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Everything posted by RoeTaKa

  1. It would be awesome to see a mega-collab of that song like this http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01657/ but really actiony. (Shadow of the Colossus would be a great choice too but I don't see the point unless it tops this mix) Haha cheers. I must confess...Chaos Legion is my secret pleasure. I would love to do another mix of it. God damn this project! *hides boner*
  2. I'm down for something, it's been years since I've mixed something and that was DMC3. Funny you put 'Final Confrontation' from Castlevania LoS, I absolutely adore that soundtrack and I've wanted to arrange something from that for a long time. Actually, put me down for that. Since I was making a list I may as well share what else I was thinking of: Chaos Legion : Boss - Choir of Curse, Delacroix - Be Killed Again Jet Set Radio : Grace and Glory Lost Odyssey : Gongora - Howl of the Departed Pursuit Force : Hard Ball - Convicts, Hard Ball Resident Evil 5 : Wesker - Wind of Madness Terranigma : Boss - Fight Against Powerful Enemies, Dark Gaia - Final Boss Valkyria Chronicles : Maximilian - Final Decisive Battle If anyone were to do something from Dark Souls that would be mad awesome.
  3. Thank you for the support guys it means the world and hopefully you're enjoying the music . GREATLY appreciate those that gave me some money for doing something that means a lot to me. Praxis is still free so grab it while you can guys! Nice work on your Baddassszz Metroid mix Rozovian I still have a fond memory of your F-Zero mix too from some years back.
  4. This album really rocks guys great work. With the amount of awesome guitar skills on show here I really should've politely asked one of you to collaborate with me haha. I'm looking forward to vol.2 it's a great concept and I'll provide a killer track or 2 for it fo'sho! I would like to do a review of each track, I've not really been around for a long time so it's the least I can do to be supportive. I'll try to get that done within the next couple of days.
  5. I feel sort of the same as you Brandon, but I'm looking forward to this being released! Gettin' ready for some Badtushy! (I mean, Asssss!)
  6. http://alexroe.bandcamp.com/album/praxis In the spirit of Christmas I'm making my orchestral concept soundtrack Praxis available for free until Christmas Day on Bandcamp! After that it will go back to the $2 price tag. Should the download limit be reached I shall host the album and post a link to it. Please do check out my main release Strings of Time also if you like what you hear! Thank you.
  7. Thanks guys. I wanted to do more in some places, but adding 1 more instrument would have crashed my computer lol. I agree in some respects to the sound of the middle section, I mostly made that part the way it was as it reminded me of Arkham Asylum. Ah Deus Ex has a great soundtrack too, there's been alot of great game music this year to be inspired about! Thanks again for listening.
  8. Yknow this isn't that bad considering the sounds, it feels pretty stealthy and spy'ish. But being so repetitive and lacking some sort of melody or motif is what lets it down. It lacks character. But the percussion and ambient nature is pretty spot on musically. This reminds me of my really old Goldeneye remix haha. If you were to do something like this again I'd recommend building some sort of mood, perhaps go from ambient to a touch more dramatic just to really get a feel for the song. I'm surprised at the lack of comments, this board used to be pretty good with support and feedback. I think if you want to get comments and improve your work more from that it's probably a safe bet to try mixing some songs and posting in the wip remixes board.
  9. The reverb is quite nice on the high notes but the sample sometimes seems a bit flat in places. You can definitely tell it is sequenced around 1:28 as the lower notes sound very synthetic. Overall it's quite nice it has a nice wandering quality about it and feels like you thought out how someone would play it. Reminds me of some improvisations I've heard before in places. Oh yeah this made me lol "consciously experimenting with accidentals". Congrats on your recent remix post aswell
  10. I'm not a big fan of Batman Beyond or heavy metalish music but this song sounds good, sounds like you did a good job. I agree with Aster it would be cool to hear you tear it up more and mix it up!
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFmME5CliHE Even though my computer is holding me back I've had some cool ideas to making my orchestra samples feel more realistic. I've been playing a hell of a load of Batman Arkham City and I just love the soundtrack, it inspired me to finally write a song in a similar style. Song can be downloaded in the video's description.
  12. This is a great album, I put you as a recommendation on my bandcamp as I really enjoyed it (not that it'll do much! Haha).
  13. Thanks alot guys! Strings of Time is now available on AmazonMP3, CD Baby and iTunes! (as well as other places!) All details on the first page. That's great advice cheers I've already started to look into it. Ah you did some of the music for GoldenEye: Source! I loved the work on that, well done
  14. Cheers guys, hope you are well Katie! Been a long time. I realize that yeah I'm not very well known at all and though money is nice it's nearly Christmas and many people want to buy Batman (because Batman is better than sex). So I've slashed Strings of Time to $5 on bandcamp, I really want to reach out to more people. Strings of Time will also be available on iTunes, Amazon mp3 and CDBaby soon aswell so I will make sure to link to that later.
  15. It's awesome. But, I can't quite put my finger on something about it I don't like...it's very hard for sure but Demon's Souls really was truly special. I'm about 35 hours in and still trying to do the boss battle at Anor Lando, that painting level using the doll is a great place to farm souls. It's huge too I often find myself sitting at the bonfire for a while just thinking about somewhere I can go back to or an enemy I can kill now, it'll be a while before I dare try the Tomb of Giants. But still...how do I put it? If you missed out on Demon's Souls you still missed out on something Dark Souls just doesn't fulfill somehow. It is decent you can host with a white stone and have up to two other people play the area you are in as long as you are human (I think) and that goes on until you either beat the boss together or leave the area. I do get a bit pissed off when someone invades your game when you reverse your hollowing and they obviously have been playing far more than you have (far too long far too quickly too!) and they just taunt you then rape you.
  16. Arek buddy hope you're doing good! I heard you like street fighter <.<...makes me wanna fight you haha. Good to see you around too, the kirby project still running?
  17. Hello! RoeTaKa is back! ...in a musical way! (For the record, keep me as RoeTaKa here) First of all I'd like to announce my website is live and kicking http://www.alexroe.co.uk I hope to keep upgrading and make the site better and better in the future. My debut album Strings of Time is currently playing so feel free to let it play on. And now the music! Strings of Time on Bandcamp for $5 and available on AmazonMP3, iTunes and CD Baby! Praxis on Bandcamp for $2 Strings of Time: Strings of Time - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecqeh4qo4cU Strings of Time is my official debut, the numero uno. I poured a lot of work and emotion into it and it is dedicated to my Nan who passed away sadly back in July and it inspired me to work harder to make this happen. It is mostly a chillout sountrack but has lots of orchestral/string themes, it feels like soundtrack in its own way. A big thanks to my friend Tom who made the cover art for me and created my website, but for some reason doesn't want credit so much so I compel you to check out the contact area of my website if you are interested in his work. I really hope to get this album done as physical CD's someday. I'm not sure what else to say other than please do listen! Praxis: Apraxia - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vG8_RPV49So Praxis is a soundtrack to a game that does not exist, but a script was in writing and I loved it so much that I just kept making music for it regardless. It was an incredibly fun project and a real kick starter for me into doing big orchestral tracks of film/game quality. For a low low price of $2 I'm sure there is a lot to like here! Hope you enjoy the tunes, cheers.
  18. Happy birthday Sirbubula, or Shnabby Nuts! Hey or, happy birthday you TWO. Get wrecked
  19. Lovin' the tunes, nice progressions. I can't stop saying "Till death do us part and it did" it's such a strong line.
  20. Fantastic soundtrack, makes me want to pick up the game at some point.
  21. That's a shame at least you gave it a good stab, you never know what would've happened. Haha maybe keep a backup mic in the purse for just in cases. Brandon I think BGC just wants to imply that people deserve more credit where due and people in the industry take it for granted. Trying to get into the industry with no morals about your work is crazy, how can you hope to establish yourself when you don't know what you mean to the industry. If you could...bake the greatest cakes and deserve your own patisserie, you shouldn't have to sell them on a stand on the street.
  22. I'm sorry I must not have come across correctly. Jill is a great singer like I said. My personal opinion is that I reckon she could have done a better take with that voice. I'm not belittling her performance as a former judge you must understand, this isn't a stab at her honestly founded talents. I'm wishing her luck in her future. Also she hasn't posted in this thread since the winner was announced so I have no idea what words she has for the winner.
  23. I agree with BGC's view on the competition setup, it is pretty unfair whilst knowing that Zimmer would most probably pay far more than the reward for a singer with equal or greater talent based on his opinion. I'm not biased here for many reasons, I believe Madeline was very much a top contender and though Jill is a great singer she didn't come across as memorable as this community boasts in this competition. There were a couple of entries outside the top 20 that were very good also. Bad luck Jill, there's always more opportunities.
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