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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. http://engramstudio.com/craptracker/tracker.pl

    Aptly-named craptracker II :) Very basic. Apparently this was made way back last year, though it's gone through a lot of changes apparently. It was just now linked to me by a friend and I thought... Hey, this could be a legit ReMixing thread :P

    This might be a good resource for anyone who wants to learn how to track, or at least see what tracking is about. At the very least, it's really fun :) It'd be cool to see what YOU guys come up with, and this is great because you can link your song and it can be played by anyone with java in their browser :P

    I made something myself, but it's soooooo bad. I do make use of arpeggios and volume control though, but the demo songs by coda and nobuyuki [i totally know them! lol] are way better.

  2. I'm thinking of moving to Reason ... everyone claims FL is really restrictive

    Hahah what?

    Who the fuck is "Everyone?" and why is it restrictive compared to Reason? You can move to Reason, but you will probably miss QLSO. Cubase will handle QLSO great, though.

    As for this polyphony stuff... I was right about there being polyphony options, but for some reason they're under the DFD options?

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