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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. yeah I still play, though currently my alliance is at war so yeah... Been real cautious along with giving the enemy the slip :lol:

    My tiny Redneck Beer Association is doing fine, the leader is having me tag along on some of the tougher NPC missions, but man I am so sick of high-sec space, Kakakela can suck my dick.

    Though it is fun watching people in nice ships bait the n00bs. Todaki station has SO MANY Ibis wrecks.

    What do you go by in-game? I'll add you to my list.

  2. To access the OCR Channel, click on the button where it says channels, and from there click on the button "Join/Create Channel" and type with caps ---> OCR . From there if some one is on the channel, you'll see the person's portait on the right hand column. If no one is on it, then you'll have created the OCR channel and you just have to wait till others join.

    I've been playing for a few days and not a single soul in there

    Come on guys :V

  3. I have a Tapco mixer with two preamps on it and it was $60 and some change on ebay. Very nice.

    here it is in its natural habitat

    I also got a nice interface from another guy here on OCR, a E-Mu 1212m for... well shit, I forget how much I paid for it. But you can get audio interfaces like an audiophile 2496 or Emu 0404 for less than $100, or an external one for a bit more [don't know much about those].

  4. Oh, hey guys

    is anyone still playing this? I just installed the trial tonight and got the hang of it a little. I already have a shitty baltam and found my way into a corp... full of rednecks. Yeah, real interesting people you can meet in space. The guy I was playing with types like an idiot but seemed to at least know his stuff...

    Anyway if the OCR corp is still active I'll switch over to you guys [after thanking the rednecks for $6 mil and two ships]

    I still have 13 days left on my trial, but I think this may be the first mmo I actually pay for [!]

    Also, I'm already a huge fan of the music, "Below the Asteroids" and "Fight Like You Live" plus that strange gangsta beats battle music that isn't on the OST download page are some of my favourites. The songs have a really big demostyle vibe to them. Probably a side effect of being Icelandic :P

    I'll have to find a full OST rip somewhere.

  5. I would love my Zune except for issues like this, and the fact that multi-artist albums are all separated by artist in the album view. Also where the fuck are the asian fonts, half my Zune is full of squares :V Also, it likes to draw info from the weirdest fucking places. "Album Artist" is somehow preferred over just "Artist." Okay, so basically, Microsoft has a problem with organization. If I were allowed to sync my Zune with windows media player, another microsoft product, which I did with my non-microsoft MP3 player [Zen], it would already be perfectly fine. Boggling.

    I wish Creative were still making high capacity Zen :(

  6. Luke I have that record

    except it says "Original Masters Recording" on the top

    good stuff. I'm afraid to play it though so I have the CD :D


    Dude my Goodwill has like 20 [at least] Tijuana Brass records. They're not that hard to find :P

    Go out and search!

  7. DJMetal that thread doesn't actually provide anything useful

    I wish I still had them. I have a lot of his original music for SoundTempest though :3

    I think I can prod him to reply to this thread. Maybe. I'll see what I can do. His myspace page is pretty stagnant unfortunately, and you're only going to find his light christian rock there :V

  8. You might find this amusing, hunz wrote a song called "Sarah's Song" and it's been one of my favourites for years:


    [free music!]

    15 eh? I wasn't actually expecting piano music with all the volcom shit everywhere, to be honest, but this is actually pretty decent. It's hard for me to comment on piano songs, because you play better than me, but that's not saying much, haha. I listened to the rest and you have the potential to be a pretty great orchestrator if you keep at it! There's a few great orchestral composers on this site so I would share my music with them if I were you. I'm not going to name them though because they'll be like "damn it overcoat stop sending people to me for orchestration advice"

    good lord I am typing on and on

    Anyway good stuff, only beef I have is that while it's nice it's kind of been done to death and not memorable at all, though I'm sure Sarah likes it.

  9. As a person who has actually played Starcraft 2 [at PAX] I can say don't worry, it's still a Starcraft game. Not quite as big a jump as WC2 to WC3, it's pretty much SC1 in 3D with different units. At least from my casual standpoint. I'm predicting the "hardcore" SC players are probably going to whine but fuck them anyway.

    As far as the content, I'm hoping each game is as least as long as, say, Brood War was. Brood War was pretty kickass for an expansion.

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