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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. Sonic 1-Knuckles Sonic 3D Blast Turtix Turtix 2: Rescue Adventures Ristar Tinhead Rocket Knight Adventures Sonic Advance 1-3 Sparkster (either version) Any of the Spyro games (PS1, GBA, PS2, the Legend series, the Skylanders series, etc.) Any Mario game (main series, the Kart games, the Party games, etc.) The Wip3out series OutRun Top Gear 2 (two player simultaneous) Dead Space 2
  2. There is no lower case for the font I used. It's based on an actual Game Boy font that featured all capitalized letters.
  3. Don't give me It's nowhere on his OCR page. Anyway, the e-mail's been sent. Seems like it wuld have been easier to just send the proper titles to me.
  4. And that e-mail is? All I can find is a VGfrequency link that doesn't work, and your PM button.
  5. Houston, we have a problem. LT wants me to send him a bunch of stuff so he can edit the text (apparently, a fair bit of the song titles are wrong). However, I can't do that because I keep getting internal server errors every time I try to PM him. Anyone else having this issue?
  6. Got the info from Malcos, and just PMed the (hopefully) final art to LT.
  7. If he can get you the wav file, and someone could get me the song info (remixer, game and song(s) remixed), I could try and get it added to the second page by sliding things up on the first. No guarantees, but I could at least give it a whirl. I'm up all night, so it would get done in the early morning hours tomorrow (it's 6:23 P.M. right now), and I'd get it to you in time to update at the very last minute. It's totally up to you guys. Edit: It will work. I can fit nine on the first page, and add a fifteenth song to the second. So if you guys can get me the info, I can do it.
  8. The project files before blowing them up are 356 x 356. The CD is 300 x 300.

    And of course people are allowed to print them. By providing such things, it keeps the OCR staff in the peoples' good graces as said staffers plan their diabolical schemes of evil intentions.

  9. For me, one of the standout soundtracks back in the day was the one for Master of Monsters. While I'm sure some would still call it "background music" for various reasons, virtually the entire soundtrack has an orchestrated structure to it that makes it feel like more than some catchy diddy done to keep the game from being quiet. Whether it's the haunting and solemn " ," the opening march of " " that was getting you ready for battle, or the sinister and impending ," the whole soundtrack felt like something made more for cinematic punctuation, rather than to be hummed as you played. All of the songs also run the gamut of moods, from upbeat and almost playful, to sad, to dark and brooding, to inspiring.Hayato Matsuo did one hell of a job with his debut soundtrack.
  10. - "Menu" (Master of Monsters) - "Rounds 1 & 9" (Space Invaders '91) - "Rainbow Road" (Mario Kart 64)
  11. - "Light Song" (Sword of Vermilion)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkMJJ2X8uiE - "Shop" (Phantasy Star III) - "Jijy no Rag" (Phantasy Star IV) - "Mango!" (Super Fantasy Zone) - "Staff Roll" (Elemental Master) "Stage 1-1" (Mega Turrican)And I'm putting this up here simply because I was listening to it while I searched YouTube for links... - "Stage 6-2" (Metal Head)
  12. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow. Sure, the cart's small, but it got lodged near the end and had to be removed manually at the doctor's. Keep that in mind the next time someone says, "You talk about that damn game one more time, and I'll cram it down your throat."
  13. I take it that means I'll be seeing some info coming my way soon?
  14. A couple of remixes from... someone - Super Mario 64 - Trine
  15. I thought the ground felt cold. Guess Hell really did freeze over. I haven't gotten to listen to it yet, but congrats to everyone for keeping on the proverbial path, and seeing that this thing came to fruition. It was a damn long road for a single-game remix album, so kudos to all to be sure.
  16. Huzzah! I look forward to getting all of the info I need to wrap up the cover art side of things.
  17. You wonderful woman! I'd hug you if it were possible to do so digitally. Many, many thanks, Rexy.
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