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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. You deserve it. I think I've got somewhere in the 30s that I did myself, and a handful of avatars that were tag teamed onto the site.
  2. For some of you posting links to YouTube, add this to the end of your URL link... &fmt=18 This allows HD mode, and you'll stand a good chance of the song sounding much better (if the uploader submitted the song at a better quality than YouTube's default settings). If you want proof...
  3. WIP stands for work in progress. If what you made are video game music remixes, you can make a thread in the Workshop Feedback: Remixes forum. If it's original music, or remixes of music from a source other than video games, then you'd make the thread in the Workshop Feedback: Originals/Other forum.
  4. But he is the only one who knows what he's looking for in terms of quality. He's the one who has been doing the evaluating from the start after all, and someone else coming in and deciding what's good and bad may or may not yield avatars that meet (in his opinion) the standards that have been set. It's not just adding avatars, it's making sure they're of consistent quality. The only other person who seems to be on the same (VG) frequency is Polo, who's gotten quite a few avatars accepted. And even then, I don't know if LT would be willing to hand over the keys as it were. So for now, you'll just have to wait.
  5. Never been a fan of quick-time events. They've always felt like a poor man's way of creating action. They eliminate choice, and make the game that much shorter because rather than creating an area you have to fight your way through, you just... hit a button and the game moves you to the next point where you hit another button. If I wanted to do that, I'd play a game centered on such "gameplay", like Dragon's Lair or any number of Sega CD FMV games. If I'm in the middle of a fire fight with demons, don't tell me to push "X". Let me dodge, shoot and cuss my way out.
  6. Guys, you're forgetting something very important... This is a side project. LT has a lot of other things to do that are higher up on the importance scale... especially since there's already quite a few avatars to choose from. I know you all want more choices, but just chill. He'll get back here eventually. As the old Saturn ad used to say, "patience is a virtua."
  7. - To finish writing (and hopefully) record the song and lyrics I've been working on, which is based off of my novels. - To finish a remix that's been sitting rather far along for several years... which I just rediscovered and liked what I heard last night. - To get more remixes (and touched up older remixes) on my website. - To create an album of finished original piano and orchestral music.
  8. Thanks for the kind words, K.B. I sent LT an update quite some time ago, but it might have gotten lost. I'll send it again and hope for the best.
  9. It sounds more like a different person doing a Yahtzee imitation to me.
  10. Glad to see I'm not the only one to need a tissue for Drakengard's Caim and Angelus story, and it's **spoilerish** sad, bittersweet, yet touching conclusion in the second game. That cinema was the hardest minute-plus I've ever sat through in a game, knowing what the two of them went through and became leading up to it.
  11. Juuuuuuuuust keep digging that hole, dude
  12. I just figured if it was wide open like my second suggestion, it might get people interested enough to do something. Perhaps finish a picture they started in a past competition, but never got to finish (or submit), start something new that they've wanted to draw, but the theme chosen never lined up with it... you know, stuff like that. God knows I wish I had seen the Blizzard competition in time, as I thought of a great image to make, but it was too late. Actually, now that I've written that, perhaps it could simply be to draw something from a past competition's theme.
  13. Who the hell's Duck Nukem? Is he the fourth nephew that Scrooge McDuck never talks about?
  14. I had an idea, but working on my novels, short stories, and work in general has kept me busy. New Topic ideas: - Any and all fighting games are open to usage. 2D, 3D, old, new, mainstream (Street Fighter and its many incarnations, King of Fighters, etc.), obscure (Revengers of Vengeance, Fighting Masters, etc.)... if it's a game where fighting is the law of the land (or at least the majority of what the game's about), it's fair game. Stick with one game, one franchise, or mix and match a dozen of them... whichever floats your boat. - Open it up to anything game related to get people back into it. Doesn't matter if its Castlevania, MegaMan, Final Fantasy, Diablo... as long as the picture is based on a game, it can be entered.
  15. In case no one's seen this... Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter
  16. Aeris dies? WTFPDQSNAFUFUBAR?! I wuz just going two by that game in 2018 for it's twenteeith anyversiry! GOD! Thanx for ruinning it gaiz!
  17. The only one that really comes to mind is the story of Caim and Angelus in the Drakengard series. It didn't make me full-on sob, but it certainly put a lump in my throat and made me misty-eyed with how it ended. Needed a tissue for that cinema in Drakengard 2.
  18. I almost got to have the Atari 800 version to play on my Atari XEGS. But sadly, the cart (like Gorf and a few others) was shaped oddly. The narrower sides of the cart were just a little too close together, and while it fit fine in an Atari 800, it couldn't fit over the plastic casing in the cartridge port of the Atari XEGS. Pissed me off when I had to take it (and Gorf) back because of that. Never owned the 2600 version unfortunately.
  19. It is a great old game, isn't it? Made me happy as hell to see it show up on Midway Arcade Treasures 2.
  20. >_> Arcus Odyssey - A Few More Miles To Go Thunder Force III - Reflection **runs**
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