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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. Mick Rippon started a site a while back for Renoise resources. There are still some good drumloops for you to use though, in .wav format:


    You want electronic drum samples? Here's the fuckin' motherload. Someone took the time to sample all the popular drum machines and then some, then put it up for download:


    I use these all the time, you will not be disappointed.

  2. Yeah full backwards compatibility has never been the case with gameboys, it's always just the previous generation [GBA plays gameboy, DS plays GBA] until their late iterations of the hardware where it's no longer necessary

    plus unless you keep losing your old gameboy it's likely that they aren't broken yet so just use the old gameboys :V

  3. Well for business I'm not sure, my big character [OverCoat] is all about PVP and kicking ass. My new character [Puru Two] is going to be a mad scientist/drug lord/miner/industrialist/possibly a support PVPer? I dunno about the fighting aspect of her yet.

    There's plenty of people to help you down the right path, at least in the n00b systems or 1.0 space [like Kakakela, my home system -_-]

    You can always join my private redneck chat, like Schwaltzvald. Though the rednecks might start feeling a little crowded if I invite EVERYONE in there. We'll see :P

  4. Wait a minute, don't give out the new age genre to Ascendancy. Nothing personal, but it goes against one of the purposes of this site!

    Just because the site staff dislikes people searching out specific genres doesn't mean you have to.

    Claiming one should stop searching out music for a particular style because they're not being "open-minded" enough is awfully pretentious, and in my opinion moreso than someone who sticks to a rigid set of preferred genres.

    Also, think about this: What if he was, in fact, just turned onto the new age genre, and is looking to expand his collection? Or, he just feels like something relaxing right now, but usually listens to drum & bass or black metal?

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