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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. Sometimes I record stuff I hear in ads on the internet, like that sample I use in the second track on my last album [37 MB lol get the whole thing plx], or long speeches, etc.

    The great thing about ambient sounds is that you can record whatever the fuck you want to record, then process it to death to make it fit your song as it changes. It all depends on what you want to hear right at that moment.

    I'll tell you what's good for soundscapes? Check this out:


  2. Oh, and europeans own the chip scene.

    The way I see it, it's Japan with the NSF, and Europe with the SID. Notice a lot of artists on KWED are european, like Machinae Supremacy and stuff :3

    I'm looking to make .sid files also, I have a C64 emulator but I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO :(

  3. Unless you want to write .nsf files, and better control over the sounds.

    Though I am unsure how far he wants to go with this. I've had people ask me this before, though it turned out they just wanted the mario coin sound or whatever for their average 3-chord rock band. I guess peach and toad are fine for that sort of thing.

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