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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. It can be daunting... especially with the big stories. Knowing that there's going to be hundreds upon hundreds of pages ahead of you can seem insurmountable (for me, it'll be over a thousand pages easily). But every chunk you write gets you closer to being done, whether it's the first draft, third draft or the final one. And really, the hardest part is getting that first draft down... trying to put all your ideas into a cohesive narrative. Once you got that, then it comes down more to cleaning it up, making sure there's consistency, adding more bits in to help flesh out what feels too short, or trim down what seems too drawn out. There's something inspirational when you sit back and look at what you've done. When you see 100 to 300 pages behind you, it gives you that little "you can do it" nudge to keep going. Knowing that you've come that far, and that it's taking a real tangible form instead of being only a mental idea, is a good motivator. And thanks Refelos
  2. Thanks Sauzer and GD That I do. Most publishers won't go for an untested author when it comes to novels, so I've put in time to work on a number of short stories that I felt turned out well, but needed further clean up and adjustments. Those'll be going out in March, and while I wait for rejection/acceptance letters, I'll continue to work on the trilogy (maybe take an occasional break to work on one of the other longer stories). The goal is that the images I work on (besides the cover pieces) will be for the in-between-chapters pages, while the music I've written are works inspired by moments and scenes from the entire storyline. If all attempts at getting it published fails, people will be able to read my trilogy at some point. After all the work I've put into this over the years, I'll find a way to get it all out there so folks have a chance to potentially enjoy it once it's finished. But I'm very much hoping that it gets printed, and that it doesn't come to "fuck it... I'll just post it on my website" years later.
  3. The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall This was released last year, but I believe this thread was in limbo at the time. So, there ya go. Now you can play TES II for free as well.
  4. http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=237868&postcount=24 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=237874&postcount=25 That's the closest we have. It's obviously not all of them from 1-5, but it's a start.
  5. Castlevania Quest and Dracula's Shadow I'm reposting these because the author's site has vanished. The caiman site has them, so I felt they needed an update due to their sheer awesomeness. NES Castlevania fans should not miss out on these.
  6. Command & Conquer: Tiberian Dawn, Command & Conquer: Red Alert, Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun with Firestorm The first, second and now third C&C games are free on EA's site. What more needs to be said?
  7. Only one way to find out. I'll get started on it.
  8. A couple recommendations... 2003- Panzer Dragoon Orta (XBox), Otogi: Myth of Demons (XBox) 2006- Okami (PS2), Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (DS)
  9. Wurdz fo da bi'ches ta live by, yo. Wurd dawg, yo. Yo yo yo. Yo yo. ...
  10. Then he'll fight on a pirate ship, the Old West, the future, and finally face Shredder in the Technodrome!
  11. Monster World RPG Based off of the Wonder Boy/Monster World games, this RPG sets out to capture the feel of those classic games, while giving it a bit more of a... well, RPG flavor. I've not played all the way through it, but it's not bad. And with a fresh patch recently released, it's still being supported. Oh, and bump.
  12. More like a Rooney without a Bueller (Bueller? Bueller?).
  13. Am I the only one who remembers Lexx13 calling herself "Tit Jesus" for a while (giving tips of how to care for breasts and so forth)? She didn't change her screen name or anything, but just referred to herself that way for a little bit. I know I'm not imagining it, but I've yet to find someone else who remembers it. zyko- A bazillion?
  14. It's my baby, and the second thread I ever made here
  15. Electric Light Orchestra- "Out of the Blue" (album)
  16. Atari 2600 Atari XEGS Sega Master System Sega Genesis Sega CD Sega 32X Sega Saturn Sega Dreamcast Nintendo Entertainment System Super Nintendo Entertainment System Nintendo 64 Sony PlayStation Sony PlayStation 2 Microsoft XBox GameBoy Advance
  17. Is this a new game, or an expansion pack?
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