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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. Hopefully this fixes the pitch errors I get with Edirol Orchestral and TheGrand. And yes, I swear to god I will buy FL6 with my own money this time
  2. fixed. You're crazy if you don't think RotC was a "cohesive album"
  3. y helo thar doomsex I'll be seeding the... mp3 part of the torrent. Sorry but it cuts the download size by 1/5th by getting rid of the .flacs.
  4. Events are restricted to patterns so, the pattern with the events inside them must not be used. You must find the pattern with the automation inside of it, and that is kind of a pain. May I take this time to recommend that you label each of your patterns via the playlist? You can do that by right-clicking the "Pattern #" in the playlist.
  5. Something interesting should be brought to your attention: http://planetary.org/news/2005/mars_spectacular_0807.html Is Mars Spectacular This Month? No, But Don't Let That Discourage You from Looking Up! by Bruce Betts and Emily Lakdawalla August 7, 2005 For the last few months, a factually incorrect email message has circulating around the Internet containing the following text: "The Red Planet is about to be spectacular! This month and next, Earth is catching up with Mars in an encounter that will culminate in the closest approach between the two planets in recorded history. Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. Mars will be easy to spot. At the beginning of August it will rise in the east at 10p.m. and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m.... Share this with your children and grandchildren. NO ONE ALIVE TODAY WILL EVER SEE THIS AGAIN. " This "information" combines details that were correct about the August 2003 Mars opposition, when it was in fact closer to Earth than it had been for 60,000 years, with the false and physically impossible claim that it would appear "as large as the full moon." Neither of these statements is true. However, Mars will be very bright and easy to observe during the fall of this year. Here are some of the facts about viewing Mars in 2005: 1. Mars will be closest to Earth in 2005 on October 29 or 30, depending on your time zone. The actual date of Mars opposition -- the moment when Earth and Mars are at precisely the same longitude with respect to the Sun -- is November 7, 2005. But because of the non-circular shapes of Mars' and Earth's orbits, Mars gets closest to the Earth a week earlier. 2. Because of the combination of Earth and Mars' orbital periods, Mars and Earth grow closer every 26 months. Even then, they are still many tens of millions of kilometers (or miles) away from each other. 3. Martian close approaches vary a lot in brightness because Mars' orbit is much more elliptical (less circular) than Earth's. So, sometimes we are "close" to it when it is in the part of its orbit that is nearest the Sun, and sometimes when it is farthest in its orbit from the Sun. 4. Mars was closer to Earth in the 2003 close approach than it had been in tens of thousands of years, but not by much compared to approaches that happened tens of years ago. 5. In 2005, Mars will be farther than it was in 2003, but it will still be a very good apparition. It will get brighter than the brightest star in the sky, but not nearly as bright as Venus. It will still be great to go out and see. (It will be brighter than -2 magnitudes for those who are familiar with that system of brightness.) 6. Mars never appears large enough to appear as more than a point of light to the naked eye (certainly not coming anywhere near the apparent size of the Moon in our sky). 7. Mars will be about 20 arcseconds across during this close approach, which is about 5 arcseconds smaller than in 2003. But, the disk will be quite clear in almost any small telescope. A nice amateur telescope should allow you to see at least a polar cap and some light and dark markings on the surface. It will be southern summer on Mars, however, and the south pole will be tilted towards us, so the southern polar cap will be small. Please fight the misinformation circulating around the Internet by replying to any well-meaning person who forwards you the Mars message with the facts above. But don't tell people not to look up! We shouldn't need an excuse like "closest approach for 60,000 years" to look up and see the planets. Right now, if you look to the west shortly after sunset you can see Jupiter and Venus shining brightly in the sky. Venus will be ascending over the coming months, while Jupiter will be descending. On September 1, the two pass very close to each other. Right now, Mars rises around midnight. For a real sky light show, go out on August 11, 12, or 13 to look for "shooting stars;" the Perseid meteor shower peaks on August 12. For weekly information about what's up in the sky, listen to The Planetary Society's Planetary Radio, where in the last several minutes of each show we cover easy things to look for in the night sky.
  6. Did you suddenly change any of your midi properties? You must have, since changing nothing creates no problems in this situation. It could be either a hardware problem or a software problem. Make sure your midi interface is actually receiving data outside of FL Studio. Then make sure "Enable midi remote controller" is enabled in FLS, along with "Auto-accept midi controller" in the MIDI option box. That's really all that's necessary for a midi controller to work.
  7. Totally schooled on English by a Dutch guy.
  8. I played this game once. I couldn't figure out which way to go because the game was diagonal and so was your movement. Add battling with monsters into the mix, and you can bet.. I didn't really get very far. As for the mix, uhh... Well it was obviously weird, but I like the overall presentation.
  9. I got something done for Mid Galds, but it's not enough for me to post a demo yet [these are my personal beliefs about WIPs I guess]... maybe Hemo can, but it's only like 1 minute of done I usually like to have the whole structure down before I change anything.
  10. lol Hey wait a second! I remember 1012kb! But that was from your other band D: ?
  11. Welcome back, Joel. I missed you! Where have you been??!?! Well anyway, this song got me to download your other songs. I already had them but when several years pass, .mp3 files are bound to disappear . Listening to your older songs again after such a long time just reminded me of how awesome this site really is, or was, or whatever. Being on this site for so long sorta made me forget that, I suppose. Makes me want to... submit a song but I have nothing good enough right now. Anyways, I have a question, Jive! What happened to your rock band? Quite some time ago, you posted some band demos or something, and it was this rock band! I was like "Jivemaster, Mr. Techno in a rock band?!" and it was pretty interesting. Anyways, how goes the band?
  12. If you have a client like Azureus you can block the FLAC part from being downloaded.
  13. I'll consider covering another ToP track if someone else drops out. Currently, I'm in the process of figuring out Mid Galds. It's such a weird song! But I'll get it, dammit!
  14. YES?!?!? well I didn't think it'd be now, but ok.
  15. 12 minutes? Well, I'm not about to be outdone. Hmph! Anyways, Kyle, I sent a PM your way detailing my profile page and such. Plus a cool picture! You guys will all admire my picture, dammit! Anyways, I'll start on Mid Galds soon. Hemo's a bit busy, so he said I should start it off. Here's to another so-fucking-demented awesome-hardcore song!
  16. Thank god Abyss of Thor wasn't that confusing
  17. I may have heard the songs but I seriously don't remember any of the melodies.
  18. Harmonious Moment is a nice little tune. I'm not sure about the ToS soundtrack. I've played the game but only to the Water Spirit [i'm guessing that's not very far in] and it was a long while ago so I'm not familiar with ToS's soundtrack much.
  19. Ok. I was worried that the big climax part would hurt peoples' ears
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