/4 have a similar vibe to me as the odd number creates an unforeseeable mood.
  5. Hey hey, hey, I don't swing on the left field monolove.
  6. You are a cock who has no respect for musicians and their music, your project means fuck all to me. For someone like me Sakuraba will always win over someone like Virt at this time because of what he has done for me with his music and the games he has participated. A complex arrangement is no excuse for a good arrangement and you must really depend on that huh? Christ get a life and start thinking of music with your soul instead of your dick, dweeb.
  7. Finished Knight of Fire...guess you've hit that 20 mark ay? Huzzah!
  8. Count me in for 1 more I'm working on Knight of Fire. Should have it done today.
  9. Forgot I posted this, yay new friends, yeah add me if you want it's all good. I should really start using myspace more, if only facebook did music.
  10. I've been busy but have finished redoing my remix and I might take up another one. Not sure yet...music is just destroying my ears at the moment lol.
  11. I couldn't get back into Pokémon after doing Red, seemed like such a chore to do it all again. I got Yellow the day it was released and felt ripped off after about an hour or so, so I went back and exchanged it for another game. I started to dig Pokémon Colliseum quite a bit on N64 but that got old quite quickly besides "ooo 3D pokémon, you bastards, use these to make a damn N64 RPG!". When Gold and Silver came out...I dunno, I think Yellow had put me off lol. I loved Red to death though it was amazing, do I still think Pokémon is good though...I'm not sure it seems like there's too much to it now. I might get into the next one myself someday. Edit: Omg Pokémon Trading Cards game for Game Boy Colour, I don't think I've ever been so hooked on playing an actual card game!
  12. I got your PM avaris, sorry I've taken so long to reply, I don't come here often and usually I have no f***ing idea that I have a PM cause it never tells me. Anyway I've replied and pls gt bk 2 m sn!
  13. No... lol I don't come here often, nor check dates.
  14. Wow no one knew about this? This was announced months ago, apparently one day the doors to Free Radical were closed and they were given directions to a hotel or something where they had a company hearing, where everyone was told they were not gonna be with the business anymore but Doak and the other...important guy with him said they were handpicking guys from that team for a new company. At this place were representatives of other companies such as Codemasters who were taking in resumes from the axed staff. Edit - btw what were they thinking with Haze? The demo was rubbish and there was nothing special about it, I would've hoped it would be the next perfect dark but no.
  15. I always wanted Zelda 3 remade in 3D, I think it'd be great and without Epona the world would seem much more dazzling. Also Metal Gear 1 and 2 just because I want more Snake. Something that just randomly came to mind was Syndicate, that'd be totally badass as a nextgen game.
  16. Neko you missed out on not just a great concept but an awesome gameplay experience. One of the toughest FPS's I've ever played. It's still one of my fondest games and one of the best FPS's I've ever played. The action is just brilliant. I've been playing the PC demo and it runs really well on my computer. They really enhanced the mood with the graphics and effects, walking through that school corridor with all the lights flashing on and off still had me shooting my gun off everywhere, I appreciate that. Though I have some gripes. I don't think the replica army is as fun to kill as it was the first time, some of the action elements don't feel as...chunky as I liked from the first game. Also they added a sprint key, it sounds like a good idea for the insane action in the game but I think it just makes the control scheme more difficult to use. Like doing the sliding kick, usually you'd hold the melee button and press crouch, now you hold the sprint key and press melee even though the sprint key is a toggle key. Maybe this isn't an issue for the console versions and I might just get the PS3 version so the graphics are top notch. Though this is a personal distaste but I prefered the zooming in from the first game rather then bringing up the ironsights. I'm gonna keep playing the demo some more but it certainly didn't let me down.
  17. I love being a part of sam's creating process, I fully got to appreciate this with WIP after WIP, which was immense. Sams' the man! I love his quirky mind, one day Sam I'm gonna fucking turn up at your house with chicken and beers. You can hold me to that.
  18. http://www.myspace.com/alexroeroetaka (Orchestral/Electronia) I'm working on a new project with a few friends, it's very early but I've done quite a bit of music already for it in means of concept and inspiration. It's going to be an Action RPG that's more story driven than most, like secret of mana but deep and thought provoking. Anyways I put some tracks onto my myspace, and thought I'd post it around. Thanks for listening!
  19. I love you. Audiosurf is alright, it's fun in small doses for me but you'll like it more with the more diverse music you have. Some music is crazy in it, I tried some of my own songs in it which was fun, even more fun to realise other people had played them too!
  20. Yes this is definately a fun good game, in my opinion this is what a 3D castlevania game should have attempted to be like. It's got some great tunes aswell, all done by orchestra. You get 3 different disk armours all with their unique playing style, and all have a hidden beast within so you can activate some magic. It'll remind you of devil may cry in places, but it definately has its own spin on things. The game is sort of level based but you'll find yourself adventuring around areas, which is what slightly reminds me of castlevania. I recomend this alot. Lol great trailer here: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=PgjlxqDLGk0 Another of my classic PS2 favourites is "Way of the Samurai". If you can get involved in this kind of game, you'll be hooked for ages. Basically you play as a wandering samurai that ventures into a town with a feud between two groups, and this is set during the period where the samurai were killed. There's alot of unique interesting characters, and many story paths to take which involve 5 different endings. Basically, the game will take you 2 hours to finish, but you'll repeat it again and again for the stories and the endings. The combat is ace too, awesome sword play action. The best bit about the game? Swords, whenever you finish you keep your swords, die and you lose the one you're carrying. Literally each unique character has a unique sword, there are many swords and some of the common ones have great stats if you're lucky. The longer you train with the weapon the better it becomes, you can temper it at a blacksmiths (heck you can even kill the fucking blacksmith and take his hammer) and you can unlock awesoem powerful moves. You never train the character, its always the swords. The area of the game is small, but necessary. There's even a 100 man battle. There is a sequel too but I found it to be a bit too big and long to replay over and over. Ok Im done talking: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=RS-znwRLDiY
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