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The wingless

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Everything posted by The wingless

  1. Body's decay because of the (relatively) viciously corrosive effect of oxidation on carbon based flesh. Assuming a rate of decay on another world and an alien physiology is similar to that of earth is testicular logic.
  2. dood, if we sent all our remixes to OCR, you all wouldn't visit our respective sites. Exclusives help!
  3. 1.) Where's the soundtrack? 2.) How can I get Kitty to sit on my BoneThrone?
  4. Change of plans, gang. I've trying for quite some time to take classes at Second City here. Registration is soon, but auditions (yes, you have to audition for classes) is the Friday of the get-together. So I'm prioritizing the audition. So it looks like I won't be making it. In any event, enjoy the free $40. Use it to buy booze and wine and cheese and freedom and whatnot. When play or whatever comes here to Chicago, I'll take you all on the town.
  5. I'll be gussied up. DjPretzel, please read your electronic mail. Thank you.
  6. Yeah, I haven't spent thousands of dollars on Banana Republic and Abercrombie to wear a goddamn sweatshop OCR tee at a concert!
  7. I agree that the *logistics* behind Charlie's death was totally nonsensical. And in hind sight, I'm a little surprised that Tom's death upset me marginally more than Charlie's. I always liked Tom, as he was really the first person you met that clued you into the fact that the Others weren't these faceless shadowy menaces. They were, in fact, wise-crakin' football playing, salt-of-the-earth guys. Tom's death, I suppose, was necessary to show what a fall Sawyer's having. But really its the ending we should all be talking about. I love it. I love how it potentially sets up the next season for a really incredible ride. What pisses me off, though, is that people are positing some pretty stupid theories as to what the ending means, and they all eschew the most obvious and clearly the most compelling answer: they made it.
  8. I don't know if that has been answered (it isn't on the front page), but what is the airport we should be coming in on if we're flying? Thanks --money bags.
  9. How come you fat bastards aren't on the Halo3 beta? You people drive me mad!
  11. ...fucking LAME Second City House of Blues Tru (one of our poshest restaurants) Shop on Michigan avenue Millennium Park Metromix any club of your choosing Now that's an itinerary that won't make you comatose.
  12. $37.44. spent DJ Pretzel, you better spoon like a motherfucker. And pixie, if you don't show up, I WILL NEVER LOVE AGAIN.
  13. So I'm guessing when all is said and done, I should just buy the damn ticket, and work out the transportation/sleeping details later?
  14. To Lawrence: bitch, I don't work 8 hours a day to take a vacation day to take the goddamn METRO. INSULTING To BGC: Are you sure your sentence is grammatically sound? I'd give it a once over, cause it sounds like you don't want anything to do with me, which given my response to Lawrence, is hard to imagine
  15. All I need is some air-tight legally binding garuntee that I can be picked up from the airport, that I have a place to crash, and that I have a ride back to the airport. Taxi may be substituted for rides, but c'mon, that's dolla dolla bills I'm spending to see you shmoes.
  16. bitches, I HATH RETURNED Gamertag: TheWingless
  17. It wasn't even slow and clumsy during the closed-beta, so I don't know what you're talking about.
  18. And what sort of confirmation can I get that this "Disc Jockey Pretzel" will have room enough to hold me? Hotel plus plane is big bucks, and I'm only upper-middle class.
  19. So if we were respected members of the community and our writing was above reproach, what would we write about? Would we pick our own topics? When would our deadlines be? Questions!
  20. So, at the risk of having to re-read all 10 pages... what would I have to do to be included in the group rate/seating?
  21. I was thinking about it, sure. I've got like a billion vacation das
  22. is this whole meetup thing still open?
  23. Which one you bitches doubted the phat beetz of my boy, Beatty? Gratz!!!!
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