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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. I would reconsider using FruityLoop's pre-packaged drum loops and Slayer as well

    I mean at least you're using Slayer more sensibly than most but man does that sound bad, especially when you're using a somewhat more believable guitar in "Guitar Driven"

    Seriously though at this point I would recommend getting some nicer samples, especially for anything you have labeled "VGM." Stuff like "Flo BLACKa" starts out promising but then you bring in these awful weak synths. Is that SimSynth? I would suggest expanding your VSTi catalogue, take a trip around kvraudio.com and get some good free synths.

    Selling stuff for a fixed price like that is also very odd for a composer to do. Are there no negotiable fees?

  2. that's what you get with a pentium 3 computer

    I'm actually barely even feeling any limitations with this 3.2 GHz P4 I got... and it's been 5 years already with this PC. Of course I upgraded it here and there >_>

    So it's a little strange to me that your soundfonts degrade to 'poo-quality' at the draft setting.

    Are we talking about the same VSTi? I don't have "draft" on mine. Actually, looking at Luke's, it's missing a lot of stuff mine has. Like really bad jokes.


  3. What kinds of errors? I've only had rare problems with crashing (just about as rare as any other plugin) and stuff loads really quickly in SONAR 6.

    Mainly it rapes my buffer if I have any soundfont over "poo-ish" quality and high polyphony, so I get that horrible crackling noise


  4. Please keep in mind that we won't just use a generic flash player and run the streaming off our own servers. The idea is to upload OCR's catalog to an outside service so that we don't eat through all of our bandwidth when people decide they only want to stream remixes.

    You can always ask one of your mirrors really really nicely if they'd be ok with streaming. :)

  5. So yeah I kinda fucked up and had myself and overcoat face stupid odds that forced us to retreat :lol:. Was fun nonetheless :)!!

    Eh I coulda taken em on

    warp out+repair+warp back in=no prob

    but of course I have no repair mods on my ship, haha

  6. I think used sales are just the price developers pay for gamers being cheapskates.

    Of course we're cheapskates. A new game is $40-60! That adds up, dude. Plus we won't even know if we like it unless we rented it, which is another $5 right there.

    Anyway, Dhsu, you underestimate a consumer's hunt for a bargain. I dunno how many times a day I have to put up with people going YOU HAVE SALE TODAY? WHEN SENIOR DISCOUN? YOU HAVE DISCOUN FOR ITEM? TOO ESPENSIVE!


    I think some people in here re: used games have gaming set to a higher standard or something, but seriously, it's a product just like anything else, consumers have the RIGHT to buy, resell, and trade the item they bought and now own.

  7. Pirating != Copyright infringement.

    I don't think anyone here illegally cracks software then charges people for copies of it in some shady alley in downtown Chinatown.

    ...DO they?

    Here's the thing about used games: You pay for used games because that pays for the "manpower" involved in receiving the used game, inventorying it, stocking the shelves with it, and then paying the guy over the counter $7-8 an hour to look after it and sell it. Real simple. How is this unethical? It's only unethical if they're charging almost as much as it cost originally [see: EBGames, Gamestop].

    Also, IIRC the way it works is that the game company isn't making money off of that specific purchase you're making. When you run your credit card through, the money isn't wired immediately to Japan to be distributed by Hideo Kojima. They already got the money from the store that stocked their shelves full of their game, the store just needs to sell their shit and make a profit. Same with anything you buy in a store.

  8. Marvel was dead to me a long time ago. Well, not really, I just tend to prefer DC, specifically the Vertigo line but I'll venture into the superhero stuff every now and then ["Harley and Ivy" was fantastic]. I also remember liking Rex Mundi [from Image] but I need to really catch up on that. I think I stopped reading it 'cause they kept getting new artists. One would go rogue or get fired or something and they ended up with a really bad one.

    Also lol@spiderman not making sense. Dude he got bit by a spider and suddenly shoots sticky shit out of his wrists.

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