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big giant circles

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Everything posted by big giant circles

  1. I would say there are too many of them. Over the past few years, everybody and their cousin, and their cousin's dog has suddenly decided that they want to head up an album project or 6. People get spread out so thin, that their interest wanes as does the initial appeal of "oh hey yeah, a project, cool, I want to be on that!" Not all projects are bad, and I'm not sure I'd go so far to call most of them a waste of time, but I will say they certainly have grown to congest the traditional function of OCR, and in some cases detract from individuals pursuing their natural interests by default.
  2. I heard Chris's WIP before I even got started. Originally, I thought I would try to incorporate some DnB into my own mix along with other elements from the MoBrain track. I never told him this, but after hearing the first WIP I was like... Dayum, I can't compete with that So I ended up just doing pretty much the total opposite which was like straight up orchestra + Baywatch anthem rock. Anyway, this track continues to rock my socks off.
  3. Awesome reviews, thanks all! Also, I don't mind Chris getting the edge, I bow in due respect and awe of his mazey-dudeness.
  4. This song is amazing. I feel like this one above all others on the project (which is saying a lot!) really has a truly unique and addictive flavor. Pure creativity at it's best.
  5. Mix is epic, and a solid leading foot for HvV. But Dave, c'mon dude, despite the write-up reference, no linkage for
  6. Leah! What's new with you lately? :)

  7. It would cost an ungodly amount of money to book an orchestra to record that much music, so I'm guessing aside from the choir, yeah, the rest will be VSTS
  8. That 1st one is by ToN, not me. *edit* groovy. it's the stuff dreams are made of yo.
  9. Wow, you just rolled a 6-1. You have successfully cast "thread resurrection" Yeah, stutter edit looks cool, but It's not really priority for me because 1) I already use Glitch and The Finger and 2) I'm not sure I'd have a super serious use for it at the moment and 3) I'm poor and have too many thing higher up on my list to buy first
  10. You're gonna get trolled in Norway. n'yuk n'yuk Good luck with your move etc dude!
  11. Updated the list. One of these days when I'm not feeling quite so lazy, I'll update the list with links to any OCR songs that might be featured in the credits. When I'm not feeling quite so lazy.
  12. I believe Logic and Cubase have their own auto-tune knockoffs now as well. And FL's is going to be out any day now. Antares is slowly fading into oblivion (I bet they're not too happy about it...)
  13. I feel like this thread has taken a turn for the better.
  14. Airplane makes most things better. I had to watch the whole scene after reading that. :nicework: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymMBEwtRZOg
  15. rofl, nice. I'm going to try to get ME2 to pimp that third picture on their facebook page. Maybe after I know who drew it. Somebody PM me
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