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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. Razor-man's furry thread was fun as well. I remember him asking me if he should make one.
  2. Bum Fuck Egypt. It's a more colorful way of saying "middle of nowhere".

  3. I beat The Legend of Sypro: Dawn of the Dragon the other night. It seems the makers were determined to pull a little trick on the players... **SERIOUS SPOILERS** First, Ignitus sacrifices himself to allow Cynder (yes I listed her first... I thought her powers were cooler, and her design was better/cuter) and Spyro through a sea of flames. This of course, greatly upsets Spyro, leading him to feel he's been left all alone... which Cynder tells him isn't true with a little muzzle rub from her. Then, the ending segments paint a picture of Cynder and Spyro falling in love, him sacrificing himself to save the world, and her choosing to stay by his side as he does so (with an "I love you" of course). The end credits have a somewhat sad, ballady song called "Guide You Home (I Would Die For You)" to help drive home the idea that these characters are dead and gone. There's a bit at the end of the credits where the fans of the purple dragon are thanked for all the years of support. At this point, it's done it's best to tug on the heartstrings of those playing. At the end of the credits, you get the option to save the game. You do so, and then... You find out via a final cinema, that Ignitus is alive and with the chronicler (an old dragon who writes down history). Ignitus asks if Spyro is truly gone, and the chronicler says that he can't find entry in the book of dragons (a book where each dragon that dies has their life written down) for Spyro. The old chronicler passes on, Ignitus becomes the new chronicler, and with a pondering question, the scene fades to a sky somewhere in the world that was just saved... where we see Cynder and Spyro flying together. Did I cry? No. I will admit to sitting there with a lump in my throat thinking, "Well shit. That's takes the wind out of the happy ending sails, doesn't it?", since they seemingly killed off three main characters after everything, including the two that had just fallen in love (I'm a sucker for these things sometimes). But, then I remembered that "A New Beginning" and "The Eternal Night" had cinemas after the credits, and waited to see if it really was a sad ending. Afterward (yes, I was happy to see they were alive), I remembered this thread, and it got me curious. I found entries elsewhere online (like YouTube, and a site that had a whole bunch of "saddest video game endings" listed) which had people commenting that they did indeed cry over it. Some never saw that final cinema because they didn't save their game and just turned it off bummed as hell. Others got hit by the visuals and music, and were teary-eyed despite the final cinema.**END SERIOUS SPOILERS** They sucker punched the players
  4. No problem. I've moved plenty of times in my life thus far, so I know all the things that run through a person's mind leading up to the move. Loneliness knowing you're going to being spending time trying to make new friends and acquaintances, not getting to see your old friends anymore... it can be a bit depressing sometimes.

    But there will always be new people to meet and talk to, and these days, keeping in touch with old friends is easy. Try not to focus solely on who you won't get to see face-to-face anymore, and know you'll get to talk with them on-line and so forth. Plus, you'll be meeting new people, so there's that to look forward to as well.

    As I said, you'll be fine once you get past the move itself and settle into college life in Australia. In the meantime, enjoy hanging out with your friends, and make the most of the time you have left with them. They'll appreciate it, and so will you.

  5. A repeat, but I wasn't awake when this threat was made (I HATE getting up early...)
  6. Guy in lower right, thinking to himself- Just keep looking like a 'don't give a shit' badass with my kawaii girl next to me. Oh yeah... we're cool. Woman in lower right, thinking to herself- Dragging me out to this stupid, goddamned thing. 'Put this on. You'll look cool!' he says. 'You'll have fun!' Do I look like I'm having fun you asshole? AND WHO THE FUCK'S THAT DICK TAKING MY PICTURE?!
  7. Given that we're posting in moderated Off Topic, and not UnMod, I think it's safe to say that the forums also changed. Community, PPR and what have you not so much, but this section? Yeah, it's undergone some changes. That's not to say people haven't changed as well. God knows I've seen newbies that were polite and upbeat, turn into quite the opposite after a few years, and I've watched people who got along well begin hating each other. And of course, I've watched as newbies were blamed for regulars leaving, making some of the regulars who stayed become rather intolerant toward the newer folks. So I'd agree that people have changed, but the site itself (or at least parts of it and what those parts allow) has shifted as well.
  8. Actually, it could. Look at what RuneLancer went through after his post regarding his feelings on 9/11.
  9. Check out some of the mods. You can change your pet into one of those zealot demon women. It's cheating kind of, but if you've already beaten the game...
  10. When I first saw it, I thought it said ZVUAVOE. Which left me wondering what that would be worth in Scrabble.
  11. Well, if the enemies stayed weak, you'd blow through it all in a heart beat. You need the tougher enemies to keep the game challenging as you get better weapons, armor and magic. I do know what you mean though. The game can be brutal, and seem unfair at times. But... I enjoyed it.
  12. Grind baby grind! I'm used to grinding early on in RPGs. So that by the time you hit the "past" section, you'll be in good shape. If you try to blow through it... well, you're fucked.
  13. Afraid to do some research on what people wrote on your own? Wanna be bottle fed like a widdle itty bitty baby? Come on, take my hand... 7th Saga- One of Enix's RPGs. A common issue some folks had was how hard it could be when you got sent to the past, but if you don't have a problem with level grinding, that can be over come, allowing you to enjoy the rest of the game. Nice graphics, good music, and a decent story as well. ActRaiser- Another Enix title, this one mixes a bit of Populous-like God playing in with the side-scrolling action sections. The graphics are quite nice for an early SNES title, and the music is very good. Offers up a nice challenge, without being cheap. ActRaiser II- Want a game that'll make you cry? Here you go. Great graphics and some very nice music wrap themselves around the insane difficulty. The God sections are gone, making it pure side-scrolling, but being different from the first doesn't mean worse. Just be ready to swear at your TV screen a lot. Axelay- A Konami shmup that uses extensive Mode 7 effects for half the stages, and regular side-scrolling stages for the other half. I find the 3D stages to be a bit dull in comparison, but the game still comes of well. Nice graphics, great tunes, and a solid challenge. Biometal- A side-scrolling shmup from Athena, which Activision brought over to The States, and threw 2 Unlimited music into. The graphics are quite good, the music isn't bad, and this game will offer up a good challenge with an interesting sub-weapon. Castlevania IV- Very easy, but quality entry in the franchise. Very nice music, great early SNES graphics, and a lot of stages to play through. Castlevania: Dracula X- A pseudo-sequel to Akumajo Dracula X Chi no Rondo (Dracula X: Rondo of Blood), this game gets a lot of shit that it doesn't deserve. It has the same soundtrack as the CD-based "Rondo" (which the SNES does a great job reproducing), and uses a similar gameplay mechanic (rescue chicks), but it has so many different stages and such, that calling it a port doesn't really describe it. The graphics are great, the stages are good, and the only complaint that I feel can be leveled against it, are the "bounce me back and forth until I die" deaths that come from the painfully short invincibility time when you get hit. Contra III: The Alien Wars- It's Contra. You know what to expect. Good early SNES graphics, some cool effects, and good music. Not as tough as other entries in the franchise, and the top view stages aren't as much fun as the side-scrolling ones, but it's still good stuff. Cybernator + Metal Warriors- Part of the "Assult Suit" games (Target Earth on the Genesis was another), you hop into your Mech suit, and blast bad guys using various weapons. They look great, sound good, and the 2 player mode in MW is a blast. I love them, but they are a bit slower paced, and don't appeal to everyone. Try emulating them first to see if you're into it. Demon's Crest- A part of the "Ghosts" and Gargoyle Quest games, it's a fine game that got overlooked by some. Fantastic graphics, very good music, and a solid challenge to get the best ending. Great atmosphere too, with some tough levels. Firepower 2000- Top view shmup where you can play as either a jeep or a helicopter. Good graphics, good music, and a good challenge. Doesn't do anything revolutionary, but it offers up a fun "kill anything that moves" gaming session. Gradius III- Yes, it has a lot of slowdown. And yes, it's missing the 3D stages from the arcade game. But those things aside, this is a good port of Konami's classic. There's not much else to say beyond... it's Gradius. Just get it. Hagane- A Shinobi-esque platformer with some very good graphics, music, and a tough challenge. It didn't get a lot of attention, but if you enjoyed games like Revenge of Shinobi or Shinobi III, you'll feel right at home with this. The King of Dragons- A straight-forward hack 'n slasher, where you choose from several character types, and slice your way through hordes of enemy creatures. Akin to Golden Axe and its ilk, it's simple, but fun. A solid port of the arcade game, with nice graphics, some good music, and a tough challenge. MegaMan X- Do these need to be described? MegaMan X2- I didn't think so. MegaMan X3- Just get them. They're good. Ninja Warriors- A sequel to Taito's Ninja Warriors (three screened arcade game), it's a good Final Fight-esque beat'em up with very nice graphics, good tunes, and a solid challenge. Choose from three different fighters, and go to town. Nosferatu- What do you get if you mix Prince of Persia (DOS) with Dracula? Here you go. Very nice graphics, smooth animation, and some enjoyable music as you make your way through the castle and its ground to rescue your girl. It's a tough game, but it's fun. Phalanx- Nothing ground breaking about this side-scrolling shmup, but it does it's job well by giving you plenty of stages, a good challenge, and so forth. It's just a solid shmup. R-Type III: The Third Lightning- The SNES's best shmup in my opinion. Great graphics, great music, one hell of challenge, and a nice advancement in the classic R-Type gameplay by offering up three different force balls to choose from. If you like shmups, and you don't like this one, there's something very wrong with you. Skyblazer- A forgotten gem on the SNES. Very nice graphics, good music, and a quality action title that's not too taxing on the reflexes. Plays a little bit like a mix of Actraiser with touches of Mario, with some flying stages to break up the regular platforming ones. Space Megaforce- Top view shmup by the famous Compile group. It uses some cool Mode 7 effects in spots, but it's still basically a straight-forward blast-a-thon. Good early SNES graphics, some good music, and weapons that can be powered way the hell up. Lots of stages as well, and it offers different modes to play the game in. Sparkster- Remember Rocket Knight Adventures? Here's the sequel. Plays much the same, looks much the same, but it's a whole knew group of baddies to get rid of. Great graphics, great music, fun gameplay, and a healthy challenge. It's different from the Genesis game of the same name, so even if you have that one, this one's a must get. Star Fox- C'mon. It's Star Fox. Who doesn't know about this game? The FX chip does a nice job making the 3D world, the music is quite good, and having three different courses to play through (plus hidden stages) gives this game a healthy dose of replayability. Sunset Riders- Straight up brawler in fine Konami fashion. Choose one of four characters, and go after the bad guy in Old West style. Good graphics, very good music, and it's a tough little game too. Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts- Just get it. Hard as a fucking rock, but awesome in every way. Super Mario All-Stars- Remakes of the three NES Mario games, plus the original second game that only came out in Japan. The graphics and music are redone to look like Super Mario World. Super Mario World- Duh. Super R-Type- This is, for all intents and purposes, R-Type II for the SNES with a few differences. It's riddled with slowdown, but the gameplay of the series still shines through. Very nice graphics, good tunes, and a solid challenge. Super Metroid- If you don't get this, you should be banned. Arguably the best entry in the franchise. Great graphics, music, challenge, and a hidden ending if you can beat it fast enough. Super Turrican + Super Turrican II- Like the orignal games on the Amiga, it's basically a run 'n gun with some platforming thrown in at times. Lots of action, a tough challenge, some fantastic music, and great graphics. The second game adds in CGI rendered graphics and some Mode 7 3D stages which can be pretty tough, but these games are quality action titles. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtle in Time- It's not arcade perfect, but it's a fine game. Pick a turtle and beat the shit out of the Foot Clan. Very nice graphics, good tunes (though I prefer the Genesis version of those tunes), and while it is pretty easy, it's a fun game to sit down with for an hour and pummel away with. UN Squadron- A shmup based off of the Anime, it's a pretty standard shmup by Capcom, but it's good. It doesn't break new ground, but it hits all its marks pretty well. Yoshi's Island- Just get it. Don't ask why, just get it. Zombies Ate My Neighbors- A top view action game that pays some heavy homages to horror flicks, it's just fun. Tough as nails, but fun. Great graphics, good music, lots of stages, and some good humor scattered about. You fight masked murderers and giant babies. What more do you want? There. More info. And yes, I was just being a smart ass up top. Don't take it (too) seriously
  14. 7th Saga (RPG) ActRaiser (Action Platformer/God Game) Actraiser II (Action Platformer) Axelay (Shmup) Biometal (Shmup) Castlevania IV (Action Platformer) Castlevania: Dracula X (Action Platformer) Contra III: The Alien Wars (Run N' Gun) Cybernator (Action Platformer) Demon's Crest (Action Platformer/RPG) Firepower 2000 (Shmup) Gradius III (Shmup) Hagane (Action Platformer) The King of Dragons (Hack 'N Slash) MegaMan X (Action Platformer) MegaMan X2 (Action Platformer) MegaMan X3 (Action Platformer) Metal Warriors (Action Platformer) Ninja Warriors (Action Platformer) Nosferatu (Action/Puzzle) Phalanx (Shmup) R-Type III: The Third Lightning (Shmup) Sky Blazer (Action Platformer) Space Megaforce (Shmup) Sparkster (Action Platformer) Star Fox (3D Shmup) Sunset Riders (Action) Super Ghouls 'N Ghosts (Action Platformer) Super Mario All-Stars (Platformer Compilation) Super Mario World (Platformer) Super R-Type (Shmup) Super Metroid (Action Platformer) Super Turrican (Action Platformer/Run N' Gun) Super Turrican II (Action Platformer/Run N' Gun) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtle in Time (Hack 'N Slash) UN Squadron (Shmup) Yoshi's Island (Platformer) Zombies Ate My Neighbors (Action) I removed the fighting games, but if you avoid the two Castlevanias, you're doing yourself a big disservice.
  15. No. 3's already been made, and features no "still"s
  16. Sega Saturn battery back-up used for the in-system saves. Not having a back-up RAM cart for years. Battery dies. 'Nuff said. I haven't had too many carts turn on me (knocks on wood like a mother fucker), save for the Performance back-up RAM carts for the Saturn. I went through four of those damn things in one year, because they kept dying (thankfully, I got free replacements... over and over). I lost so many saves because of that. Cheap parts + compressed memory =
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