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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. Since I had to update one of the aspects of the GUS installer part, I figured I'd bump this thread.
  2. The butthurt is strong in that featured blog.
  3. Japan gets left in the cold. No China either. Not that Microsoft's systems were big sellers in either country.
  4. I wonder if Microsoft is going to do a 180 on their stance regarding used games. Probably not, but one can hope. Maybe they'll change their mind, then change it back again so that a 360 pun can live.
  5. A shift that, if it continues, will lead to "XBox Three: No games, just TV"
  6. Wow. This thread escalated quickly, didn't it?
  7. I personally don't think the prices for games will drop at all. Remember when game companies justified the cost of $60 games over $50 ones back when the 360 and PS3 were new, by saying how much longer the development cycles were, and how much more they had to put out to make them? Now, part of that $60 cost is blamed on making up lost money from the used game market, part of it on piracy, and so forth. Digital distribution was pimped by them as being so much faster and cheaper, but the digital games still cost the same as the retail ones, don't they? And once again, it's to make up lost revenue from the used games/piracy/whatever. It's all about scapegoats, and not stating the real reason; that they want to charge that much, and people keep willingly forking out the cash for those big (supposedly) AAA titles at launch. Until that changes, and people say "fuck this" and stop buying games at those $60+ launch prices, the costs for the players won't go down at all. Of course, knowing the bigger game companies today, they'd just blame those low sales figures on piracy and used games, and then jack the price up another $10. And frankly, if the perfect DRM was invented that stopped piracy, and the used game market vanished, the game makers would come up with another reason to explain their $60 games.[/cynical]
  8. To be sure. It's that over the top quality that helped it stand out thanks to its tongue-in-cheek nature (along with the swearing... and the booby girls).
  9. Duke Nukem 3D (which was featured specifically) is still regarded as one of the best FPS of its day. So I'm guessing you're referring to Duke Nukem Forever (which was also featured specifically)?
  10. Go yell at a cloud, old man! ... But not that one over there. That's the one I'm yelling at.
  11. How else would I get to enjoy the likes of Panzer Dragoon Saga, Astal Stellar Assault SS, Vampire Savior (better than the arcade versions), Thunder Force V (better than PS1 version), and other classics? Yeah, it's not the easiest system to start getting games for, as the prices have gone up a lot. But I guess that's the advantage of buying the games back when they were affordable at EB, Gamestop, Toys R Us, High Voltage (mail order place... had great prices), and them. My original Dreamcast is still going strong, thankfully. **knocks on wood like a mother fucker**
  12. Still got mine (though really, it's my second Saturn, since the first one died).
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