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The wingless

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Everything posted by The wingless

  1. It varies a bit, but I think the least amount of time was like 2 weeks. The longest was probably 3 months This song I'm working on now (and no, it's not the Portal song... just yet) was 66% completed before, probably over a period of about a month. Now I'm adding and tweaking a little bit everday. About 30 minutes to an hour a day, which is a pittance in the grand scheme of things. Writing the music is easy. Tweaking, leveling, ornamenting, and creating subtlety is the loooooooooooooong of it.
  2. Man, you guys are THUNDEROUSLY middle-eastern!
  3. God, I wish I was artistic
  4. Indeed. The phrase Chrono N****r will be etched in my mind as ineffably hilarious. It's right up there with this guy on XboxLive during the halo3 beta who's tag was Incognegro.
  5. hey one of you mods, retitle this topic: Jay-z song uses chrono trigger sample MYTHBUSTED
  6. If nobody mentioned chrono trigger before listening to this, I swear to God I *never* would have heard it. And if you how badly I Frankenstein songs beyond recognition, that's saying something.
  7. I'm in. I'd pay. I'd write. I'd win.
  8. I roffled. ...But I didn't realize BGC was black as midnight. We have *much* to discuss
  9. hahahahah! Dood, you're so ghey.
  10. Mazedood, your goatee has inspired a nation, and your music has brought it to its knees. Hap Birf, you greek Adonis. Now take me out to eat, before I do my Koji Kondo impression.. Op, too late! "ahhhhhhhhh, harro. I am-a-da Koji-ah Kondooooo..."
  11. Speaking of which, some very self-deprecating moments there from Hayter, "But you didn't come here for me, you came to hear Snake, right?!" from Larry Thomas(aka Soup Nazi), "Yeah, you gotta really pull my arm to hear the line... NO SOUP FOR YOU!" Also... the moment where Tommy introduced the characters from Postal, and it got a preemptive Boooooo! ... just funny moments that, in hind sight, made me go, "awww... that's kinda sad"
  12. Bitch, if you sounded like me, we wouldn't be having this iambic pentameter fuckup!
  13. ...your computer can't even run one of the most power-unintensive games in the modern market? You can't even run Portal, which is ostensibly, levels comprised of small rooms? BWA HA HAHAHA. Oh wow. That's so pathetic, I'll *buy* you a computer.
  14. YES is a lie.
  15. -this was a triumph -I'm making a note, A HUGE SUCCESS
  16. Funny you said that. Shortly after Haloid came out, he was hired by Midway for this strange, blended job somewhere between animator and idea-man. So, it got him a job in the video game industry. . . . bitch
  17. Electronic Arts™ is a superlative company whose corporate decisions are bold and pragmatic, ensuring fiscal responsibility for both the common weal and wealth of the company, employees, and its wholly owned subsidiaries.
  18. Dude, Handsome Tom is fucking TALL as SHIT.*_*
  19. Just got done seeing the show with Hemopheliac, Dale North, Mazedude and his enchanting wife. That show was bad-ass. There were some hillarious technical snaffus (Frogger crashing and Sephiroth's sword castration) but the music was soul-crushingly beautiful. My only complaint is that the Nokia theatre (an infant in the timespan of venues) had really odd acoustics. Shrill high notes, weird balancing, etc. But I have to Tommy, he has a great sense of pacing in terms of fan service, special guests, and fucking RAWK. Highlights for me included. -Civilization 4 opening theme. I forgot how epic and sweeping this theme was. If there was a Goldin in the choir, my life would've been complete. -Final Fantasy Pianist 10-song medly was great, mostly for the transitions where he'd zig where you'd totally expect him to zag. -Fucking Tron -Zelda. I'm not gag-ga about the series, but it was too moving not to laud it. -Halo. You wouldn't believe what a live choir does to that soundtrack. It's acoustic redbull. -Lament of Sorrow (or some such) from World of Warcraft. I had never heard this song before, and now that I have, it strikes this haunting balance between euphony and agony. Gorgeous. Really, the whole show was tits, and even the technical errors were taken with the carefree boister that only ardent nerd-cores can produce. Tommy, you better get this negro some vIp tickets next time. And to the rest of you, I highly recommend seeing it. It is a love letter to everyone who ever played with their ears instead of their eyes.
  20. It's the first song I've heard in a LONG while where I snapped my fingers and went, "That's it. That's the song I'm going to fall in love with". I hope it will open the floodgates to a triumphantly returning Wingless to the scene
  21. Monty, Monty, Monty... your videos suffer so much when they aren't punctuated by a Wingless tune!
  22. Last chance. Join us, or die.
  23. I'm hoping I'm not spilling any beans here but- -I've heard some of the stuff Pixie's working on, and it's superb. If you were smart/fortunate enough to grab one of Destiny's CDs, you'll feel right at home with Pixie's ethno-global new work. I, for one, can't wait. And no, that's not because we used to be friends with benefits back in the day. It's actually legitimately good!
  24. Seven minutes in heaven. Hoooooooooooooooo!
  25. s-s-so... it... it probably isn't even good, anyways. I... I have to go. ::runs up the stairs sobbing::
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