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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. Thanks man It's an Ibanez single-cutaway acoustic. I had a choice between it, an Ovation Celebrity or a Martin DCX1KE and in the end I liked the recorded sound of the Ibanez best. The Martin sounded too boomy/deep when I mic'd it plus there's no DI unlike the other two. The Ovation sounded great DI but IMO didn't sound as great through the mic.
  2. I'd slap you for hating on my library if I thought it wouldn't interfere with our snuggling at MAGfest.
  3. i wish you the best of luck in your cake eating endeavors on this joyous day
  4. For your birthday gift, I shall teach you how to SHRED LIKE A MASTER. owait... cake and kittens! Have a good one man!
  5. The word on the bird is that DannyB might be going as well. Put that man down as a "maybe"! Do eet!
  6. I've said it before. Are you calling my phrase stupid? It's on like Donkey Kong, son!
  7. Does the caloric intake have any negative impact on the power supply? Does the sauce impede the fan's ability to spin properly?
  8. I hope so man, if so maybe we can do another mini meetup That being said, those TBA dates are... iffy. They've had Nashville on the TBA list for like 2 years and it's still never been there. I'm not quite certain those cities aren't more of a "We'd like to play here, but we have no actual confirmation to" :-\
  9. Bummer, there's not much love for the South on the new tour list. Canada is getting a generous helping of VGL though next year.
  10. OA already covered that. He just didn't use a picture.
  11. That's not really fair to single out McDonalds on that front, because there are plenty of places that are just as bad/far worse. Just do a Google search for "Top 10 most unhealthy foods/chains/sandwiches/etc" and McDonalds does not have any kind of monopoly there.
  12. I would arguably call them the best fast-food place to get a plain burger, and most affordable too. Last time I visited LA, I ate there every day for 2 weeks for lunch and never once got sick of it. Also, their fries are phenomenal. Five guys is pretty decent. Can't say they're anything super special, but the portions are generous and the burgers are consistently good. I have no problem with McDonalds, and I personally think the McRib tastes fine. I've ordered, eaten, and enjoyed them on several occasions. This whole cutting back on mechanically separated foods thing is kind of new for me.
  13. haha, I love that dude's stuff. Been following him since the "Upular" remix. Larry's video wins. The guys in the OP's video are huge tools, I think that's their major selling point. It's like shock rock for the new kids. Everyone's trying to get noticed and be original these days, it's really no surprise that people make music that awful. One day we actually will hear death metal + polka + autotune + electric slide guitar + orchestra hits + chimpunk vocals and a rap breakdown all in one, and someone will be serious about it, and the same discussion will happen for their video.
  14. Don't get me wrong, I don't have a problem with eating meat in general (though I do believe it should be eaten in moderation LIKE MOST THINGS). Here's a funny clip I saw recently from the Food Revolution http://www.wimp.com/nuggetexperiment/ I don't really have a problem with McDonalds. They actually use real chicken meat for their nuggets and sandwiches. But lately the whole mechanically separated and artificially flavored thing just doesn't really appeal to me much.
  15. I used to love the McRib. I used to like hot dogs. I used to like a lot of meat products in general. Then I stumbled across one of those "here's how meat is mechanically separated, then re-flavored because it's nasty and dyed so it doesn't resemble the stuff it actually came from" videos and I just haven't quite recovered... Don't get me wrong I'll still eat meat, but man, that stuff haunts you.
  16. Asked this on Facebook. I'm curious to know how many of you play and/or write songs for or featuring acoustic guitar? I don't care if you think you're good or terrible, I'm just wanting to get a general sense of how many people have an interest in or utilize the acoustic guitar in some way, whether it's just in your room for fun or on tour with [insert famous artist here].
  17. On that note, I dusted off the N64 and fired up some Goldeneye recently, and this game is TERRIBLE about this. The N64 controller is bad enough, shooting the enemies in the head only to have your bullet deflected by a cloth hat is pretty frustrating lol
  18. You are right, sir, my mistake. This just goes to show that THE WINGLESS AKA JOHN BURNETT IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED.
  19. Thought the results were worth sharing: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/11650808 Full results are: * Action game of the year: Assassin's Creed II * Game On Shooter of the year: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 * Racing game of the year: Forza Motorsport 3 * RPG of the year: Mass Effect 2 * Puzzle game of the year: World of Goo * Fighting game of the year: Super Street Fighter 4 * Sports game of the year: FIFA 10 * Strategy game of the year: Plants vs. Zombies * Music game of the year: Guitar Hero 5 * Online game of the year: League of Legends * Downloadable game of the year: Plants vs. Zombies * Portable game of the year: Pokemon Heart Gold/ Soul Silver * Soundtrack of the year: Final Fantasy XIII * One to watch: Call of Duty: Black Ops * UK Developer of the year: Jagex * Ultimate game of the year: Mass Effect 2 So yeah, ME2 did pretty well this year! I was really hoping we'd snag OST of the year, but as Mr. Wingless said, there's really no shame in losing to Mitsuda. Thanks so much to all of you who did vote for it though, I'm still excited to be involved in a game that was even nominated for a music award! All in all, I think these results look pretty well, glad to see titles like World of Goo and SSF4 etc getting some love.
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