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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. yo dawg just a heads up

    404s on these 4 things under "downloads"





    Glad to be a part of something complete for once.

  2. I'm a bit confused about how the leveling works. It seems like there are no real "levels", just skill ranks, which you can actually set to train WHILE YOU'RE OFFLINE? That's an interesting idea, but it makes me wonder if you get any benefit at all out of combat (in terms of character growth, I mean). It would seem odd to tear up a bunch of baddies but have to log off and wait a while to actually make your character more awesome.

    Well, combat, at least PVP, is mostly about gaining or defending your ground in whatever corp you're in. If you wanna make things even more interesting, you could play as a soldier for hire, or a pirate, and make big bucks off that :P

    Expect alot of deaths if you plan on using the Kestrel :3

    Yeah, I could be piloting a Caracal soon. Hell, I HAVE the ship I just can't pilot it yet. My main playing buddy though, insists that I should train Minmatar Frigate skills and he'll get me a Rifter, assuring me that it is a fun ship. He flies his around sometimes and it does look kinda fun >_>

  3. Sooooooooo I was in my first fleet battle in 0.0 space today. I died. But then, so did most of our 20 person fleet. Haha.

    I had the worst ship in the whole battle. But it's my kestrel and I love my kestrel <3. This is my 3rd one :D

  4. IN MY OPINION, Reaper would be a fine choice as it shares a common interface with a few other things. FL Studio is just... a mess. It's capable enough but there's a lot of things it'll do for you that you don't want it to do, and vice versa. Try it out of course, I mean I used it for 5 or 6 years and it's not THAT bad, it's just that I switched to Renoise which is so much better :P

    i am a tracker elitist fyi, you won't see a lot of that here since everyone uses FL or Reason.

  5. WTF was up with the last third of the game? It was so good until you went to the alien planet.


    Xen was awesome

    Well, I'll concede that it wasn't the best part of the game, but the whole setting overall was absolutely stunning. Especially in 1998. I had never seen anything look this good, ever. And the low grav was fun :D

    Really wish you would have waited for Black Mesa Source

    Dear lord, no. Play the original first. BM:Source isn't due for a while now anyway, plus you can finish HL1 in like 3 hours. If you want super hax check out "Half Life in Half an hour"

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