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Posts posted by OverCoat

  1. Well I dunno, clearing out the Brotherhood of Steel citadel was pretty hard. Hooray for putting stimpaks on a hotkey

    but I think I got everyone except the essential characters :D

    Also, being the monster I am, killed Fawkes in his cell, then got the GECK myself :3 anyone ever tried activating the GECK? I was hoping for an alternate ending :[

  2. I FINALLY finished the slave-group-escort mission

    Is that related to the "Temple of the Union" place? Once my evil character got in there and found out they were all escaped slaves I kinda.. torched the place :D

    Then i go down to the Lincoln memorial some weeks later and find Slavers that need some slaves dead or whatever, I tell them I killed them already and they're like "sweet u r awesome" and leave :D

    The Mall is just generally an awesome place - I loved storming the capitol building behind Talon company, then sniping the survivors from their backs >:3

    Also, I encountered some bug with Abraham Washington's quest - I have the Declaration of Independence but I tried to give it to him twice, and only the "Nevermind I don't have it" option came up. Now it doesn't even come up at all. lol bug

    On the bright side, now I have Sydney forever :3

  3. I'm going to ask this here because nobody posts on my site anymore.


    You may be seeing either a news post about the state of Anime Remix or another news post dated July 5th belatedly celebrating the Fourth of July. I have no idea why but sometimes, this old version of the site loads. It's an exact replica of the site that seems to run parallel to the other one. Even the forums are different, the old one seems to be fraught with spambots even!

    Here's the thing though - my cache has definitely been cleared multiple times since that time so I'm wondering if it's client side or server side - both Xaleph and 1stStrike [the awesome host of our site] have assured me that everything on their side is fine, but they don't know what could be causing this issue. Anyone here have any ideas? In all my 10+ years of being on the internet I've never seen anything like this.

    If it's actually server side, I'll pass the info on to Xaleph, because I'm not the AR codemonkey :D

  4. Anything marketed as "gamer headphones" probably wouldn't work for actual music producers though - usually "gamer" stuff tends to have really overpowered bass response.

    Actually pro audio headphones would probably be better for gaming, given the intentional clarity of the sound - and you can usually get them for way less ! [AKG K271s are like $119 on ebay last I checked]

  5. The only store near where I live that actually knows how to put HD broadcast onto HD tv's seems to be Costco, of all places. Which is awesome. When you walk into Costco to get some awesome hotdogs and gigantic bins of pretzels, the first thing you see is 20 tv's all showing a live sports event in HD.

    The Best Buy and Circuit City where I live show an absolutely shitty broadcast that looks like youtube quality.

    The Costco in Tukwila is like that :3 some of the pictures I see on those TVs are absolutely gorgeous, especially when they do that dvd vs blu-ray example video thing.

    I bought my TV at Video Only though :V

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