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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. I'm one of those noob people atm... I have no idea wtf I'm doin, and I couldn't tell you what an inventory station is if I wanted to lol.

    The game is built around teamwork. You get rewarded points for repairing your base [generators, inventory/vehicle stations, turrets, etc] as well as extra points for capturing the flag or defending it. You can rack up a lot of points just doing that. Also, take some time [during a botmatch preferably] to look around the inventory list and experiment with different setups. I'm a heavy mortar and missile spamming kind of guy so I get the ammo pack and lob away, for both offense and defense.

    Also, the most important thing you can do is learn how to ski. This is the only game I can think of where you can do something like this. All you gotta do is hold jump while going down a hill and it lets you go at incredible speeds. Also, once you hit another hill jump and jetpack to get over it with ease :) Skiing is fun!

    Now I don't have to worry about computer specs since t2 is lol old

    Yeah, back when I first got the game, you were hot shit if you had a NVidia TNT2 :) I was using some crappy onboard video [5.5 MB, 11 MB by stealing some RAM] at the time so my game looked like shit :P I actually had a hard time running it.

  2. So... are any of these remixes, and if so, of what? (I'm sorta out of the loop...)

    They're all totally original. Well, he remixed my song [The Third Garden] but that song was made almost entirely out of sampled stuff in the first place so it's almost like an original song [think Kanye West remixing Daft Punk... sorta].

  3. some guy rapping about weaboos

    That dude was fucking hilarious. Busta and I were just cracking up. We started raising the roof and he was like "YEAH" probably because we were the only ones really responding to his music.

    The LAST Jamspace guy was the worst though... he played like sunday morning at 3 AM or somesuch... this random goth guy in a fishnet shirt playing probably the shittiest industrial I'd ever heard, and he had this little video thing set up playing horror movies... You'll find his picture next to "pretentious" in the dictionary. He had a keyboard made of duct tape also.

  4. GOD TIER: Metroid Metal

    HOT DOG TIER: Smash Bros

    FUCK YEAH TIER: Armcannon

    LOL TIER: Armadillo Tank [i wish the best with pieness though seriously, they have nowhere to go but up :)]

    Also, the hotel stole my Sierra t-shirt >:V but at this point that's like a minor annoyance because I was ROCKED SO HARD. Seriously, ALL the bands were so good this year, except for this one guy in the jamspace at 2 or 3 AM on sunday morning, with an audience of maybe... Escariot and Dom.

    It was great meeting everyone, seriously. I got to talk to ALMOST everyone, and the "drifting between groups" was I think optimal this year, like meeting VGMixers and OCR people and even Shizzies :3. Also enjoyed being on the OCR panel, especially since I have never contributed anything major to OCR ever [other than music], but plugging animeremix and my album was nice. and and and

    THE SCENE etc

  5. I've said this many times before, but the problem is outside of the OCR community you start running into the people thinking that if you fuck with the song too much you're doing the composer a disservice. I can see where they're coming from though, but I'm open to covers as well as arrangements, I don't really give a shit. The main complaint outside of OCR about our music is, to use the SF2 HD soundtrack as an example, is that OCR turned the songs into "fucking elevator music what the fuck."

    The thing is, actually arranging the music into different styles is normal to people, but the difference with OCR is that here the melodies, or the chord structure, or whatever notes from the original song is usually changed. I can't think of any other site other than vgmix where this happens, so for most gamers it's foreign idea and doesn't make a lot of sense. The average gamerjoe would rather just hear straight up covers.

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