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The wingless

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Everything posted by The wingless

  1. Anyways-- It's not a total ringing endorsement, but I was incredibly impressed with the character and costume design. They've really struck the balance between realistic old-world European mixed with hyper-modern Asian reimaginings.
  2. If Weed was born on 4:20, whole worlds would collide!
  3. My fame... over... already?!
  4. goddamn rabid fans. Leave me and Linsey alone to do our dirty, sinful business!
  5. I tried uploading it 3 times but Dreamweaver crashed everytime. Sorry Bladdy. I... I failed you.
  6. How is Rueben mentioned?
  7. My favorite part is that, during the opening credits roll, I'm featured so bloody prominently that if you didn't know about my remixes, you'd think I was in the same league as O'Donnel, Salvatori, Reactor, & Davis. The fact that my name is by itself somehow gives it even more undue importance.
  8. To be fair, I had all sorts of people online AIM'ing me the link. Doubly hillarious was the inter office realization. Them "Hey, isn't your name The Wingless when we play games?" Me, "Yup" Them "OMG. Ur on the internet tv!" Me, "BITCH!, go fuck Weng Weng"
  9. hahaha. TAKE THAT WHITEY! for every orchestra that plays your music, I'll get twenty korean kids to make a fan vid with mine!
  10. Give it to me and I'll host it when I get home tonight. Big congratulations to Bladdy. I can see why your diabetic: cuz you're so delightfully sweet. And, evidently, talent adds a couple feet to your height... which is probably why your 10 foot 20.
  11. http://www.gametrailers.com/umwatcher.php?id=57998 So this Haloid fan movie is storming the internet (and digg, no less) and it prominently features yours truly. I think the movie, considering the budget ($0) and the staff (1) is a staggering achievment. Sure, there are rough spots all over the place, and some of the coreography is fitfully derivative. But on the whole, it's very damn cool, and it's got me in it, so that should seal the deal. Directors commentary: I had *nothing* to do with the planning, production, or publication of Haloid. Dood evidently liked my music, and put it in the end credits. I'm not entirely sure why he chose that song over a laundry list of better metroid songs (made by me or otherwise), nor am I chipper about the editing he did on said song. But its free publicity, and he had the rare compassion and generosity to list me twice in the credits. So, enjoy!
  12. Now, I'm not jealous of other people's success, but, and I say this with all sincerity: I hope you trip down the stairs. -gratz, jillybean
  13. To be fair, this is a rather idyllic vision of the future. The dystopian version is a 404, register this domain name for only $14.99. Overclocked Remix is gone, little more than an electronic whisper in deep and silent folds of the internet. Everything you have ever known or loved about this place will be snuffed out. Erased. Eradicated. It will be as if Overclocked never existed in the first place... And in the long and torturous years to come, you will remember the din cry of one of your most cherished songs and your fingers will race ahead of your mind. But as you go to click on that most wonderous bookmark in your browser, you'll remember. That slow, sickening realization will rise like scattering spiders in your throat. "I forgot. Overclocked is dead"
  14. I will not go to Vgmix... Vgmix is the mindkiller...
  15. The day I let LUNK become a judge is the day Lone Ranger can one-up me in terms of verbal-dexterity, popularity, and overall forum appeal.
  16. ...To somebody who doesn't care about OCR, which IS YOU, you fat son of a bitch! In all honesty, the future of OCR is always a pertinent subject, and always worth talking about. Collectively, we've put a lot of time, love, and dork-fueled energy into this place. We would like to see our investments tended well and gently. I imagine one of two scenarios: Scenario 1 DJP sires an heir apparent, somebody with a lot of back-end programming and web savvy who can perpetuate the site without too much guidance. DJP hands over all the pertinent access, and then heads into the sunset, gathering the smoldering ruins of his social life along the way. OCR, under its new regime, continues (ostensibly) largely unchanged. Scenario 2 DJP announces an end date, and essentially closes OCR from any new submissions, and everything exists in a sort of suspended animation. The forums remain active and perhaps new projects are highlighted. But OCR is, effectively, in a deadened, dormant state. Each of these scenarios has their own branching sub-scenarios, but that's about as realistic and accurate as my crystal ball allows.
  17. Bitch, if I don't start small, shit'll never get done!!
  18. Thanks for axeing! I'm working on an engine for SHMUPs that I'll use for personal project. Originally, I was working on 3 different games from 3 different genres and *nothing* was getting done because I'm not the best programmer in the world. So I decided if I could just nail down a good, variable engine, I could just make a whole bunch of games in the same genre, then make a new engine for a new genre, and start the process over again. So far, the engine's coming along nicely. The only screenshots I can provide are from Seraph, the only game I've got the aesthetic nailed on: http://www.thewingless.com/seraphss.jpg All my other projects are largely conceptual at this stage.
  19. That's right, cattle. Keep playing that wonderful Midway published game. Yes... You don't need that job. That girlfriend? Pointless. Food? It would only slow down your rise to power and glory...
  20. I found chick chick boom plodding and entirely forgettable, and I'm not just saying that as the stereotypical "flash guy that is bitter at his own personal failings and delights in tearing apart others' success". I'm saying that as "flash guy that is working feverishly to bring crappy flash games up to the level of quality of a Super Nintendo game."
  21. I'd be One Girl in all the World
  22. Yeah, they've been married for a while now. I would've come to the wedding And yeah, she's hot. But have you seen Mazedude? That's some mantastic MAN-CANDY that send your man-pants into manxiety!!!
  23. ...did you bring me the blue page?
  24. Bring it, bitch. I got a game-genie in my pants
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