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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. Sam is such an amazing pianist. I almost didn't get to see him play, but right as I was leaving I passed him at the piano and convinced him to play some FF6 goodness. I called Alex Brandon and Dan Froelich over to watch as well, and they were as much in awe as the rest of us
  2. Is anyone out there in the mood to write up a TL:DR summary/gist of this entire thread? I've only had the energy to read bits and pieces. And that's not really got me anywhere b/c the debate seems to keep micro-morphing into other tangents. And I just don't have the desire to properly catch myself up and/or participate in it otherwise.
  3. holy crap, I've totally neglected this thread/project to shame Put me down for Terranigma... I just don't know which theme yet (they're all so good)
  4. Nah, I would totally speak through an octaver. And I guess you'd just have to try to talk faster than you normally would *edit* BTW, I've been a bit behind on all my favorite Escapist goodness for the past couple weeks, so I've been playing catch up, so sorry for not mentioning this before now, but wow dude, thanks for playing mah remix and for the huge shoutout there at the end! I totally wasn't expecting that--absolutely made my evening dude, I owe you a drink/food/bro-hug at GDC or whenever I see you next
  5. This thread has become something I fear. Hay Sephfire, you still in here anywhere bro?
  6. No (though kudos to Andy for posting that!). I meant the one titled "Composers Tell All". It had Josh Whelchel, DannyB, Alex Brandon, Dan Froelich, Grant Kirkhope, and me. Andy and Will would have been on it I think, but they got there late
  7. did anybody happen to get any pictures and/or video of the "Composers tell all" panel?
  8. haha, nice, I had no idea there was an *audience* . too bad my voice was completely and entirely shot. good thing harmony and palpable were there to compensate
  9. I should mention that this soundtrack is not only awesome, it's very special to me. Why? It kept me awake (and therefore alive) on the drive home from MAGfest with very little sleep lol. No seriously, it's excellent driving music, good for keeping you energized and all that
  10. MAG was awesome, was glad to see everyone, and glad to meet a few new faces! Definitely looking forward to a new, larger venue next year. Hopefully one within walking distance to more things, with better parking, and maybe even a couple extra elevators
  11. So I just found out that I guess our panel and Josh's panel are back-to-back, so for those of you who are there Thursday (starting at 5pm), you can hear all you want to hear about getting into composing for games/media for a couple hours and hear about our various projects.
  12. By the way, I should have posted before now, but me, zircon, pixietricks, and bustatunez will be having our own panel on Thursday about "Creating music: from hobby to profession" sort of thing. I know some folks won't be getting there until Friday, but for those of you who can make it, we'll be talking about some fun stuff including our roots as early remixers up to various pro gigs we are working on/have worked on. Should be fun! Also worth noting is that Josh Whelchel and Danny B will have a similar-ish panel later talking more about the indie games side of things. We actually tried to combine our two panels, but the scheduling guys couldn't quite make it work, so there will still be two separate panels, but we'll all probably be there and we hope to see lots of you at each!
  13. Well, you don't have to mount the monitors, of course. I just do because I like them more at eye level than lower.
  14. I used to have an L desk, it was aight at first, but eventually I grew to despise it. Right now I'm actually just using a 6' folding office table and I've mounted my two monitors to the wall with a pair of arms.
  15. Absolutely sublime. I'll be sure to tell Sam to check this out, I'm sure he'll love it, excellet work Tyler!
  16. Hey guys. Attention all you musical folks who will be attending. Do any of you happen to have (and preferably happen to be bringing) an Ultimate Keyboard Stand? I'm trying to track one of these down for someone who's going to be there.
  17. watch some cake and eat some anime, happy bday dude!
  18. Yeah, so I've pretty much written off ReCylce as a colossal piece of shit. This is probably the worst programming I've seen in a single piece of soundware ever. No keycommands, no "snap to groove" options, no advanced grid view (like swing vs. straight), no useful keyboard shortcuts "how about "p" for pencil, "s" for select, "x" for mute, "l" for lock etc etc etc, unintuitive zoom (seriously have people not figured out that the mousewheel is awesome for zoooming in and out?), piss-poor transient detection (that's the whole point of the program! wtf!!!!), clicky silence when you insert a slice marker, and it opens a new window for EVERYTHING. Either Propellerhead are a bunch of morons, or else the people who write their software don't actually use it. And they must not be getting particularly experienced people to test it. I wouldn't care so much if only Rex format wasn't proprietary to them, and Stylus RMX could convert wav or some other form of sliced beats instead of only that. AAAAAARGGGHHH. I'm also a bit amazed that I haven't found a single helpful google hit about any of these issues. I cannot believe more people aren't vocalizing these obvious flaws. Ehh. [/huge hate-rant]
  19. Be careful, I hear Nintendo will be sending spies and assassins.
  20. Exactly, I believe ReCycle was made specifically for slicing loops (primarily drums, though you *can* do melodic--[though not very well as you'll see below]). It's basically an audio editor within an audio editor so that you can turn one audio clip into several so that you can later rearrange the slices in any way you choose using whatever tools can read rex files, or even import them into something like Stylus RMX. Creating glitches is something that results from doing exactly that. Otherwise, it seems to me that rex can't really do anything other than modify the attack and release of each slice and doesn't offer any effects beyond a basic compressor and EQ. Anyway, so here's an audio example to help describe my problem. (BTW, this loop is available in the free loop bundle on www.impactsoundworks.com) Here's the original loop: http://www.biggiantcircles.com/stuff/recycleglitches/80bpm%20chord%201a%202m%20LF.wav And here's what it sounds like after I've created all the slices of individual strums/attacks/transients: http://www.biggiantcircles.com/stuff/recycleglitches/80bpm%20chord%201a%202m%20LF%20bounced%20rex.wav I haven't changed anything, all I've done is insert the slice markers, but you can clearly hear that it seems that ReCycle has automatically faded each loop out at the end. The tempo's are the same, and I've made sure that each slice has an immediate attack and an infinite release (which SHOULD prevent it from fading out, I would think). So I have no idea why it's doing that. Also, IMO ReCycle is clunky and awkward and simply poorly programmed. They don't make proper use of two mouse buttons, there are no keyboard shortcuts/macros, the transient detection is simply terrible, and of course, it inserts tiny pauses in between slices as shown above. Bleh. Me am frustrated. *edit* Here, to prove my point about the transient detection, here's an image. You can VISIBLY see the transients, yet ReCycle has missed several blatant ones while instead adding these tiny slices of just, wtf. Things that clearly are NOT attacks. $@%#!^#
  21. haha, I forgot about that. Didn't Valve promise 3 big announcements? I don't really remember what the first one even was, does anyone have a recap? (Sorry about the semi-thread derail)
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