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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. Not so known, eh? Here are some that came to mind... Pretty much any track from Master of Monsters, "Flood of Power" from Midnight Resistance, "The Habam" from Red Zone, "Stage 1: Sky City", "Stage 3: Underground Stronghold", and "Stage 6: Assault" from Whip Rush, "Last Dance" from Hellfire, "Army's Song" and "After the War" from Final Zone, "Erias", "Last City", "Ending" and "Light Song" from Sword of Vermillion. All of those are from Genesis games.
  2. Did you like how I slaughtered the English language we've all come to know and love? That's what happens when you type while still waking up. It was so bad, I had to go back and fix it just now
  3. Can we please, for the love of God, get a home page button? I know I brought this up before, but it seems rather silly to allow people to enter their home page URL, but not provide a link so other people can actually visit it. We all know how lazy web surfers are, and the chances of anyone digging through a member's OCR account pages to find out if they even have a home page, are pretty damn slim. We used to have one before the vbulletin changeover. Please bring it back. Edit: Fixed my botched English.
  4. I'm changing my song. I'm currently calling the theme from the Atari XE game Necromancer... a song that probably 0.000003% of OCR has ever heard. I thought I'd work with something a bit more obscure.
  5. The question is, where were you? Oh, and s'up old timer?
  6. First, get the free edition of Alcohol 52% here. Use it to create MDF/MDS files. This creates a perfect copy of the disc, audio tracks and all, in one main file and a very small sub file. And since this version of Alcohol 52% allows you to create virtual drives (up to six), you can them mount the disc images you just made with it. You can put the disc images anywhere you want really, but try to keep them all together. Now, once you've made the virtual drive(s), you'll need to mount them in the DOSBox config file like you would a real CD-Rom drive. Then DOSBox should (barring any odd errors) recognize the virtual drives without any problems, read the disc images as if they were real discs, and play any audio tracks like normal during the game. As for your D2 and TV problems, I'm not entirely sure what to tell you. DOSBox might not have the ability to mimic the chipset that those games require. However, you can try the various machine types in the config file, and see if one of them allows it to run. You'll find it in the section that reads as such... Perhaps one of those machines types will work.
  7. Being a long time fan of this hard as balls game, it's a shame no one's taken the time to give feedback on this. So, I'll give it a shot... The first thing I noticed that could use some fixing is the snare drum. When it gets hit in a rapid fashion like at 0:37, it stops sounding like a drum, and more like a gunshot effect (which isn't good when you can hear the sample get cut off as it plays again). As such, I think those areas could use something else being done with the drums to help alleviate that. The next thing I noticed, was how muddy the song gets starting at 1:28. There's so much rumbling going on, that instruments become buried under it all. This really needs to be fixed since it happens continually from that point on. You're either adding too much bass to something (or possibly everything), or else you made this WIP too loud, resulting in a similar kind of aural distortion problem. Whatever the source is, it's hampering the song. It's not a bad start, as I think the composition shows potential (some timing issues hear and there). But with so much rumbling going on, it's hard to completely hear all of the composition. However, if you can fix that distortion, then I think you'll be in much better shape with this mix.
  8. Sonic Spinball- As much fun as watching paint dry. It also moves about as quickly thanks to all the slowdown. Without a doubt, it's Sonic's low point for the 16-bit era. Red Zone- Harder than Chinese algebra, but it's still fun to play. It also has some of the best graphical tricks done on the Genesis, and a good soundtrack. Just be sure to pad your walls so your controller doesn't fly apart when you chuck it at said walls. Thunder Force IV- Fucking awesome from start to finish. Fucking - awesome. 'Nuff said.
  9. I'm claiming "The Promising Future 2" from Phantasy Star IV.
  10. "Best of Thunder Force" I mentioned it on dot org, and it dawned on me I hadn't listened to the CD for a while. So...
  11. It's October 27th, and my site is still there. Did someone forget to flip the switch?
  12. And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest, Geocities. You shall always be remembered in our hearts for the .txt trick. **bows head**
  13. *lol* Thanks L99.

  14. Heh. Thanks, Slut. Hope your Halloween's a fun one as well :)

  15. Might wanna hold off on that judgment until you actually see the sprites *lol*

  16. First people bitched about it, and now they're begging to have it back. It's like djp's conducting some bizarre behavioral experiment.
  17. Is "Merry-Go-Round" cursed or something? My song didn't make the cut, someone else said they were going to do it, but they seem to have vanished, and now bLiNd is added to the list
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